Hello Little Angel

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Third person POV

Today was like any normal day, well to Angel it was. She had a smile on her lips as she watched as her soulmates jumped from tree to tree. It was kind of cool how they did it. It looked as if they were going to fall, but they never did. She could understand though, they've been around a lot longer then she has. Of course they've mastered jumping from tree to tree. But it saddened her, she couldn't join them. She was still stuck in the chair. Only a couple more weeks until she was able to ditch the chair. But she hated not being able to do things she wanted. Like go join her soulmates in the trees. It looked so much fun. But alas she could only watch from the ground. But it was funny as she saw jasper and Emmett playfully fight each other.

She then looked towards the sky, it was cloudy, as it always was. But it wasn't raining, for once. She sighed as she looked up at the grey sky, she ran her hands over the arms of her chair. She could feel something stirring inside her. It didn't seem to be good either. She didn't know what it was. And she didn't like it. "Hello, little Angel", she heard a familiar voice appear in front of her. She gasped in surprise. "Oh my! Grandpa!", she said loudly as she turned to look at the person in front of her. And there he was. Her grandfather. He smiled at her sweetly. "Hello my sweet thing, look how grown you've gotten", he said to her. He started to approach her. But even she was hesitant, knowing that he wasn't a good guy. She started to wheel herself backwards. "What are you doing here grandpa?", she asked him. Her voice full of suspense. He seemed suspicious. He hadn't visited in so long. Why now?

He sighed. "I come with news, you are not safe, some of the angels have rebelled against me", he told her. Angel could only squint her eyes at him. "Why should I trust your word, father and papa always told me to never trust you, that your not a good man", she told him. She wanted to trust him. He was her grandfather for crying out loud. But he did bad things. He's a bad man. So how could she trust anything he says? "I wouldn't be here if I was not telling you the truth, I know you think I'm a bad man, and I'm not here to change your mind. I am only here to warm you. The angels that have rebelled against me, might come after you. That is why I am here, as a warning", he told her. He may not be a good man, but somewhere in his heart, he loved his granddaughter.

But before either of them could say anything. A blonde finger appeared in front of him. Protecting Angel from him. "Get away from her!", Rosalie hissed at him. Baring her teeth at him. Her eyes full of fury. She wasn't going to allow him to touch her. And before they knew it, the other had joined her. Even Esme and Carlisle. They all formed a group around Angel, so if the man tried to attack. He wouldn't be able to get to Angel. "What do you want?", Carlisle demanded from the man. He made sure that he stood in front of Angel the whole time. Making sure the man had no way of getting to her. "I am not here to cause harm, I am only here to see Angel. I see you have found your soulmates. Quite a curious bunch you got here little one. You, protect her at all costs, you hear me? She is more precious to me then you'll ever know", he said. And before any of them knew it. He vanished.

Which made the Cullen's confused. How the hell did he do that? They all turned to look at Angel. Who seemed to be in thought. "Angel, sweetheart, who was that?", Esme asked her sweetly. It seemed that angel knew the man, more so then strangers.

Angel could only sigh. They knew god was her grandfather. But they never knew the whole truth. They think of god just like the humans do. But it wasn't like that. The stories were wrong. All wrong. "That, that would be my grandfather", she told them. She waited for their reactions, and it didn't take long for them to react. They all looked shocked. A lot better then anyone else's reactions to be honest. Most people that have met him like that, usually tend to freak out a bit. "So, we threatened God?", jasper said, still trying to get his head around the fact that he was about to fight god himself. Before today, he didn't even think he believed in god. But now, there was no hesitation.

"The stories are wrong", she said. They all looked at her. What did she mean by that? What stories? "What stories?", Carlisle asked her as he placed a hand on her shoulder softly and lovingly. "The stories about god, what humans have written about him. About angels, my fathers have fought and killed angels that were sent by my grandfather. Even they are against him. My grandfather is not a good man, he has done bad things, very bad things", she said. She seemed a little shaken about this.

She didn't know why, it was her grandfather for crying out loud. But after knowing the truth about him. It was hard to know for sure he wasn't after her, to hurt her. But even then, and even from before, he's never hurt her. But she couldn't help but he hesitant. But she couldn't let her guard down either. Just like her uncle Lucifer, her grandfather can be a bad man too.

Seeing that Angel needed a distraction. And even though, she herself was shocked that she had met God, and also learning the fact that God wasn't all that cracked up to be, Esme walked behind Angel and grasped onto the handles. "I think that's enough excitement for all of us for today, how about I fix you a snack?", she told Angel. She saw Angel look up at her, and smile in thanks. The distraction would be a good thing for her. To keep her mind off of everything. Esme wheeled Angel back into the house.

Today was one hell of an interesting day.

They not only met God, but they also found out that he wasn't a good man. What a day to learn that god wasn't as praised as a good man as he used to be. Learning the truth might not always be a good thing.

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