Flying gone wrong

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Angel's POV

The wind blew lightly. Blowing the leaves on the trees outside. It was calming. Soothing even. I smiled to myself.

I was alone, for once. Maddie was at the store. My parents were having their own time. And the others were either off hunting or doing something. So I was alone. And it was kinda nice. Let me think for a bit. Without having my mind reader of a mate reading my mind. I sighed and wheeled myself around the house. I was a bit bored. I'm not gonna lie. But I am bored. The house was Usually full of chatter. I've gotten used to it. But now. It was just silent. Quiet. Almost creepy even. Eh. Maybe I'm just freaking myself out. Since I'm alone for once.

It was stuffy, I needed fresh air. Maybe it would do me some good if I go outside. Yeah, maybe that'll be good. I sighed again and wheeled myself over to the door. I unlocked the front door and wheeled myself down the ramp. The wind gently blew through my hair. But it wasn't too windy where I got a chill. But it was nice. Maybe even nice enough when I could finally let my wings out. I haven't flown in a long time and I wondered how it would feel. I was curious. It wouldn't hurt. I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen? I shrugged. I parked my chair somewhere safe. So when I was done, I could just flop back into it. I let out a shaky breath. Let's do this. I clenched my fingers. I moved my head side to side. I sighed softly when I heard the soft crack. I couldn't be stiff when I was about to fly. It wouldn't do me any good.

Let do this.

I gripped the arms of my chair. I closed my eyes. And then A "WHOOSH' sound echoed in my ears. Ah, it feels good to have my wings out. Now to test them out. I gulped. I can do this. I can do this. I know I can. I felt my wings give a soft flutter. They moved slowly, getting used to be used after so long. And suddenly they began to flap. And I couldn't help the smile on my lips. Yes! I knew I still had it in me! Let's go!

I had to focus really hard on flying. To really concentrate or it won't work. After a few minutes, I couldn't grasp the arms of my chair. And I opened my eyes. A gasp left my lips. I was flying! It felt so good to be flying again. But then I gasped as I nearly fell back onto the ground. I was still getting used to flying again. I haven't flown in awhile. With everything that was going on, I haven't had a chance to really fly. So I'm still a bit rusty. But after a few tries. I was flying around. Or flittering around. I may not be able to use my legs. But I can still use my wings. I giggled as I flew back and forth. I didn't even notice that I was getting higher and higher. I was just so happy to be flying. I could hear the sound of birds chirping from the high trees. I could feel the sun on my skin. It felt nice. I couldn't help but close my eyes and let myself take in the sun. It was nice. Really nice.

"Angel. Angel! Oh shit! Where is she? Where would she have went? She can't go anywhere without her chair! So someone must have taken her!", I heard Maddie's voice from below. "Calm down Maddie. I'm sure she's okay. We're just gonna have to go looking for her", Esme said. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips. I looked down and saw the rest of my mates down on the ground. Wow, I really was up high. I didn't even realize. "Hi!", I yelled from above. I'm sure they heard me. Because they looked up and saw me. I heard many gasps. "Holy shit! Angel! Your flying!", Maddie yelled. I giggled again. "Well yeah! I've got wings! Don't you remember?", I yelled back at her. But I didn't Realize I was backing into a tree. "Angel! Watch out!", Maddie yelled at me. But it was too late. And I yelped out when I felt a branch dig into the middle of my wings. Ow! That hurt!

And soon enough, my concentration was gone, and so I wasn't really flying anymore. I was falling. Fuck! I yelped as I hit a few branches as I came closer to the ground. So problem. I'm not flying, I'm freaking falling. I let out a tiny scream as I got closer and closer to the ground. I put my hands out so maybe I would be able to catch myself on something. But instead of the hard ground, I felt arms wrap Around me. I let out a heavy breath of air.

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