Cuddle time with Esme

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Angel's POV
Hmmm, this feels nice. I didn't have it in me to shy or embarrassed. I was sore and hurting from my last session with Carlisle. So my legs, and the rest of my body hurt. So I didn't care if I snuggled more into Esme. She felt nice, and cold against my warm limbs. It felt nice. I closed my eyes and just snuggled deeper into my soulmate. It felt comforting. Her arms were wrapped around me. Gently rubbing over my arms, and back. It felt really really nice.

I hmm'd, I nuzzled against her shoulder. I smiled when she let out a giggle. It was cute. But I leaned into her touch as she pressed a gentle kiss to the top of my head. That felt nice. "That feel good sweetie?", she whispered to me softly. I softly nodded. "Yeah", I whispered to her. Knowing full well that she could hear me loud and clear. She hmm'd. "That's good, I know how hard it is on you sometimes during your sessions with Carlisle. But I'm really proud of you", she whispered into my ear. I couldn't help the bright blush that appeared on my cheeks.

I just laid against her for a few minutes. Just soaking her in. She smelt nice. She smelt warm, and yet she felt cold. How odd. But I didn't mind it. I liked the comfort she provided. I smiled softly when she began to thread her fingers through my hair. Man, this wasn't helping me keep myself from going to the little side. But right now, I didn't really care.

"What do you want for lunch darling? Any requests?", she asked me softly. Mmmm. Mac and cheese sounds good right now. And just the thought of it, made me hungry. "Mac and cheese?", I asked her. I looked up at her with pleading eyes. Which caused her to giggle. "You don't have to give me those sweet puppy dog eyes darling, I'll make you whatever you'd like", she told me. I blushed at her words. Which she giggled at. But I couldn't help myself when she cupped my cheek softly and I leaned into it. I almost started purring like a cat when she started rubbing her thumb over my cheek. Hmmm. Feels so good. The touch of my soulmate feels amazing. "So beautiful mon amour", she whispered to me. I had no idea what that meant. But it sounded pretty. (My love).

But then she started getting up. But I wouldn't let her. I didn't want her to leave yet. I still wanted cuddles. "No, cuddles", I said angrily. I wanted more cuddles. I clung onto her like a baby kola. "Okay darling, just a few more minutes, then I'll start on your lunch", she said as she ran her hand up and down my back soothingly. I calmed down and sighed. I leaned my head on her shoulder. Breathing in her scent. Her aroma made me feel safe. She was taller and a little bit bigger then me. Even her vibes made me feel small. But in a good way. Because I knew she was stronger then me. Because she was a vampire. But none of it made me afraid of her. It made me feel safe with her. I know she'll never be able to hurt me. Like me with her. I would never use my powers on her. Or on any of the family.

I slowly closed my eyes as she ran one hand up and down my back and the other one through my hair. I sighed again, but in content. I was happy. They made me feel happy. Happier then I've ever felt. I didn't feel like I had to check over my shoulder most of the time. Or make sure the latest monster wasn't going to come and kill me. No, I was cuddling with my soulmate on the couch. Feeling safe and happiness. After a long time of feeling loneliness and fear. I finally got my happiness.

I turned my head and nuzzled my nose into her neck. Her scent was most potent there. It smelt nice. She smelt like flowers. I smiled and gripped her shirt in my hand. She was really. She was really real. But she couldn't be. After so long of believing that I would never find her, or the others. Was I dreaming this, or was she really here? I was scared that I would wake up and she wouldn't be here. But I'm not gonna think about that now. If this really is a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up. I'm happy here. With her and the others. They treated me right and make me feel safe and happiness.

But I was soon interrupted of my thoughts. When she got up. I was about to angrily protest, but before I could, she picked me up, and carried me around like a toddler. If I wasn't so content, and drunk on her scent. I would be blushing and embarrassed right now. But right now, I wasn't. I was just happy she didn't leave me on the couch. I huffed and laid my head on her shoulder. I pouted when I heard her laugh. Whatever. Maybe I was just hangry. Yeah, that must be it. I must be Hangry.

It didn't take her long to get to the kitchen. But I was a little upset when she set me down in one of the chairs. But at least it was near the stove. "Now don't pout darling, I'll be right here. It won't take me too long", she said with a soft smile on her lips. And then she bopped me on the nose. Which I couldn't help but giggle. I watched in awe as she cooked. I've never seen a vampire cook before. But dang, that was pretty cool, seeing as she used some of her speed to get around the kitchen.

Man, she was beautiful. Simply beautiful. Yeah, she's a vampire. But she was beautiful to me, inside and out. She had a beautiful personality. I loved her laugh. The sound of her voice. And the way she held me. She didn't exactly hold me like I was gonna break. But she wasn't rough either. It was just right. And I loved that about her. She was perfect to me. But soon enough I was snapped out of my thoughts when she placed a steaming hot plate of Mac and cheese in front of me. I blushed when I saw her lift a amused eyebrow. "Penny for your thoughts?", she asked. And before I could even think about what to say. I simply blurted something out. "Your beautiful", I blurted out. And I blushed even harder after saying it. Dang it! I wasn't supposed to just blurt it out like that. Man I should really think things through before I say them. But again I was snapped out of my thoughts when she lifted my chin with her thumb and pointer finger. "Thank you mon amour, your just as beautiful, now go ahead and eat before it gets cold", she told me with a warm smile. I smiled when she leaned down and placed a soft kiss to the middle of my forehead. (My love in French). After she pulled away, I began to eat. Mmmm, that was really good. Like really good. And I've had Mac and cheese before. It never tasted like that before. And man was it delicious.

"What would you like to do after you eat darling? Anything you want to do?", she asked me. Hmmmm. Let me think for a second. Oh yeah! I know. I know for a fact that they don't watch movies. And yet they have a tv and DVD player. Hmmm. Sus. "I have a few movies back at Maddie's house, can we watch a movie when I'm done?", I asked her. She smiled once I finished my sentence. "That sounds like a great idea darling, I can get Jared to go over and get them for you, and I can round up the rest of the others to come and watch", she said as she patted my head lightly. I smiled softly as I continued to eat.

I loved this. I loved how they made me feel loved. Safe. Happiness.

I've never felt this way before.

And I really like this feeling. I really really do. And I just hope it stays this way.

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