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Third person POV (Two weeks later)

"Are you sure your gonna be warm? It's gonna be chilly out", Esme fussed over Angel. Who just giggled. "I'll be fine, I'm warm as it is, if I get cold for some reason, I'll put on a jacket", she said as she held up a jacket. Esme smiled warmly down at her. She placed her hand under her chin and lifted it. She bent down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She stayed like that for a few seconds. Before pulling back. She smiled when Angel nuzzled against her. Grasping her arms. Esme knew she didn't want to go. But she had to. The both of them knew that.

Just one more kiss and she'll let her go. But she ended up placing kisses all over Angel's face. Which made her giggle ecstatically. Esme couldn't help but giggle. She loved the sound of her laughter. She just did.

Esme rubbed her nose against Angel's. "Now you behave and stay out of trouble, you hear?", Esme told her with a stern tone. Angel giggled and flattened her skirt. "Of course I will, I'll see you after school", Angel told her. Esme smiled lovingly at her. "Good girl. Now go have fun, and I'll see you after school", she told her. She placed a soft kiss on Angel's cheek. Which made her blush.

"Alright, I see it's time for school, and time for me to go to work", Carlisle said as he walked into the room. Both girls smiled at him. Carlisle bent down to kiss Angel on her cheek. "Now behave. I don't want you in the E.R Anytime soon, you hear me?", he said in a half serious/half joking tone. Angel giggled at his words. "I promise, I'll behave I have the others to keep me from getting into too much trouble", she told them. Carlisle smiled and grasped her chin in his cold fingers. He smiled warmly down at her. "That's my girl", he said in a warm tone. He placed another kiss to her forehead.

"I'll see you later. Don't forget you have your exercises today, I'll be off early today", he told her. Angel just smiled and nodded. Carlisle smiled lovingly at his mate. He turned to Esme and smiled at her lovingly. He walked over to her and placed a soft kiss to her lips. Esme smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Squeezing him in a hug. Carlisle pulled back. "I'll be home early today", he said as he gave her a smile. Esme smiled at her husband. She always loved when her husband got off early. After mentioning that Angel needed more time with him. He had talked to the people at the hospital and mentioned cutting his hours a little bit. They already had more then enough money and none of them actually ate. Only the two girls.

And before they knew it. The others walked into the room. Angel smiled at seeing her soulmates. Emmett walked over and pressed a giant kiss to her cheek. Which made her giggle. "Goodmorning shorty!", he said joyfully. He was always happy to see her. Angel patted his cheek with her small and soft hand. "Goodmorning to you too Em", she said softly. She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. And if he were human, he would blushing.

"You kids better be off, if you don't want to be late", Esme said with a smile on her lips. Everyone smiled. They actually liked school now. Seeing as they would be taking their mate with them. Angel looked at both Esme and Carlisle. She smiled at them and blew each of them a kiss. The both of them smiled. "Be safe, we'll see you after school sweetheart", Esme said to her. Angel nodded and smiled. But really. She was terrified of going back to school. Everyone had thought she was dead. What would they think of her coming back? Would they say mean things, pick on her? The unknown scared her.

But what she didn't know was that Edward was reading her mind. And he didn't like the thoughts she was thinking. He bent down and whispered into her ear. "Don't worry princess. I'll make sure no one says anything, I promise", he whispered. She jumped and then turned to him. She glared at him for reading her mind. But he only shot her a smile. She rolled her eyes. "Let's just get this day Over with. Then we can come back home and I can eat actual good food", she said. She didn't like the schools food. It didn't taste as good as Esme's. Who stood there, with a smile on her face. She knew her mate liked her food. And it filled her with pride knowing she did.

It meant she could provide for her.

In more ways then one.

Both Carlisle and Esme waved to the others. As jasper wheeled angel out of the house. But Esme looked back at Carlisle. She looked concerned and worried. "Are you sure about this, is today a really good day for this? Maybe we should wait a couple more days", she told him. Human teenagers were known to be bullies. And who know what they'll do to angel. Her sweet little Angel. She just wanted to wrap her in wrapping paper and protect her from the world. Carlisle wrapped his arms around her.

"She'll be fine. She'll have the others to look after her. The good thing is that she can't really get around much and get into too much trouble", Carlisle said. But deep down he was worrying about her too. The last time she was at that school. He almost lost her. And to think about losing her again, he couldn't. He could only have faith in his children. To protect her.

He wrapped his arms around her. He can only hope that she would get through this day. He sighed and held his mate in his arms. She'll be okay. She has to be.

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