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Angel's POV

Angel's POV

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After we walked out of the house

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After we walked out of the house. We made our way towards the car. But I had no idea which one I would go in. But I guess they made that choice for me. I squealed softly when Emmett picked me up, like I weighed nothing. Wow, sometimes I forget their vampires, and caring a person isn't a burden on them. But I did slap Emmett's shoulder though. He surprised me. "Next time, tell me when your gonna do that", I scolded him. But all he did was chuckle and kiss my reddened cheek. Damn you for being cute. "Ready to go back to hell babes?", he asked me with a goofy smile. But I was confused. Why would I ever want to go back to hell?

But then I heard Edward huff softly. "What the idiot means, is that are you ready to go back to school. Some people call school hell from their experiences, some not so much fun", he told me. My lips opened in a slight 'O' Okay, I get it now. I mean, it can't be that bad right? I shrugged. "It can't be that bad, right? I mean even before the accident, I went to school for a little while", I told them. It shouldn't be that bad, right? I mean, yeah it's gonna be a little different. Seeing someone get crushed by a literal van and then come back alive. I would be shocked too if I didn't know what I was.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I was carefully put in the front of Emmett's jeep. I gave him a small smile. Which he returned. He helped me with all the buckles. Seeing as I didn't really know how to really work them. Once he was done, he gave me a goofy smile and closed the door. It didn't take him very long to come around and get in the drivers seat. Must have used his super speed. He started the jeep and pulled out of the garage, and we were now on our way to school, or hell according to Emmett. I nearly jumped when his hand touched mine. I looked down at our hands, and saw that his much bigger hand was holding mine. Instead of shying away like I usually would sometimes. I smiled and twined our hands together. I looked up and saw him smiling. But I could see him glancing at me from the corner of his eye. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Don't worry about what those idiots say, or they look at you weird. If they say or do anything to you, you come to me and I'll make them regret ever thinking they can mess with you", he said. But he didn't sound like he was joking this time. He sounded serious. Oooo! I was flattered that he would do something like that for me. But I'm pretty sure I'll be okay. But knowing how protective they were of me. It was best to just agree with him then argue. So I just nodded. "Okay", I said simply. He nodded his head and turned his attention back to the road. But I felt instantly better when he started caressing the back of my hand with his thumb. Even though he was big as a bear, he was just a teddy bear. But got protective like a bear when someone hurt or messed with his family. And I was glad that I was now part of that family.

It didn't take us that long to get to school. And I was feeling a little bit more nervous then I was this morning. Your going to be okay Angel. Your gonna be okay. I was once again snapped out of my thoughts when my door was opened. "Come on pretty girl, time to face the music", Emmett told me with a sweet smile. I gave him a small smile and held out my arms for him to grab me, well first he had to unstrap me from all these belts. He then pulled me out of the Jeep and carefully onto my wheelchair. I have gotten used to wheeling myself around. But what I wasn't used to, was all the eyes that were looking at me. I gulped nervously.

Emmett started wheeling me towards the others. I didn't bother to look up. I didn't want to see the weird looks of my peers. I could already hear them whispering. Probably talking about how I was alive. But soon I felt cold fingers lift my chin up. I looked up at who it was. And it just happened to be Rosalie. She gave me a loving smile. "Don't worry about them sweetheart. Your beautiful on the inside and out. You shouldn't care what they think, they aren't worth it", she told me. I couldn't help but feel a little bit better after she told me that. I gave Rosalie a small smile back. "Thanks rosy, your beautiful on the inside and out too", I whispered. She smiled at me, she bent down and pressed her lips to my cheek. I guess she wasn't afraid to show her affection with me in public and I didn't mind it. I actually loved it. It showed that they weren't embarrassed to be seen with me. "Thank you my sweet little Angel", she whispered to me. And that's when I blushed. I love all the nicknames that they give me. It makes me feel special.


The sound of the school bell was very loud. I sighed softly. I guess it really was time to face the music. I could feel my wheelchair being moved. I looked up and saw Edward pushing it. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I guess it won't be that bad. Not if I have them with me. And this time, when we walked by people, I didn't really mind the staring. Because I had my mates with me. I was wheeled into the school with a smile on my face.

I guess it was time to go back to school, or 'hell'.

What could go wrong?

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