
409 17 1

Third person POV

Carlisle quickly ran into the bathroom. He didn't care if the door slammed against the wall. He didn't care if there was even a hole in the wall. He'll worry about it later. He just needed to get her warm. He had to. She was freezing at the touch. Almost the same temperature as he and Esme. And he didn't like that. He liked her temperature, her skin as warm as a summers day. He didn't like the fact that it was as if touching one of his own kind. It scared him. And he knew it scared Esme.

He hurriedly but gently put her into the warm bath. He had to get her warm. Then he would have to worry about the injuries those boys did to her. The anger was simmering, and it was only going to get higher if he didn't control himself. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. Poured a bit of the warm water onto her head. So her whole body would feel the warmth. He could feel the venom tears welling up in his eyes. And for the first time in a long time, he wanted them to fall. But he knew they couldn't. Why does she have to go through all this pain? All this pain? For what? Why?

She was innocent. She was innocent and people hurt her.

And for what?

For their kicks.

It wasn't right.

He both felt anger and sadness.

Anger at those boys who dared to lay a offending hand on his mate.

And sadness because he again wasn't there to help her. To save her from the wrath of those boys. He wished he could have gone there and saved her from those boys. Maybe if he had. She wouldn't have had to be in so much pain. He ran his fingers through her wet hair. He pressed his lips to her forehead. Her skin was still cold and clammy. It worried him. But her heart. Her heart was still beating normally. But a lot was taken from her. He could smell the blood. Sweet, yet bittersweet. Because someone had hurt her so badly for her to bleed. It wasn't right. Not at all. He hated it. He hated it. He wanted to hunt those boys down and punish them for what they did.

But that was the old him. The man he was now. Chose to stay with her. To make sure she was okay. He had to make sure her temperature was back to what it used to be. Right now, she was very cold. And there was a chance that she could get sick. Very, very sick. And there was only a smell chance at preventing that. He inhaled and sighed, even though he didn't need to. He caressed her cheek softly. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise", he whispered to her. He started pouring the warm water on her skin again. Had to get her warm. Had to bring her temperature back to where it used to be. He won't be calm until she was awake and at the right temperature she once was.

He turned his head when she saw Esme, standing in the far corner. It hurt to see her like that. Her eyes full of venom tears, her bottom lip trembling, but in her eyes, in her eyes, there was anger and rage. She was feeling the same as he was. Rage and anger. For those boys. She wanted to hurt them as much as he did. "Esme", he called her. Her eyes landed on him. She knew what he wanted. She started walking over to him. But slowly. She was afraid to see how bad it was this time.

She gasped softly. Her eyes welling up with more venom tears. Bruises all over her face, arms, bleeding scratches all over her face and arms. She looked pale. Her hands were trembling. It hurt Esme so much to see her mate like this. Her little mate looked even smaller, If that were even possible. She bent to her knees. Her trembling hands moving closer to touch her hurt mate. Gently caressing her hair.

But it spooked her when Angel let out a small moan of pain. She was afraid that she had hurt her and pulled her hand back. But watched as Angel's eyes slowly began to open. The both of them watched in awe at seeing her beautiful eyes again. Those beautiful, blue eyes of hers. They were filled with relief. So much relief at seeing her awake. But then she let out a moan of pain. "Ow", she moaned softly. Esme reached over and cupped  her cheek. "Shhhh, it's okay. Your okay, your safe now", she whispered softly to Angel. Angel moved her head to look at Esme and Carlisle. She seemed not all there, maybe it from just waking up, or from her injuries. Who knew. "Mommy? Daddy?", she whispered softly. She leaned into Esme's hand that was cupping her cheek. Her eyes fluttering closed again.

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