Physical Therapy

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Angels POV A few days later.

Okay, I'm gonna say it. These past few days have been a bit weird. Especially with what happened that one morning. But I'm pretty sure we're past that. Well, I hope so. I don't want it to be awkward between all of us.

But that's not I'm worrying about. It's that, today is physical therapy day. And I'm so not ready for that. I don't even know how physical therapy works. What am I supposed to do? I can't exactly walk or run yet. So what does the hot doctor have in mind for me today? I'm kinda nervous, but kinda excited. I'm always excited to see my mates.

"Angel? Angel? Whooo hoooo! Sweetheart", I was snapped out of my thoughts. Oh yeah. Alice was braiding my hair. Kinda forgot. I smiled at her through the mirror. "Sorry", I said softly. She just smiled at me. "It's okay sweetie, are you nervous about your first physical therapy session with Carlisle?", she asked me. I sighed and shrugged. "Kinda, but I'm also excited. You know?", I told her honestly. She just smiled and continued to do my hair. I knew she knew what going to happen. I know she does. That's why she's not saying anything. I perked my lips in a pout. She's lucky I like her. And that she's cute.

"Is she ready Alice?", I heard his voice before I saw him. Carlisle. I smiled softly. "And...........done. You look beautiful sweetie", she told me. She placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled at me. I smiled back and put a hand on one of her hands that were on my shoulder. "Thank you Alice. I love it", I told her while smiling sweetly at her. She gave me another smile and kissed the top of my head. "Now, go have fun", she told me. I couldn't help but giggle. "I will", I told her while I giggled. I watched as she turned to Carlisle. "She's all yours", she said with a smug smile. I rolled my eyes at her words. She knew something I didn't.

"Thank you Alice, now, little one, are you ready?", he asked as he turned to me. I gripped the arms of my chair and nodded. "Yep!", I said happily. He smiled at me. "Good, cause we have a busy day ahead of us", he said he got behind me and started to wheel me away from Alice. As we went down the hallway. I looked up at him. " does physical therapy work exactly?", I asked him. He looked down at me with those beautiful golden eyes. "You'll see soon enough my dear one, it's much easier to show then to explain how it works", he told me. Eh. Okay. It can't be that bad. Right?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized that we were in my room. I'm kinda thankful that my room wasn't dirty. Or that would have been embarrassing to walk into. My heart started to pick up once we got closer and closer to my bed. And before I knew it, I was already laying on my back on my bed. And Carlisle was leaning over me. He looked at me softly, his eyes were soft and full of a emotion I wasn't familiar with. He cupped my cheek, which I immediately leaned into. "It's going to be okay little one. I promise. If it gets too much, just tell me and we'll stop", he told me softly. I nodded. "Okay", I whispered to him. I trusted him. I knew I could. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. "That's my good girl", he whispered to me softly. I couldn't help the blush that appeared on my cheeks after hearing those words.

He chuckled. "I love it when you blush", he said with a smug smile on his lips. I bit my lip to keep myself smiling. "Ah, ah, stop that bad habit of yours. I thought you already went through this with Esme", he scolded me. He reached over and gently took my lip from between my teeth. I couldn't help the blush that reappeared on my cheeks. "I'm sorry", I told him. I felt really embarrassed now. He caressed my hair softly. "It's okay, it just takes time to keep yourself from biting your lip", he told me. And there it was again. Another emotion I wasn't familiar with. Hm.

I watched in curiosity as he shook his head, as if he snapped out of a trance or something. Hm. "So, we're just gonna start with some stretches, alright?", he told me slow enough that I would understand. "Okay", I told him. This was the part I was nervous about. I didn't know how it would feel. Would it hurt? Or would I feel it at all? I was so nervous. But then I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt his cold hands on my legs. Okay, wow, I was able to feel that. A small smile lit up on my lips. Which he caught. "Feel that huh? How's it feel?", he asked me. He ran his fingers up and down my legs. Which sent shivers down my spine. But in a good way.

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