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Angelica's POV

Oh for Grandpa's sake! Why?! The whole time during class I could feel his eyes on me. And I tried to keep my thoughts to myself and kept my mind busy with the tones I grew up with. The only music my dad would let us listen to. So not that bad. 'Sorry dude, but you aren't going through my mind. So, for now, you'll just have to listen to my road music'.

I happily hummed inside my head as I made my way to lunch. Maddie right along side of me. I hope they have more then just pizza and burgers, I want to try some new things. But before we could get into the cafeteria, two beautiful people stopped us. And the minute we made eye contact. My mouth gapped open in shock. I'm screwed. They were beautiful, really beautiful.

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I probably looked like a gaping fish

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I probably looked like a gaping fish. But I couldn't help it! They were beautiful, especially the male. My instincts wanted me to ruffle my feathers for some odd reason. Or at least show them my wings. But I knew that was a no-no. They both had the same golden eyes like the others. So I knew they were some how related to them. I shivered once I felt the tingle in my heart again. Holy shit! All of my mates are vampires! What the fudge?!

I could hear Maddie trying not to laugh at my fish gaping face. But soon I was snapped out of my thoughts. "Hi, I'm Alice and I just know we're gonna be great friends! This is my boyfriend Jasper", she said as she pointed to the man besides her. I then felt the cold shiver of reality hit me like a train. They were already together. But for some odd reason, I felt happy now, how? Was that one of their powers? Able to change emotions? I looked up and made eye contact with Jasper. His golden eyes met mine.

My eyes widened and I looked away while blushing. I bit my lip to stop myself from squealing. I heard a soft chuckle come from him. "It's nice to meet you darlin'", he said in a husky Texan accent. I felt another pleasure filled shiver run down my spine. No! No! No! They would know and so would Maddie. Oh man, I'm really in the deep end. But I wasn't raised to be rude. Well, I kind of was by my pops, but at least I wasn't raised entirely by my pops, so I have some manners. So I looked back at the two of them. Red cheeks and all. I held out a hand to Jasper. I smiled at him. He smelt amazing. I didn't know how to describe it, but he smelt amazing.

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