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Third person POV (A few minutes before Angel almost took a tumble down the stairs).

The Cullens were hunting. Carlisle surprisingly present, seeing as he didn't work today. So he was able to participate in the family hunting. They still worried about leaving Angel, but they knew Maddie was with her. And would keep her from doing 'dumb dangerous shit' as Emmett would quote. So they feasted and played (Emmett) on their prey. The woods were silent. Apart from the sound of them attacking their prey. Their eyes black with hunger. They have been denying themselves food. Because none of them wanted to leave angels side. But of course it wasn't her fault. And she was to never find out about it either. She was their mate. A newly found mate. So it was hard to leave her side once they had found her. Especially for Carlisle. It was hard for him to leave the house to go to work. Knowing she wouldn't be there when he got there. But he was always happy to know she was at home, waiting for him to come home. Even though she didn't technically live with them. He said she would heal faster if she stayed with them. And she easily decided she would. On one condition, if Maddie came with her. Even though they were neighbors. But even then, they've grown to like the human hunter. She was nice, sassy, and funny, even Rosalie got along with her. But even if he was hiding it from them. They could tell something was up with Jared and Maddie. Edward had tried to read his mind. But every time he tried. Jared Was already thinking about something else. It was suspicious (Sus) but they couldn't get anything out of him. So they backed off for now.

Emmett chuckled as he and Jasper wrestled for the bear. The rest of the Cullens shook their heads. Sometimes they act like such children. "Idiots", Rosalie muttered under her breath. She shook her head. Her blonde hair swishing in the air. Her husband could be a idiot some times, or most of the time. She didn't know how Angel does it. But she smiled at the thought of her little Angel. She was so small, so fragile yet sassy and fierce. She was perfect.

Carlisle smiled at his wife. Who smiled back at him. "Do you think she'll be okay?", Esme asked in concern. Jared rolled his eyes. "She's fine, she's with Maddie. Pretty sure feathers is upstairs doing homework and Maddie's in the kitchen trying to make a decent snack for her. Hopefully she won't burn the kitchen down", he muttered the last bit. But he knew they could hear him. But Esme still looked worried. "I don't know, I have a bad feeling", she said while looking back at Carlisle. Carlisle put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure she's fine honey, she's with Maddie. Maddie's taking good care of her. She has been before we even met her. She'll be there when we get back home, in one piece", he said trying to reassure her. Or maybe he was trying to reassure himself. But even he himself couldn't help the weird feeling that was nawing at him. He knew it wasn't a good feeling. But he had no idea what it could be about. That was until Alice gasped. They all turned to her in a instant. Jasper by her side immediately. His arm around her. He looked concerned. "What is it?", he asked her. But it wasn't Alice that spoke, it was Edward. He cursed. "She's walking", he said. The others looked at each other. Wondering if this was a good thing or a bad thing. It had to be, right? She was learning how to walk again. It had to be a good thing. But Edward wasn't finished apparently. His eyes widened. "Damn it! Why did the stairs have to be the first thing she walked over to? She's gonna trip over her own feet and fall down the stairs", he said. His voice filled with concern. The others looked ready to rush back home before that came true. But it was Jared who spoke. "Edward, your the fastest, you can get to her before we can. Make sure that vision doesn't come true", he said. His voice was full of concern Authority. Edward didn't hesitate, he was gone the minute Jared finished his sentence.

And he only hoped that Edward got to her before she actually did fall down those stairs. He shook his head. Damn it. Why did she go looking for trouble like this? He knew she didn't mean to. But really? For the first time in weeks, she goes and tries to walk down the stairs. She can barely walk as it is! So why was it the stairs? She really didn't think these things through. He sighed. "Damn it feathers", he muttered. She was definitely accident prone. He knew by the look on his family's faces, she's was gonna get another lecture. She's been getting a couple of those recently. He smirked. She was kinda badass and rebellious. But he wouldn't tell his family that. To them she was still fragile and small. But she was an Angel for crying out loud. She had to be at least a bit stronger than a human.

But he only hoped that Edward did get to her in time. Or if she did fall, he knew Maddie would never forgive herself. He sighed. The girls been through a lot of shit. From the car accident, to this. But none of these were angels fault. Not really. Angel, Angel just doesn't think these things throughly sometimes. He knew how she was when she first got here. Maddie told him. And she was really different today then she was when she first got here. Maybe it was a good thing too.

He looked back at his family. They looked like they were itching to get back to her. The concern in their eyes was heavy. He sighed. He wondered how it was gonna be when she finally goes back to school with them. They don't all have the same classes as her. And he knew that she was gonna be sitting with them at lunch. Oh he knew that as a fact. No human was gonna be able to look at her, not without a Cullen boy or girl glaring at them. They were very territorial. It was almost scary.

And before he knew it. The rest of his family were gone. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Yeah, it was gonna take awhile for him to get used to his family being this way. He kinda felt bad for Angel. Having a whole family full of vampires Being territorial.

He shook his head once more and started to run, he was interested in how this one was going to be. How mad were they gonna be with her? He had to admit. It was kinda stupid. The first place you walk to, it had to be the damn stairs. Even he thought that was questionable. But hey she's half Angel. Maybe they think things differently then they do.

But all he did know was that she was in for a long lecture. 

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