Movie Night

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Third person POV (That same night)

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Third person POV (That same night)

Edward always thought he would never find the one. His one. His mate. The one that owned his dead heart. But he was wrong. He was glad he was wrong. From the minute he met angel. He knew she was his one. For years he thought he would never meet her. But now, he couldn't see his life without her in it. Her scent. Her touch. Her laughter. Her smile. Her everything. Just everything about her made him feel content.

As of right now. He didn't care what was on the screen. It was a weird human movie about two step brothers that hated each other but then start to get along. But his mate seems to like it. But all he cared about, was that fact that she was cuddling against him. Her head laying on his chest. While the rest of her body was Laying against his own. She didn't seem to mind when he dug his nose in her hair. His slowly closed his eyes and breathed in her scent. Her hair smelled like berries and honey. She smelled sweet. He could hear the sound of her heart beating heavily against her chest. But he knew it wasn't because she was afraid of him. It was because she was still shy with him. But he knew she was getting better at being so close to him like this. He could tell she liked being this close to him.

He smiled. His shy little mate. What shall he do with her?

She was adorable.

He smiled again when he heard her giggle at something that happened in the movie. Her giggle, sounded like bell chimes. It was a beautiful sound. And he wanted to hear it for the rest of his long life.

But what shocked him was when she leaned back into him. And nuzzled her nose into his neck. He froze for a second. Was......was she smelling him? But he wasn't the only one to freeze. She must have noticed what she had been doing. "I'm.......sorry", she whispered. He could smell the blood rushing to her cheeks. She was blushing. He chuckled softly. And pressed his lips to the top of her head. "It's fine princess", he whispered to her. He ran his hands up and down her arms. To soothe her and calm her down. Which it seemed to work. Because she leaned back against him.

He wrapped his arms around her. Tightly but not tight enough to hurt her. And she seemed to find comfort from this.

The others smiled as they saw the two interact. They were adorable. Their mate was adorable. She was still shy, she did things that she sometimes didn't know she was doing until after. But it was cute. Soon enough she would do things like that without blushing. She would find it normal. Just like she did with Esme earlier today. Their little angel was soon becoming their little princess.

Angel leaned back against Edward's chest. Her fingers started to make circles into his cold palm. She smiled softly when she felt him run his cool fingers along her hand. She could feel the coolness of his body against hers. Even with his clothing. She could still feel the coolness. When a normal human would feel warm from their body heat, she could feel the coolness of his body. And she did not mind it. It actually felt nice. She smiled and continued to lay against him as she watched the comedy movie that Maddie had shown her. It was really funny.

It was almost to the end of the movie. But someone had fallen asleep. Edward looked down. Angel had nuzzled her cheek against his chest. She was out cold. But he thought it was adorable. He smiled and ran his fingers through her hair. She was beautiful. Just simply beautiful and amazing. The low beat of her heart rang in his ears. Meaning she was asleep. Probably for the rest of the night. He looked up and saw that the movie had ended. Wow, he had no idea how it ended or what happened in the middle or even knew the names of any of the characters. And yet he didn't really care. He just cared about the beautiful being in his arms. Who trusted him not to hurt her while she rested in his arms.

He moved her slightly. Making sure she was comfortable in his arms. He didn't want her to get stiff limbs tomorrow. Or have her back hurting tomorrow. He would have to get a bed. So he could have her sleep in it when he didn't want to bring her to her own bed. Even if he didn't sleep. He could still lay beside her and watch her as she slept. Just admiring her as she slept.

He looked up when he could feel eyes on him. His saw his family looking at him. But it was Maddie who was smirking at him. Her and Jared. Who seemed to be sitting next to her. "You are so whipped", she said cockily. And he had learned what that phrase was. So he just rolled his eyes at her words. Yes he may be 'Whipped' but he didn't care. He cared about his mate. And her safety and happiness. He looked back down at Angel. He softly caressed her soft and squishy cheek. Her skin was as warm as a summers day. Her cheek so soft and warm. Her beauty was more then anything he's ever seen. He's never even met an angel before meeting her. And to say, she was the most beautiful creature he's ever seen. His little mate. His little angel. He was going to make sure she was happy here with them. That she felt safe with them.

He would make sure of it. No matter what the cost was.

Her safety meant more then anything. His first priority was her safety. The second was her happiness.

He smiled when she grasped his shirt in her tint fists. And then she nuzzled more into his chest. She sighed into his chest. For a second he had thought she had woken up. But hearing her heart beat. She was still very much asleep. Hmmm. She must move in her sleep. Adorable. Simply adorable. She was so tiny in his arms. So fragile too. He was much stronger then her. He could hurt her with a single touch. But the thought of hurting her. Pained him to great lengths. He could never hurt her. He will never hurt her. He will always protect her. Always.

He leaned down slowly and pressed his lips to her forehead. His sweet angel. His beautiful mate. No one shall harm you while in his care. No one. They would have to go through he already dead body.

She will always be safe with him. Always.

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