Meeting Major

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Angel's POV (A few months later.)

I yawned as I tried to finish my homework. I wasn't exactly back in school yet. But I was getting there. They sent homework back with Maddie for me. So I was technically still in school. Just not in school, you know? But I was burnt out from how much homework they give me. I was tired. And these last months have been tough. Dad and pops left to go on hunts. Uncle Sammy went with them. And I miss them so much. And again! Homework is a nuisance! I hate it! Why do I have to graduate high school again? I mean, my mates go to school for years. Move and then go to school again. All because they look young enough to be in high school. Even if they were older then any of the teachers there. But I wonder sometimes, some of my mates act like children. But I have to admit. It's funny how childish they can get. It's cute really.

But now I'm stuck, on freaking history! How bad is that?! It's freaking history. How can I be so bad at it?! Ugh! I huffed and leaned into my chair. This sucks! Ugh! Why does school have to suck. Great, I've gotten my fathers love for school. And yes, I am being very sarcastic. Thank you for noticing. I breathed in and out. This sucks. I flipped through a few more pages of my history book. My eyes scanning over each and every word. Hmmm. Who is that? That name sounds familiar. Jasper Whitlock. Hmmm. Ooooo! They have a picture on the next page. Says he was a major in the Confederate Army. Interesting. It actually reminds me of Jasper. That was until I got to the next page. My eyes widened as I looked over the aging picture in the history book. What the? What in grandpas name is Jasper doing in my textbook?! I looked up from my history book. "Jasper!", I yelled his name. And I'm pretty sure he heard me. Because first off, he has super hearing and second, he was only downstairs with the others.

And before I knew it. He was standing right next to me.

I could see the smirk on his lips

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I could see the smirk on his lips. Damn it. Even when he smirks he's sexy. Focus Angel! "Yes my love?", he asked me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Would you like to explain that?", I said pointing my pencil at the picture on the page. He bent over and looked at what I was pointing at. But once he saw what I was pointing at, he seemed to go stiff. I tilted my head. Hmmm. What was that about? "Jazz?", I said. What happened. Was it something he didn't want to talk about? I was so confused. He looked away from the picture and looked at me. "I think we need to have a talk darlin'", he told me. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay?", I said. But it sounded more like a question. I watched as he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. Holding me in his arms as he walked towards my bed. I was still so confused. But I'm pretty sure he was gonna tell me what was going on.

He sat down, and then sat me down on his lap. Which I couldn't help but blush at. I was still getting used to this. But it was nice. I liked it. He chuckled and caressed my red cheek. "Beautiful", he whispered to me. Don't bite your lip. Don't bite your lip. Blush if you have to. But don't bite your lip. Remember. It's a bad habit. So I did what I had to. I blushed like a freaking strawberry. He chuckled again and pressed his lips to my forehead. "This isn't getting you out of our talk mister", I told him sternly. He chuckled once
More. "Yes ma'am", he said playfully. He held me tightly in his arms. So I wouldn't fall over.

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