Your a little?

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Angelica's POV

The minute we arrived. We arrived at a nice looking house. It was lovely. I opened the door once the car stopped and I stepped out, I opened the door to the trunk and grabbed my things. They were a bit heavy with most of my clothes. I dragged them up to the front porch and waited for Maddie to open the door. She took out her keys and unlocked the door. "Sorry, it's a bit messy", she said apologetically. I hummed softly, not minding one bit that her living quarters might be dirty. "Worry not Maddie, I shall help you clean up", I said with a smile on my lips. I didn't mind helping her clean up her home. She giggled. She always did find my use of words, funny. I never knew why though. "We are definitely going to work on that, you sound like your from a different time or something", she said shaking her head. I was still confused, how would she work on me? What did she mean by that? And how would she help me? She patted my shoulder gently. "Don't worry Angel, we'll get through this, by the time we go to school we'll you be talking like a real human", she said. I smiled at her. I appreciated that she was willing to help me blend in with the other humans around. I knew if I continued to speak the way I was, I would not be able to blend in. "Thank you Maddie", I said giving her a small smile.

She smiled back at me. "No problem, it's what friends do", she said. She then looked down at my suitcases. "Would you like some help with those?", she asked me. I looked down at my suitcases, well, they are a little bit heavy, so I guess having a bit of help wouldn't hurt anyone. "Yes please", I said politely. I grabbed one suitcase and she grabbed the other and then we continued our way up the stairs to the second floor. "What are in these?", she asked me. I froze for a second, and then I started growing nervous, really, really nervous. I wasn't a good liar like my pops was. (Dean). I was a terrible liar. "Uh, just clothes and things I would need on this trip", I said. I looked back at her and saw that she didn't seem to believe me. Maybe I should learn how to lie better while I am here. I sighed. I should definitely learn how to lie better while I am here.

We made it half way up the stairs. That was until my suitcase decided to open up and fall all over the stairs. And it had to be the one with my little stuff in it. I could feel myself grow nervous and sweaty, I could even feel my own heart pounding against my chest. My eyes grew wide in shock. Oh No! That wasn't supposed to happen! I should have known to make sure it wouldn't open up by itself.

I jumped to try and put everything back in the suitcase before she could see anything. But I don't think I got everything in the suitcase fast enough. I felt her hand on my shoulder, I jumped as I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Angel, are you a little?", she asked me. I didn't answer her and continued to throw everything back in my suitcase. Not even noticing the tears rolling down my cheeks. But she grabbed my hands and stopped me from grabbing my things. "Angel, look at me", she said. I sniffled and looked up at her. She gave me a small smile while rubbing my hand in hers. "It's okay, everything is going to be okay, it's okay to be a little Angel. Because I am a little too", she said. Wait what? Did she just say she was a little too? "Y-Your a little?", I asked her. She smiled and nodded. "Yep! I sure am! Going on four years, I love it", she said. A smile lit up on my face. I couldn't believe it, my friend was like me, she was also a little! I wasn't the only one. I sighed in relief. I could breathe easier now then I don't have to hide my things.

"Your parents have no idea, do they?", she asked me. I sighed again and shook my head. "They do not", I said. She sighed and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Everything will be okay, it's just going to be the two of us. By the way who knows?", she said. I sighed again. "No one but you, grandpa and maybe uncle Gabby. Because that man knows everything", I said. Which is true, I don't know how he does it, but he always ends up knowing everything before you know it. She rolled her eyes. "Yeah he does, I still can't believe your grandpa is God", she said. I giggled softly. "It's not all that bad, except when he gets in his moods", I said. She laughed and I laughed. At least I don't have to worry about this. But I do have one thing to worry about.

Is school. How am I supposed to fit in with the rest of the humans? I'm so scared. I've always been homeschooled by my dads and my uncles. Will it be any different then it was at home? Will they find out about me? Will I be taken and experimented on? I bit my lip in nervousness. I wrapped my arms around my legs. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay. Nothing will happen to you. I promise you, no one or anything is going to hurt you on my watch. They'll have to go through me first, I mean it Angel, nothing is going to happen to you", she said, assuring me. She wrapped her arms around me. I sighed shakily and hugged her back. How did father do this? How was he able to blend in with people? It's so hard. I wish I didn't have to leave. So I can blend in my own way, with my family. This place was so new to me and I had no idea what was going to happen. I'm so scared.

"You must be tired from your plane ride here, why don't I help you upstairs and get your stuff situated tomorrow, we don't start school until next week", she said. I sniffled and nodded. "Okay", I said. I got up and grabbed all of my stuff and dragged it up stairs, with the help of Maddie. We were able to bring all of my stuff upstairs. Once I entered the room, My eyes widened in excitement. Wow.

"I didn't know what you liked, so I just got whatever I thought you might like", she said as she put down my suitcase on the carpeted floor

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"I didn't know what you liked, so I just got whatever I thought you might like", she said as she put down my suitcase on the carpeted floor. I smiled. I really, really liked it. "It's beautiful, I approve. Thank you Maddie", I said, I turned and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her. She laughed and hugged me back. "Your welcome my friend, how about you get some rest and when you wake up, we can have some burgers and watch a movie?", she asked me. I nodded my head. "I like that idea", I said with a smile on my face. She smiled at me. "Well okay then, you can get some rest, feel free to use the shower and freshen up", she said. I nodded my head in thanks. She left the room, and now I was left alone in the white room by myself. I sighed. I gripped the necklace around my neck. "I'll be okay, I know I'll be okay", I whispered. I shall be okay. I know I'll be okay. I have to be. I have to make my family proud of me. Even if I'm scared I have to do this. I have to be brave and strong. I'm a hunter for grandpa's sake. I know I can do this. If I can take down a werewolf, I know I can go to school with hundreds of humans. It's just going to be harder to blend in. But I know I can do it.

I know I can call my father with just a prayer. I know he'll always watch over me. He's always with me. I know I'm safe. I know I'll be okay.

I have to be.

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