Hold her tightly

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Third person POV

The make out didn't last too long, despite the fact that her blood didn't faze him. He wanted her to be ready and to have it be special for their first time. So he ended it before it could get too far. She didn't mind it too much, she was blushing like a blushing virgin. Which she was.

Jasper couldn't help but smile and hold her tightly in his arms, tight enough where it felt right, but not tight enough to hurt her. He would never be able to hurt her. Neither of them would. She was their special little Angel. And both Jasper and Major loved her. So just holding her like this. Was all he ever wanted to do. Just hold her in his arms forever. It made him feel like less of a monster. A monster who loved an Angel. The vampire and the Angel. The beauty and the beast. With her he didn't feel like a monster. With her. He felt loved and warm.

He softly caressed her hair with his hand. He smiled softly as he felt her lean into him. It was nice. Really nice. He had thought for a long time that he didn't deserve this. The first time, he didn't even think he deserved Alice. But now with Angel. It was too good to be true. And yet, here she was. The most beautiful creature he's ever seen. From the day he met her, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her. Always and forever. With her. He was then snapped out of his thoughts. "Hey Jazz?", she whispered his name. He hmm'd and looked down at her. She looked up at him with those beautiful sparkling eyes that she had. He loved those eyes of hers. So expressive, so beautiful. He could stare into them and get lost in them. And he wouldn't mind it a bit. He saw her give him a smile, man that smile, it almost made him melt just by the look of it. "Yes darlin'?", he whispered back to her. It took her a second to say anything. She just observed him. He may think she was the most beautiful creature on earth, but she thought he was the most beautiful creature on earth. "Thank you", she whispered. She leaned up and placed a soft peck to his lips. She slowly pulled back and smiled at him. He knew exactly what she was thanking him for. But she didn't need to. He would never, ever be afraid of her. She may look small and innocent. Yet she could be fierce. Which he thought was actually sexy. He loved a woman that knew how to be fierce.

He placed a kiss on her forehead. "You never have to thank me for that darlin', it's not possible for me to ever be scared of you. And I never will", he told her. It took her a second to really believe him, as if she didn't really believe him. But she saw the truth in his eyes. He wasn't afraid of her. Which made her melt and relax in his arms. He wasn't afraid of her. That relieved her so much. She would never ever want him to fear her. She would never hurt him. Ever. He was her Jazzy bear. Not that she would ever admit that out loud. Nor would she ever call him daddy. Even though she really wanted to. She didn't know how he would react to her calling him that. She was scared he would be disgusted with her. But just being with him was enough for her.

'I've been waiting for you
To come around and tell me the truth
About everything that you're going through
My girl, you've got nothing to lose
Cold nights and the Sunday mornings
On your way and out of the gray'

It didn't take major very long to take over. Because Jasper wasn't even fighting for control. Jasper knew major would never hurt her. Not anymore at least. So Jasper let major have control.

Major looked down at the small woman that was laying in his arms. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful, and she was his. His mate. His Angel. His everything. With her, he didn't feel like the monster he knew he was. With her he didn't have to be rough like he usually was. He was learning how to be soft and gentle. Because he could never be rough with her. He could never. And to to have her think that they were afraid of her? No, never, they could never be scared of their mate, yeah she was strong, very strong, but the both of them only found it sexy. It was very sexy to major. She was fierce and strong. And mmmm, her lips felt like pillows, and they were so sweet and warm. He wanted to taste them again, but at a later time. He just wanted to sit there and hold her. She was his girl. She was his. And no one could take that from him. She was his the minute they met. He held her tightly but gentle. He didn't want to hold her too tightly where he hurt her. But he just wanted to feel her in his arms. He loved the warmth, he loved feeling the feelings that she was feeling. She was happy, content, safe and she felt loved. That's all he's ever wanted to feel from her. He hated when she was sad or angry. He just loved it when she was happy. And he'll make sure for the rest of time, to make her happy.

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