Lunch With The Cullen's

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Angel's POV

The lunchroom was filled with chatter and other students. At first I was a bit nervous. But after feeling the soft grip on my shoulder. I didn't really mind it anymore. I knew I wasn't really alone anymore. I had them. I had Maddie. I was happy. And I knew, that I wouldn't be forever sat in this chair. I knew I just had to wait.

'I Was Made For Loving You
A dangerous plan, just this time
A stranger's hand clutched in mine
I'll take this chance, so call me blind
I've been waiting all my life
Please don't scar this young heart
Just take my hand
I was made for loving you'

We went through the lunch line before we went to the table. I grabbed a tray and started putting things on. And I'll be brutally honest, I got excited when I saw the circle pizzas. But I didn't show that I was excited. But inside, I was so freaking excited. I mean, it's pizza, in the shape of a circle. Can you believe that? I then grabbed some cherry tomatoes, because those were my favorite, along with some ranch to dip them into. I also got some sliced green apples. They looked good, and if I didn't get my nutrients, Esme would give me another stern lecture. And I didn't want that. "Ooooo", I said out loud, when I saw the peanut butter and chocolate Lära Bar. I love those things! I excitedly grabbed one. I almost didn't hear Rosalie giggle. But I did. I couldn't help but smile too. Her giggle was so contagious. I loved that. She may seem like she was mean, but she's only like that if people are a danger to her or her family.

She's protective.

And some people may not like that.

But I sure do.

We soon got out of the lunch line, and Rosalie wheeled our way towards the table. Don't look at other people. I can feel their stares. But I didn't care. All I could care about, was sitting with them.

I smiled when I saw that we were the last to arrive. Of course Maddie was sitting next to Jared. I have a feeling something's going on between the two of them. I just can't place my finger on it. "Hey, we were wondering where you guys were", Emmett said to us with a goofy smile. I heard Rosalie huff from above me. "A girls got to choose what she likes to eat, a man will just eat whatever he sees first", she told him sarcastically. But I knew better then to think they eat. But it was still funny to see Rosalie he sassy with Emmett.

I didn't even pretend to be surprised when I felt someone pick me up from my chair and place me on their lap. Which happened to be Alice. I smiled at her, or more like smirked at her. "Ya miss me ally?", I asked her playfully. She giggled. She placed a kiss on my cheek. "Of course I did my little Angel", she told me. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. But just tight enough for me to feel her hug.

I then saw that Rosalie had put my tray in front of me. I smiled at her. "Thank you rosy", I said as I smiled sweetly to her. She smiled back at me and patted my head softly. "It's no problem my sweet Angel", she said to me. I'm starting to get used to them calling me that. I like it. I then turned to the boys. I smiled at them. "Hi Eddie, Hi Emmy, Hi Jazzy", I said as I waved.

Edward smiled at me. "Hey princess", he said to me sweetly and softly. I giggled and beamed in happiness. "Hiya darlin'", jasper said as he winked at me. I giggled again, my smile grew bigger. Emmett just smiled at me. "What's up shortie", he said as he ruffled my hair. I pawed at his hand and playfully pouted at him. "I'm not short, I'm fun sized", I said while crossing my arms over my chest. The whole table got a laugh out of that. But me, I just pouted. I'm not that short!

"That's right my little Angel, your just fun sized", Alice whispered in my ear. Which happened to tickle me. Seeing as I was overly ticklish. I giggled. "See? Ally gets it", I said as I huffed. The table once again got a laugh out of it. But I just pouted again. So unfair. I'm not even that short!

I heard Edward chuckle. I squinted my eyes at him. "Stop it, I know what your doing", I told him. I hated when he read my mind. I just did. What if I was thinking private things? I looked back at him again. He was smirking at me this time. Oh my grandpa, really?! Come on, I can't catch a break here!

But then I felt as Alice places her lips on my cheek softly. I couldn't help the smile that lit up on my face. "Don't worry my little Angel, your cute in all your fun sized Height", she said as she giggled. But this time, I couldn't be angry, because technically that was a compliment. I shook my head and just looked down at my plate.

"I swear, they are definitely whipped", Maddie whispered to Jared. Oh crud that's right. They're here too. I looked up and saw the both of them looking at me. Jared smirked at me. "You okay there feathers, your all red in the face", he asked me as he rose a eyebrow at me. I could feel my cheeks grow even warmer. I looked back down at my lunch tray. "I'm fine", I muttered. I picked up a cherry tomato and dipped it into the ranch. I popped it into my mouth. I chewed aggressively, I hated that they could make me flustered this much. I hated it.

'I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you'

But I didn't take it to heart. I knew they were just teasing. I didn't really mind the looks I was getting from the other people in the cafeteria.

"So, you have another appointment with Carlisle today?", Maddie asked me as she placed a carrot in her mouth. I nodded as I chewed a piece of pizza in my mouth. I swallowed. "Yeah, he said he was getting off early today, so it'll probably be after school", I told her. I smiled when I felt Alice running her fingers through my hair. "I was thinking, if your up for it after, we can hang out and watch a movie like old times, I got a new movie, I'm pretty sure it has Adam Sandler in it", Maddie told me. My eyes lit up in excitement. I freaking love Adam Sandler! I smiled widely. "Yeah, I'm down, I said that right, right?", I asked her.

She giggled. "Yeah, you did Angel. I'll go to the store after school and get some of our favorites, that sound good?", she told me. I smiled and nodded. I was so excited. I can't wait to see this movie. I was basically jumping in my seat. Or in Alice's lap, seeing as I hadn't been moved. And metaphorically. Seeing as I can't really move that part of my body that much yet. But I can still wiggle. So I wiggled in happiness.

'Hold me close through the night
Don′t let me go, we′ll be alright
Touch my soul and hold it tight
I've been waiting all my life
I won′t scar your young heart
Just take my hand'

I continued to eat my lunch. I was hungry. And the pizza looked so good. But not as good as Esme's food. Her food was better then anyones. But today was a good lunch if you ask me. It was nice sitting with my mates and my friends. Even though I could feel hundreds of eye balls staring at the back of my head. I didn't really care. Just as long as I had them. I knew I would be okay. Well, as fine as I can be. I'm an Angel. I'm always getting myself in some sort of trouble. Even if it's not on purpose. I'm an Angel and a Winchester. Either I find trouble. Or trouble finds me. Can't really run or hide from it. I just have to embrace it.

It can't be that bad.

I've lived this long.

I've been to hell.

Almost died more times then I can't count.

But hey, I'm still here, right?


'I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
All I know is, darling, I was made for loving you

Please don′t go, I've been waiting so long
Oh, you don′t even know me at all
But I was made for loving you
I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through
Every bone screaming I don't know what we should do
But I was made for loving you'

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