Art Class

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Angel's POV

The next few classes were okay. I had some with Emmett. Some with Alice and Jasper. And now, now I'm going to class with Rosalie. If we kinda weird how she hovered. But I didn't mind. I liked how protective she was over me. It meant she cared. It made me feel safe away from those menacing stares that people were shooting at me.

I had art class with her. It was nice. I liked art. I wouldn't exactly call myself an artist. But I was pretty good if you ask me. I used to draw in my free time back at home. So I wasn't as rusty as I used to be. I focused on my drawing. I even stuck my tongue out without even knowing I did it. I usually do when I'm so focused on something. But I snapped out of my focus when I heard a familiar giggle. I put my pencil down and looked over at Rosalie. Who was smiling at me. I tilted my head to the side. What was so funny?

"Your so cute, my sweet Angel", she told me softly. So I would be the only one to hear it. I blushed softly at her compliment. I blushed even harder when she pressed her lips to my cheek. She smiled at me again. I loved her smile. It was very nice. It made her look even more beautiful then she already was.

"Thank you", I whispered softly. She giggled again. "Go back to work sweet Angel, I'm sorry I ruined your concentration", she told me. I smiled at her and nodded. I went back to my work. Sticking my tongue out again. I even did a soft hum. Like I usually did when I drew.

Even with just sitting next to her. Felt right. I could feel her presence. Sometimes I could even feel her eyes on me. But unlike the other peoples stares, I didn't mind hers.

Time went faster then I expected it to be. I almost didn't hear the bell ring. But I did.


I nearly jumped at the sound of it. I blinked a few times. Hmmm. At least I finished before the bell rang. I looked at my drawing. I guess you can say it was okay. But it couldn't really capture their beauty. But I guess I did okay.

(Not my drawing

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(Not my drawing. But whoever did this, is a artist, great job whoever drew this 💜)

I looked up at Rosalie again. She was putting her stuff away. Should I give it to her? Would she even like it? I know I have to turn it in for my assignment, but I wanted her to see it first before I turned it in. "Rosy?", I whispered softly. She hmm'd and turned to look at me. I could feel my cheeks start to burn a slight red. "I-I drew something for you and Em, I wanted to show it to you before I turned it in, it's okay if you don't want-", she cut me off. "Of course I want to see it sweetie, let me see", she cooed softly. I almost bit my lip in excitement and nervousness. But I didn't.

I hesitated but I grabbed the paper and placed it in her perfectly shaped hands. It took her a few seconds to really look over it. And for a second I thought she didn't like it. I grew extremely nervous. But it instantly went away when she smiled. She looked at me, with a look in her eyes. And I blushed when it looked like adoration in her eyes. And before I knew it. She started to pepper little kisses over my face. I squealed softly from the suddenness. But I soon started to giggle as she continued.

But we were soon Interrupted. By the art teacher. Mrs. Briggs. "Miss Cullen, Miss Winchester, enough of that, this is a school, not make out mountain", Mrs. Briggs scolded us. I heard Rosalie sigh. "One of these days I will take you there", she muttered. And I blushed at the fact that she would one day take me to this, what was it called, make out mountain? Interesting name for a mountain. Rosalie smiled at me again. She placed a soft kiss to my brow. "I love it sweetie, my little artist", she praised me. The little in me jumped in joy. But I just smiled widely. I loved that she loved it. I made her happy.

I can't wait to have Emmett see it after I get it back in a few days.

I grabbed the paper from the desk and made my way towards the teachers desk. I set my paper down with the rest of the papers. I blushed again when the teacher gave me a look. More like a disappointing look. "Sorry", I muttered softly. She huffed. "Next time it'll be detention", she scolded me. I nodded softly. I felt someone pushing my wheelchair. I didn't have to look up to know it was Rosalie. I didn't see the look she shot Mrs. Briggs.

Rosalie pushed me out of the room. "I shouldn't be told anything when I show you my affection. I'll do what I want, your mine", Rosalie whispered into my ear. There goes that shiver down my spine again. But I liked it this time. But I was confused on why Rosalie growled. What was she growling at? But she stopped before I could ask her why. Hmmm. Maybe it wasn't that important.

Rosalie's POV

That witch of a woman shouldn't tell me anything, not when I'm just showing my mate affection. She was mine. Mine. No one can tell me otherwise. But she does look so cute when she blushes like a little tomato. It's adorable. But I guess she liked it when I told her she was mine. I can smell her arousal. It smelled delicious. Like strawberries and cream. Mmmm. Mine. And if that witch try's to make my mate uncomfortable again, I will do something about it. No one, not even Carlisle can tell me otherwise. My sweet little Angel deserves praise and affection.

I still can't believe she drew me and Emmett. How sweet. And she was really good too. My little artist. So shy. But I can tell she was slowly growing out of that stage. But I like her like this. So shy, it's so easy to make her blush. So adorable.

I laughed softly when I heard her stomach growl. I guess someone's hungry. And it was lunch time. It'll be the first time she sits with us. I'm excited. All these humans can see that she belongs to us.

And only us.

She was ours.

And no one can tell us otherwise.

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