Night talks

528 19 1

Third person POV

Angel laid in her bed. She smiled as Carlisle caressed her cheek softly. She leaned into it. Carlisle smiled lovingly. "You are so beautiful", he whispered to her. And he loved that after he said that, her cheeks grew a red ruby. "Stop it", she whispered shyly. He chuckled. "It's true. I am only stating the truth", he whispered to her. Angel giggled. She nuzzled into his neck. Inhaling his scent. Carlisle smiled softly and wrapped his arms around her. His Beautiful mate. So, so beautiful. He pressed his lips to her forehead.

He felt her move closer to him. Until there was no more space between the two. She lifted her head up. Her beautiful blue eyes looking into his golden eyes. They were so beautiful to him. In all her beauty. She was beautiful. He pressed a kiss to her nose. She giggled. "Another!", she said while giggling. He chuckled and pressed another one to her nose. And then another one to her forehead.

'Something about you
It's like an addiction hit me with your best shot, honey
I've got no reason to doubt you (doubt you)
'Cause certain things hurt and you're my only virtue (virtue)
And I'm virtually yours'

Angel giggled again. And this time she was the one to press a kiss to his nose. Carlisle smiled. He loved this. He can feel her love through their bond. He could feel her feelings. He loved to hear her giggle whenever he pressed his lips to her skin. To see her cheeks turn ruby red. Due to the fact that she wasn't used to all this. But she seemed to like it.

He pressed his lips to her cheek. Which felt warm under his lips. And his ears were filled with her laughter. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. Bringing her even closer. If that were possible. She squealed in surprise. Then giggled. He's never been more happier in his long life. Well besides Esme. Angel was the best thing that's happened to him since Esme. He wanted her for forever. As long as she'll have him.

He felt her shift against him. Until she seemed comfortable. Their eyes meeting again. Blue meeting golden. A beautiful smile grazing her lips. She giggled. "You are happy?", she asked him. And he couldn't help but love that little crease in the middle of her forehead when crinkled her nose. He pressed another kiss to the crown of her head. "Of course I'm happy, I'm happy with you", he whispered to her. Angel smiled at his words. She could tell he was being truthful. She cupped his cold cheeks in her hands. "And I am happy with you", she said as she placed her forehead on top of his.

If he had a heart, it probably would have felt warm at this very moment. She was happy with him. She was happy being with him. Just as much as he was happy being with her.

'And you keep coming back, coming back again
Keep running round, running round
Running round my head (my head)
And there's certain things that I adore
And there's certain things that I ignore
But I'm certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours'

He was hers. He will always be hers. And if he did have a heart. It would be hers. And just as much as he was hers. She was his.

And what he didn't expect her to do, was to softly place her lips upon his. He froze. Her warm lips against his own. They felt amazing upon his own. Just from one taste, she tasted sweet. But seeing as he didn't move the whole time. She pulled away, think she did something wrong. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I always seen my papa and my father kiss each other. I always wanted mine to be special", she said. She looked like she was about to cry. Maybe he didn't want to kiss her. Did he not like her kissing him?

But he only tightened his hold on. "Hold on there sweetness. It's okay. Everything's okay, you just caught me off guard there, I'm honored to be your first kiss. Here, feel", he said. He cupped her cheek with his cold hand. And slowly pressed his lips to her own. She slowly calmed down and felt as her soulmate pressed his lips to her own. Her eyes slowly fluttered closed. She slowly began to kiss back. Just to see what'll happen. Carlisle smiled against her lips. He was right. She did taste sweet.

He slowly pulled back from the small kiss. He placed his forehead on hers. "How was that?", he whispered to her. Her lips slowly began to form into a smile. "It felt weird and tingly. But, I liked it", she whispered softly. It was cute. She was cute. She was so innocent. And he didn't want anyone to take that away. He'll have to try and make sure that stays. He didn't want anyone to corrupt her. She was his. His sweet innocent little Angel. And he'll always be by her side.

'There's something about you
It's when you get angry, you have me at your mercy
And you're like a shoulder to turn to
'Cause certain things mend us when we're hanging on for dear life
We held on so tight (so tight)
And you keep coming back, coming back again
Keep running round, running round
Running round my head'

Angel laid her head on his chest. She didn't mind that she didn't hear a heartbeat. He felt safe. She felt safe with him. And that's all that matters. She grasped his silky shirt in her hand. "You, you feel safe", she whispered to him. He smiled and laid his chin on top of her head. "And you'll always be safe with me, always", he whispered to her. She smiled. Always. She liked that. She only hoped that he wanted to be with her forever. Just like she wanted to be with him and the others forever. Because with them, she felt at home.

To her they were her home.

She couldn't help the small yawn that escaped her lips. Carlisle chuckled. "Someone's tired", he said with a smug smile on his lips. But she just shook her head. "Nuh uh, I'm not tired", she tried to deny that she was feeling any sort of tiredness. But another yawn escaped her lips. Which only made Carlisle smile. "It's okay sweetheart. I'll be here when you wake up, sleep", he whispered to her.

Angel smiled, maybe just a few hours. She slowly closed her eyes and nuzzled more into him. She was comfy. He was comfortable. And that's how she fell asleep. In Carlisle's arms. Knowing that she was safe with him. In his arms.

'And there's certain things that I adore (I'm sorry)
And there's certain things that I ignore
But I'm certain that I'm yours (that I'm yours)
Certain that I'm yours, I'm certain that I'm yours
Certain that I'm yours
And there's certain things that I adore
And there's certain things that I ignore
Let's ignore them
Let's ignore them (but I'm certain that I'm yours)
Certain that I'm yours'

Carlisle's POV

I heard her snores. She was fast asleep. I smiled to myself. My beautiful Angel. Felt safe with me. I'll always protect you sweetheart. Always. I promise. I pressed a soft kiss to her head. She kissed me. Her warm lips felt soft on mine. Soft and sweet. I always knew her lips would feel soft and sweet against mine. Oh my sweet Angel. Never change my love.

I held her tightly in my arms. But not tight enough to hurt her. Just to make her feel safe in my arms. She felt safe in my arms.

I was happy. I was over the moon happy. I had a family I loved. Two mates I loved more then anything. I may not have known her for very long. But I knew here and now that I did love her. I did. And for the rest of my long life. I will keep loving them both. And keeping them safe. I swear it.

I promise.

'I adore you, I adore you (certain that I'm yours)
Let's ignore them (let's ignore them)
Let's ignore them (let's ignore them)
I adore you, I adore you (oh-oh)
Oh, I adore you, I adore you
Let's ignore them, let's ignore, yeah-yeah
Let's ignore them, let's ignore them
(Let's ignore them, let's ignore them)
Certain that I'm yours'

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