Hey Shortie

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Angelica's POV Two hours later.

I was so busy playing with my bear. That I didn't notice the other presences in the room. Not until I looked up. I nearly gasped when I saw Rosalie and Emmett. The both of them seemed relaxed and content while watching me. If it were anyone else but my mates, I would have found that really weird. I smiled at them. "I would get up and greet you, but seeing as my legs don't really work right now, that doesn't seem to be an option", I said trying to joke. Emmett seemed to find it funny. He chuckled. And man that chuckle was hot. Not gonna lie.

And that beautiful smile on Rosalie's lips. Oh man. So beautiful. She looked so beautiful. It was like she sparkled. Like a diamond. I bit my lip fighting to keep me from laughing. I just remembered. They actually do sparkle. They walked closer to me. "Hey shortie, how you feelin'?", Emmett asked me. I shrugged. "Eh, not the best. But feeling better then I did when I first got here, way better", I told them. Rosalie gave me a warm smile. She gently ran her fingers over my bears head. "Did Carlisle get this for you?", she asked. But it sounded like she cooed. I nearly whined at the tone of her voice. Her voice made me so calm. Feel.......safe? Wow. This soulmate bond is really something. I nodded at her. "Yes, he did. I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my squishy", I said hugging squishy to my chest. I blushed and hid my face into my bears fur. I heard both of them awe.

I could feel my cheeks get even more warmer. How embarrassing. "It's okay sweetie, that is a good name to name your bear", Rosalie said. I slowly pulled away from my bears fur. I slowly pulled my hand from the bed. I then slowly reached out to her. Her eyes were trained on my hand. Her hand immediately went to mine. She cupped my hand in both of hers. Her fingers went over my I.V. Slowly and softly running over it. But then her fingers ran my wrist. Gently pressing into it. Feeling my pulse. I looked at her. "I'm alive", I told her. She looked at me and smiled. "Yes you are sweetie, you are very brave and very strong. Maybe even stronger then Emmett here", she said pointing to Emmett. I looked back at Emmett. Who seemed to look like he was offended.

But I knew that he was being playful. "How dare you?", he asked dramatically. I giggled as they went back and forth. It was fun to watch them. Then my eyes went to her hair. My fingers twitched. I knew I shouldn't. But I just had a feeling to touch it. It looked so shiny and pretty. My hand slowly raised up and made its way to her hair. I almost gasped at the soft feeling of it. It was so soft. And so pretty. I ran my fingers through her hair. "So soft. So pretty", I whispered. I heard her give out a giggle. She watched me as I ran my fingers through her hair. I couldn't help it. The little in me wanted to touch it. I giggled softly.

"It was scary", I blurted out. She looked at me confused. "What was sweetie?", she asked me. I frowned, but continued to play with her hair. I knew I couldn't get away from this. I already said too much. But I knew I couldn't change the subject. I sighed. "Almost dying. It was scary. But I wouldn't change a thing about the way I did it. I saved my best friend. But the feeling and pain of almost dying was really scary", I told them. I felt like I could be honest with them. And I knew it was because of the bond we shared.

I sniffled softly. "Aww sweetie, come here", Rosalie said as she wrapped her arms around me. Hugging me close to her. I inhaled her scent. I nearly giggled when she smelled like roses. I then felt fingers run through my hair. But they were bigger then Rosalie's. "You'll never have to feel that ever again, from now on, we'll be here to protect you", Emmett said softly. I smiled and hugged both my bear and Rosalie tighter. They both made me feel safe. "Everything's going to be okay now. We're here now. No one will hurt you, not with us around", Rosalie whispered into my hair. I nodded my head softly. I believed both of them. Their words were very comforting. I wanted, no needed to believe their words.

I giggled and continued to play with my bear.

Third person POV.

Both Rosalie and Emmett looked down at their mate. Oh definitely, she was definitely a little. They could tell. And it was absolutely adorable. Tooth rotting adorable. Their mate was beautiful, adorable and very brave and strong. And they couldn't wait to bring her home. To have their home become hers as well. They couldn't wait for her to meet Esme. Esme was going to just love her. She was going to adore esme. And they knew Angelica was going fo adore Esme. They could already tell.

What they couldn't wait for was school. To bring her back and have everyone know that she was theirs. She belonged to them. She was their mate. Nobody else's. No one else's but theirs. She belonged to them! She was their tiny adorable mate. And no one else could have her. Rosalie kissed the top of Angelica's head as she watched her play with the bear that Carlisle had gotten her. Most likely to keep her from playing with her wires. But it was a cute gift. And the both of them couldn't wait to constantly give her gifts. To shower and spoil her with gifts. From clothes. To pacis. And dozens of stuffies. She seemed to like them.

She was going to be one spoiled little princess. Or should they say Angel.

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