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Esme's POV

My, she was beautiful. My tiny little mate was beautiful. I can't believe I met her. She's so shy. My little one. So adorable. I'll break that shyness from her. I want her to be comfortable with me and Carlisle. But I already have a feeling that she's more comfortable with him then me. And I've never been more jealous of my husband in my life then I am right now. But at least she's not scared of me and of what I am. And she seemed to like my touch when I touched her cheek. Oh my little one. I promise I'll be good to you. I'll love and cherish you the way you deserve.

"So, what do you feel like eating my little dove?", I asked her. She seemed to like the nickname. Because she smiled when I called her that. She then shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maddie doesn't really know her way around a kitchen. And I usually cook, but seeing as I can't right now. Or sometimes we get take out. But I'm sure your not the type to get take out. What do you have in mind?", she asked. Oh heavens no. I'll have none of that. Take out? Blah. She needs Heathy good food. I smiled at her. "I know just the thing", I told her sweetly. I could hear the others talking in the living room. She's not familiar with lust? Had her parent not given her the talk about that? How odd. But what made me almost crush a glass cup in my hand was the fact that my sweet Angel has been to hell. Literal hell. Any vampire feared the thought of going to hell. But my poor little mate has already visited. Oh I just wanted to smother her in cuddles, hugs and kisses. My sweet sweet Angel.

I sighed through my nose. Even though I don't need to. I need to keep the anger at bay. I didn't want to scare her. I continued to make my mate her dinner.

"So, my little dove. Have you taken a liking to Carlisle?", I asked her. But I already knew she did. But I had to take my mind off the anger I was feeling. And I smiled at the faint blush on her cheeks. "Yeah, he's really nice. He's just like everyone else. He's really affectionate. I'm not really used to it. Not that my parents neglected me. We just never had the time, you know? So it's gonna take me a bit of time to get used to you all being affectionate. But he's really really nice, he got me a stuffed bear from the gift shop. And I named him squishy. Because well, he's squishy, you know? I was kinda sad to leave, I know I won't see him all the time. Cause he's always working", she said. I watched in sadness as she looked down and played with the arms of her chair. Oh my poor Angel. What she didn't know, was that Carlisle was going to stop working so much. He was gonna take more days off to see her. Our mate is our first priority.

"But, it is nice to see you guys. I never thought I would meet my soulmates. It's a bit overwhelming, but in a good way. What Emmett said was true, I was excited to meet
You. It's just that, I don't know how to be around other people other then my family. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm too shy", she said. She didn't look up to speak. And if I had a beating heart. It would have broken. I put whatever I had in my hands, down. I sped over to her. "Oh honey, you never have to be sorry. We know it must be new for you. And we understand, it's gonna take you a bit of time to warm up to us. And that's okay. We aren't gonna rush anything. We are just so happy to have you in our lives now. Like I said before. We've waited a long time for you. And we'll wait no matter how long, we're just happy to have you", I told her. I wanted to scoop her in my arms and just hug her. But I didn't. Need to take things slowly Esme. She's not used to all this.

She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. "Thank you", she whispered to me. I smiled sweetly and caressed her hair. "It is no problem at all, my little dove. Now your dinner is almost done, I can hear your stomach growling", I told her. I smiled at the blush on her cheeks. I then bopped her on the nose. Which made her giggle. Awww, she's so adorable. My sweet little dove.

I went back to making her dinner. "Esme?", she asked. I hmm'd. "How long have you guys been waiting for me?", she asked me. I hummed. "Well, it was right before we had Jared in the family. So I would say about fifty years", I said. As if it wasn't a big deal. Yes, we've waited a long time for her. But it was worth it. I knew one day we would meet her. And we did. So all that waiting. Was worth it.

But I guess it was a big deal to my dove. She gasped. "Fifty years? That's a long time", she said in shock. I smiled at her shock. "Yes, well, it was worth it", I said to her. In the corner of my eye. I saw her blush, but then I saw her smile. Awww, my darling dove. Your gonna love your new life with us. I just know you will.

As soon as I finished her dinner. I placed it in front of her. "Eat up now, you look like your starving", I told her softly. She smiled at me sweetly. "Thank you Esme", she told me. I smiled at her sweetly. "Your welcome my little dove", I told her. I watched her for a few seconds, as she ate.

I then proceeded in cleaning up my mess

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I then proceeded in cleaning up my mess. But I couldn't help the smile on my lips when I heard a small moan come from my lips. Oh, my little dove. You are very tempting. Very tempting. And you don't even know it. Her scent was very sweet, very tempting. But not in a thirsty for blood type.

Control yourself Esme. Remember. You got to take things slowly. You don't want to have her run scared. I would never scare her off intentionally. I wanted her happy, and safe. My tiny little mate deserved the best. After everything she's been through. I turned to her. "How is it?", I asked her. I watched as she licked her lips, licking the extra sauce off her lips. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself. Down Esme. Down.

"It amazing. Your really good at cooking", she praised me. Oh how I loved to be praised by my mate. I just smiled at her. "Anything for you, and if your still hungry later, I'll make you a snack", I told her. She needs more skin on her bones. She is too skinny.

Oh my mate is perfect. Just perfect. I did not think I deserved such a beautiful and perfect creature as my mate. But I do. And I can't wait to cherish her. Like she deserves.

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