Doctor Hottie

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Third person POV 48 hours later.

The minute Angelica woke up. She didn't feel very angelic. She was in a world of pain. Everything hurt and she didn't know why. She had no idea where she was or remembered what had happened to her. But all she wanted was the pain to go away. She moved her hands, feeling the cold sheets of the bed she was apparently laying upon. She wasn't familiar with this bed. It wasn't like the one at her home. But she didn't freak out. She had a feeling that she was safe, she knew she was in pain, but she knew she was finally away from what has caused her to be in such pain. She knew by the sound of the heart machine, that she was in a hospital, and that would mean she was laying on a hospital bed. Maybe that was why she was in pain. She was safe in a hospital, yet she was in pain while laying in a hospital bed. She would kill for some morphine right about now.

She groaned softly. The pain in her body wasn't the most excellent feeling in the world. Her eyes felt like paperweights. She could barely open them. And it hurt to try and open them. But she wanted to know what was going on around her. So it took every little bit of strength in her to open her eyes. But she closed them when she felt the pain of brightness hit her head on. 'Good grandpa that smarts'. She thought to herself. She sighed through her nose and tried again to open her eyes. This time it took quite a bit of time to open them. But she was able to keep them open this time. She saw white walls, a glass door, a heart machine, and black uncomfortable looking chairs. Definitely a hospital room. And she was definitely in a hospital, if the bed was anything to follow by. Which was very uncomfortable. But it wasn't the worst thing that she's laid on. She's had worse. The beds in multiple hotels can speak for themselves. But it didn't help the stiffness in her body, especially her legs and back. Possibly from not moving from the bed for a long period of time.

She groaned and looked around. She saw a needle sticking out of her hand. She knew what it was. It wasn't the first time she's had a I.V. In her hand. But the thing that is, there was no morphine in the bag. It had all been used and the morphine from earlier was wearing off very fast. The pain was coming back down harder on her more then she would like. She could feel the little clip thing on her finger. She thought for a second. Which thing does she press to contact the doctor? It has to be one of these things around her, right? I mean how else would she be able to contact the doctor? She sighed again through her nose. Seeing as there was a tube down her throat. And as scary as it was. She fought to keep herself from freaking out. Knowing it would do her no good. Her hand moved around again. But this time she felt a long tube like thing. Her thumb felt a button like edge. Maybe that was the thing that contacted the doctor.

She instantly pressed the button. Hoping that it was the thing that contacted the doctor, because the tube that was down her throat was not the most comfortable feeling. And it must have been the right thing, because speak of the devil or doctor. Seeing as her uncle was literally the devil. The handsome doctor that she called a soulmate, walking right into the room with a clipboard. He looked up from the clipboard and looked at her with those amazing looking golden eyes of his. She instantly knew who it was. It had to be doctor Cullen. Seeing as the rest of his children had the same eyes as him.

And if she wasn't in a hospital bed, she would have swooned over the smile that he had given her. She watched as he put down his clipboard, and walked over to her. "Well hello there sleeping beauty, how was your nap?", he asked her. It must have been a liturgical question, seeing as she couldn't speak her opinion with the tube down her throat. She rolled her eyes at her soulmate. And yes, she knew from the minute she looked eyes with the handsome doctor that he was her soulmate. And good gravy was he handsome. She watched as he approached her, his hand inching to touch hers. She felt the cold touch of his hand. But she didn't shiver. It actually felt nice against her warm skin. His golden eyes met hers. He gave her a reassuring smile. "Your okay now, and everything's going to be okay", he whispered to her. His hand left hers. And yet she yearned for his to return to hers again.

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