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Angelica's POV the next day.

Okay. School. It was okay. If you don't count the endless times I have to blush from the stares I got from my
Mates. Ugh! Why do they have to be so beautiful. I mean, couldn't they be ugly. It would be easier this way if they were. But nooooooo. They have to be beautiful.

I shook my head as I made my way to the entrance. I was still by the car. I was skipping happily to the entrance. I hummed softly. But then I stopped in my tracks when I was now in front of my mates. Who were now looking at me. I could hear Maddie trying not to laugh. Traitor. I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. I looked everywhere, just not looking at them. "Hi?", I said as more as a question. I saw Alice and Jasper smile. Emmett and Rosalie smiled at me too. "We didn't get to introduce ourselves properly the other day. I'm Rosalie and this is my boyfriend Emmett. It's so nice to meet you Angel. Alice told us so much about you", Rosalie said with a soft voice. Which made a pleasured shiver run down my back.

Oh man that's embarrassing. I blushed. "It's nice to meet you guys too", I said softly, getting used to actually talking to them for once, other Alice and jasper of course. "Awww, she's so cute when she blushes. She's so tiny and short", Emmett said. I blushed even harder at his words. I heard him, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper laugh at my blushing cheeks. I then looked up at the one that hadn't had a chance to talk to me. I gave him a soft smile. "Hi, my name is Angelica, but you can call me Angel", I said softly as I held out my hand for a hand shake.

I knew his name already. Not by choice anyways. People tend to talk around here. A lot. Edward gave me a small smile back. His beautiful golden eyes met mine and I swear I nearly fell into them. Seeing as they were so beautiful. His hand met mine and he shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Angel. I'm Edward", he said softly. I bit the inside of my cheek. Even his voice sounded like honey and I have no idea what honey sounded like. But if it did have a sound, that's what it would sound like.

I blushed deeper. I then noticed our hands were still touching. I blushed when I felt myself comforted from it. I didn't want to let go. But I knew I had to. I blushed again and looked away. Only to see Jared giving me a unamused look. I raised an eyebrow at him. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Seems like we've already met, feathers", he said crossing his arms over his chest. I huffed and glared at him. "Terrible nickname", I muttered. I rolled my eyes when I heard him give out a low chuckle, I turned my head back, only to see the others giving us a confused look. I sighed and turned around to see Maddie. She was totally getting a kick out of this.


I rolled my eyes and shook my head again.


Oh thank you grandpa! Saved by the bell. "See you guys later!", I yelled as we made our way towards the entrance of the school. Once inside I let out a relieved breath. "Feathers, aye?", Maddie asked me with a amused smirk on her face. Once more, I rolled my eyes at her. "Long story and don't call me that. Still don't like it when he calls me that", I muttered. We made it to our lockers. I slammed mine opened and I let out a long groan into the locker. Hoping no one else heard me, I was leaving my troubles inside of my locker, instead of taking them with me to class. I heard Maddie laugh at my misery. "You are so screwed. I can already tell, your whipped", she said to me. I groaned again. I leaned my head against the cool metal. "Don't remind me. Grandpa only knows what's gonna happen once they find out what I am", I said as I closed my eyes. Trying to get the headache to go away.

"Doesn't seem like they're being too subtle, they seem to really like you. I would even say they're just as whipped as you are", she said chuckling. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my books. "Shut up", I muttered. I really didn't want to talk about this anymore. I just wanted to go to class and forget about all this. At least for today.



Time Skip
Lunch time

I stabbed at my lettuce. I could feel Maddie's smirk from here. I rolled my eyes at her. "Yes, I know. I can feel their eyes on me. Don't have to tell me they're looking at me", I mumbled to her. I really didn't want to look back around to see them staring at me. "It's a little creepy if you ask me", I told her. She chuckled and shook her head, Her hair flopping around in the air as she did. "I think it's cute, in a really creepy way. Your their mate. Of course they're gonna watch you like a hawk", she said to me. I rolled my eyes again for what felt like the millionth time. "Yeah, easy for you to say. Your not the one that has an entire family as your soulmates and trying to keep it from your family so they won't kill said soulmates", I said groaning as I shoved a pile of salad into my mouth. I chewed angrily. She chuckled again.

"Yeah, your right. You have it bad. Good luck with that", she said patting my shoulder. I groaned and nearly face planted into my salad. "Your not helping", I told her. She chuckled again. "Hey, look at the bright side. At least I'm not telling you to avoid them. Your doing all of that by yourself", she said sarcastically. Yep, she's a lot like her dad and sometimes I hate that. I huffed and continued to eat my salad very aggressively, It sucks to be me.

Can't even tell my parents the good news. Since they would probably try and kill my said soulmates.

Oh grandpa, help me.

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