My little angel

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Angelica's POV

The next time I woke up. I knew I wasn't alone. I looked towards the doorway. I smiled softly as I saw Alice. "You know, you won't hurt me if you get closer", I told her softly. She just smiled at me. "Oh I know, I've seen it", she said as she entered the room. Ah, she must be a seer. "So your a seer", I told her. She looked a bit shocked that I knew what she was. I giggled softly. "Yeah I know what you are, I know people like you, but their powers are a bit different then yours", I told her. I shrugged. It wasn't anything new to me.

She got closer and closer. "You are definitely something else little Angel", she said softly. I smiled. "Yeah well, kinda have to be. Half angel, half human. Only one of my kind", I said. I watched as she sat on my hospital bed. She placed a soft hand on one of my legs. "So have you taken a liking to my siblings?", she asked me. But she already knew. I knew that she already knew. I smirked at her. "You already know I do Alice", I said with a small smile on my lips.

She smiled and giggled softly. She placed a hand on top of mine. "I'm so glad that you are okay. I didn't know that we would be too late to getting to you. And my visions are always changing. So when I saw that you were...........", she couldn't finish her sentence. I saw her eyes watering. I frowned at the look on her face. It made me feel bad for making her feel this way. Even though I couldn't control what happened to me. I slowly lifted myself up from my bed. Which was a bit hard. Seeing as I didn't have much strength in me right now. I wrapped an arm around her. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere any time soon. I'm staying right here", I whispered to her. But I knew she heard it loud and clear. I nearly squealed when she wrapped her arms around me.

And then I noticed that we were laying back down. Her cold arms wrapped around me. It felt nice though. I laid my head on her arm. I looked into her golden pools. I smiled softly. "This is nice", I said softly. She smiled at me. She raised a hand and caressed my cheek. Which I leaned into.  "I'll try with everything in me to protect you, my little Angel. I failed you the first time, I won't fail you this time", she whispered to me. I just smiled at her. I took her words truthfully. I knew not only her but the whole family would try to protect me. Even though they know I can protect myself. I slowly raised my hand and ran my fingers over her face. Her face was cold, her skin was soft. Nothing I've ever felt before. Never on a vampire that is. She was beautiful. "Beautiful", I muttered softly. She giggled and placed a kiss on my fingertips. I blushed. Man, we barely know each other and look where we are. Already cuddling. But I couldn't help but like that we were. It already feels like I've known her forever. And I barely know anything about her or her family. Maybe in the future.

I snuggled closer to her. "I'm not going to always need your protection. I can protect myself, you know that right?", I told her. She just smiled and shook her head. "You sound a lot like your father", she told me. I just smirked. "Yes well, I am his daughter. Father like daughter I guess", I told her. She giggled. "Yeah, well I guess 'we'll' try not to protect you all the time. No promises though", she said. I giggled at her words. I knew me and her would get along very well. It's also a good thing that she's my soulmate too. "I'll take it", I said giggling.

"I see both of my girls are getting along", I heard Carlisle's voice before I heard him. We both looked at the doorway. To see him smiling at us. We both giggled. Carlisle walked over to my side of the bed. Checking my vitals. Again with that stinking tiny little bit bright light. Ugh I hate it! I pouted at him. Which only made him and Alice laugh. "Okay little one, all done. No more pouting", he said as he caressed my cheek. I smiled and leaned into his hand. "How are you feeling? Any pain?", he asked me. I just shook my head. "No, it's just hard to sit up every now and then", I told him truthfully. He gave me a sad smile. "Of course. It's going to be like that for awhile, but don't worry, the others will take care of you whilst at school", he told me. I blushed red at his words. Which he and Alice caught. I hid my face into my pillow.

"Awww little one, don't be shy. It's okay", Carlisle cooed at me. Which made me smile into my pillow. Gosh. I loved the way they talked to me. It was amazing. And it made me feel good too. I slowly raised my head and looked back at him. He gave me a smile. "There she is. Hi", he said teasingly waving his fingers at me. I playfully glared at him. I looked back at Alice. "Alice, Carlisle's being mean to me", I said pouting. Which only made her laugh. Now both of them are laughing at me! Ugh! I crossed my arms over my chest. "Awww sweetie, don't be mad. I'm sorry", Carlisle said softly to me. He gave me a smile that I just couldn't be mad at.

Ugh! Fine! He's lucky he's handsome!

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Ugh! Fine! He's lucky he's handsome!

"Ugh fine! Your lucky I like you", I told him. Oh man. The little in me was coming out wether or not I liked it or not. Hopefully they don't pick up on it. Or I'm screwed. But they just laughed at me. "Come on little one. Give me a smile. I know you can give me one". He said cooing softly. I tried not to smile. But the way he was looking at me made me want to laugh and giggle. Dang it! Why?! I couldn't help the smile that was slipping on my lips. Oh yeah. I'm screwed. Very very screwed.

"There it is, there's that smile I've been waiting for", he said. I could see the gleam and happiness in his eyes. Which only made me blush. Because it was for me. Which made me feel all tingly inside. I didn't flinch away when his hand caressed my cheek. I just closed my eyes and leaned into it.

Yeah. I am totally screwed. But the good thing is, they are my soulmates, and I hope they can accept me for who I am. The angel and the little.

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