Grocery Shopping

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Third person POV

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Third person POV

Angel couldn't help the smile as she wheeled herself down the isles with Esme. They were grocery shopping, I know it seemed a bit weird to be shopping with a vampire, for human food. But then again, it was for her and Maddie, so it wasn't all that weird, maybe even felt a little domestic to do this with her, with Esme, she felt that she didn't get enough time to be alone with Esme as she would like, and it made her feel bad, she really did want to spend one on one time with her. So when the time came for the next shopping trip, she offered to go with Esme. So they could get that one on one time together, well, despite the fact that it had to be in a crowded grocery store, but she would get what she could get. It was nice to do this with her, with her mate. And she knew it made Esme happy, she had smiled when she offered to go with her. It wasn't a chore to spend time with her mates, even as simple as grocery shopping.

Even though it sucked that she couldn't exactly claim Esme as hers as Alice had claimed her as her girlfriend. No, the town of forks was awfully small, and people knew who the Cullen's were, people knew that Esme was married to Carlisle, so they couldn't exactly call each other girlfriend and girlfriend? For some reason it just didn't seem right to call Esme her girlfriend, Esme was Esme, her mate, and maybe one day, her mommy. That last thought made her cheeks grow warm with blush. Would Esme even want to be called mommy? She has that motherly spirit and personality, but would she be weirded out if she called her mommy? Even with the whole conversation with Carlisle, she still wasn't sure, she was still all new to this, she was used to being a little by herself and not surrounded by others.

It still sucked though, because when in public with them, it gets a little weird, can't say that she's a friend of the family, not with how affectionate they are with her, sometimes Carlisle and Esme say that they had adopted her, it just felt wrong, it felt weird, she didn't like it, she wasn't their daughter, she was their mate. Ugh! If only things were easier, and they were able to be out in public like they were in the house. But no! Humans can't know! Ugh! She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when Esme turned to look at her. She was holding up too different kinds of bread. "I can't remember if you like white bread or wheat or sour bread, which do you want little dove?", Angel couldn't help but smile at the nickname that Esme had for her, she knew it was because she had wings and the dove was a beautiful creature. Angel shrugged her shoulders, it didn't really matter to her, food was food, and whatever Esme made for her, was always delicious. "I don't really mind, I'll eat whatever", Esme could only shake her head at her little doves response, she was still trying to get her to tell her what her likes were and what were her dislikes. But everything she's given angel, she's eaten, so it was hard to see what she didn't like and what she really liked. But she was patient, she would always be patient with her. Always.

Esme bent over slightly and pressed her lips to Angel's forehead lovingly. She smiled at the sight in front of her, she still blushed around her and she loved it. Even though she couldn't claim her in public, in some way, people would know she was hers. Just not in the way she wanted. But there were times where she wanted to lay kisses on every part of her body, they haven't exactly gotten that far just yet with each other, even though there were times where Esme was able to smell her lust and arousal for her, but sadly, they were always interrupted by the time she tried to make things more intimate. But she would definitely find time for that, she would, even if she had to lock the both of them in one of the many rooms that they had. She would have her time with her sweet girl. She was glad that she had such great self control, or else she wouldn't care if people saw, and then they would have a problem. But she was still waiting for that moment, that one moment where she called her that name, she was beyond jealous of her husband, of course he told her about angel calling him daddy, and yes, she was jealous. She wanted that with her Angel. But she knew she had to be patient, she wouldn't rush her, she didn't want Angel to think she had to call her mommy. She was content with anything, especially now, being with her, alone, even though there were people around, she couldn't be as passionate and affectionate as she wanted, not like at the house. God she wished she could show people that she was hers, so badly. So the boys would know to keep their greedy eyes of her mate! She's not stupid, she's seen boys ogle her like she was a piece of meat. It made her angry, she wanted to lay claim, but she knew she couldn't and it irritated her to no end!

But she soon snapped out of her angry thoughts when she felt warm and soft lips on her lips. She blinked a few times to make sure she knew what was going on. She could feel her lips on hers, a gentle and sweet kiss, that didn't last very long, seeing as they were somewhere they couldn't exactly do said kissing. Angel pulled back slowly and blushed furiously, as much as she knew she couldn't do that with Esme in public, she couldn't help it, she was so close, and she could tell it was making Esme upset as well, so she did what she wanted, hell with anyone that caught them lip locked. "I........I'm sorry, I know we're not supposed to do that in public. But you seemed upset and I wanted to make you feel better, and I couldn't help myself, I wanted to know what your lips tasted like", Angel rambled on and on, but then she realized what she said at the end of her little rambling speech, she looked away from Esme and looked at the ground, her whole face was red. She couldn't believe she said that! But instead of a scolding she expected from Esme, she got something else instead.

She almost squealed when she felt lips press to hers, but they were more passionate and harsh then her kiss was. She felt Esme's hand on the back of her head, pressing her closer to her, so their lips would be pressed harder against one another. Her eyes were fluttering closed as she got used to the sudden kiss, she kissed back just as passionate. She always wanted to know what Esme's lips tasted like, and finally she did, they tasted sweet, which was odd, seeing as the woman that was kissing her, didn't exactly eat sweets, or eat at all. But she found herself liking the taste of Esme's lips. She almost forgot that they were in a store, until Esme pulled back, her golden eyes changed to a dark black with lust. Angel couldn't help the shiver that ran over her body, it was a very good shiver if you asked her. As much as she wanted more, she knew that they couldn't exactly continue in the store, where anyone could see them. Esme leaned closer to her ear. "There will be a time where we'll be doing more then finding out what each other tastes like, my sweet girl. Just be patient", Esme basically purred into Angel's ear, she was glad that humans weren't able to smell lust like she could, she gripped the arms of the wheelchair, to control herself, her Angel's sweet arousal so strong, so strong she nearly lost her control. But she knew she couldn't continue like this, as much as she wanted to lay claim on her, it would only cause problems for the both of them. And it would be better if they did have a room to themselves, where she could have her for herself, to taste every part of her, to hear her moan for her. Her moans would belong to her, the marks that she would place upon her skin would be good enough for her, despite the fact that people wouldn't know who put them there. They would know she was taken. That's all that mattered.

Esme took a deep breath and slowly let it out, despite not having to. She tried ignoring the sweet smell that came from her dove, as much as she wanted to swim in her scent, she knew she couldn't, but hopefully this trip was short and they would be able to go back home, and she would have all the time she could have with Angel. She looked both ways to check if anyone was coming their way, before placing a soft peck on Angel's lip. She giggled softly when Angel pouted, Esme knew she was getting upset about being interrupted during these intimate moments. Her sweet girl was sexually frustrated, the poor dear. She would have to fix that. "Come on my little dove, let's get a few things before we go home", she watched as Angel nodded her head, Esme couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips when she saw that her cheeks were still pink with blush. Oh yes, she'll definitely have her time with her, no more interruptions. Even if she had to fight her family for her attention.

(Let's just say that Angel is having the definition of 'Blue balls' in girl term, she is not liking these interruptions nor the fact that they won't go further with her. Like Esme said, she is sexually frustrated, not the best thing in the world.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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