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Third person POV

And to say when the Cullen's got back to the house, they were relived when they didn't smell any blood. Or racing heartbeats. Or well one that didn't belong to Maddie that is.

And once they get walked into Angel's room. She was sitting in her bed, pouting. With Edward standing right beside her. Shaking his head slightly. But of course it was Carlisle who stepped up to give the lecture. "What were you thinking? Walking over to the stairs on the first try? Not the smartest thing to do Angelica! You could have fell down the stairs and really hurt yourself. Why do you keep on getting yourself into these dangerous situations?! Hmm?! One of these days we're not gonna be there to catch you or save you", Carlisle lectured her sternly.

But what came next was not what they expected. "Oh like you saved me from that van hitting me?", she sassed angrily. There was anger in her eyes. It was a blow. A big blow to the Cullen's. They still felt guilty for not pushing her out of the way of the van. Or saving her. And once she finished that sentence she knew she hit a nerve. She felt guilty just after Saying it. Her anger disappeared the minute it came. And now she was the one that felt guilty. She wrung her hands together.

"I-I'm sorry, I have no idea where that came from. I didn't mean it. I promise. I don't blame any of you for that day. I-I-I just wanted you to be proud of me. And of course stupid me wasn't thinking, like always", she said as she looked down at her hands. And then the room was filled with sniffles and the bittersweet scent of tears. And they could hear the sound of her muttering to herself. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid", she muttered to herself. She wrung her hands together harder. Making her skin red and irritated.

But it was Emmett who sat on the bed. Putting a cold hand on hers. To stop her from hurting herself. "Hey now, stop that. Come on sweetheart, your making your beautiful skin all red", he said softly and soothingly. He pressed his cool lips to her reddened skin. He ran his cool thumb over the reddened skin. "Your not stupid princess, never stupid. Your smart, beautiful and fierce, but never never stupid. And if anyone were to tell you that, I'm gonna kick their ass. We know sometimes you don't think things throughly, and hey sometimes I don't either. It's okay. But maybe sometimes before you think of something like that again. you had us worried, you could have really hurt yourself. And we weren't here. I know you like to do things on your own. You have done things on your own. Way before you met us. But we're here now, and we're gonna try our hardest to try and protect you. But you got to help us do that, so maybe try not walking for the first time over to the stairs? And don't get us wrong, we are extremely proud of you baby, we are, we are so proud of you. But maybe start walking when we're here or when Maddie can keep an eye on you. Okay? My little danger magnet", he said. His words were smooth. And soothing. And what he did next caused her heart to nearly skip a beat. But in a good way. He kissed her tears away.

Which caused a hue of red to appear on her cheeks. Emmett chuckled. "My blushing princess. So adorable", he said as he pressed his lips to her cheek. She giggled. And what almost shocked him was when she threw her arms around his neck. He froze when she nuzzled into his neck. Breathing in his scent. But he seemed to snap out of his trance. And pressed a gentle hand to the back of her head. Pressing her closer to him. Her scent was Devine. Her skin was like a summers day. Her touch was electrifying. But in a good way. And he loved it. He loved everything about her.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. To all of you. I know I don't make things easy on any of you. And I'm gonna try and think things through better. I promise", she whispered. But she knew everyone in the room could hear her. She smiled when she heard them chuckle and giggle. She knew things were good. Even though she still felt terrible about what she said. "Oh princess, you keep us on our toes. But your right, maybe try and tone down the dangerous situations for awhile, and maybe we can buy you another bear or something. Anything you want", Emmett whispered into her ear. He smiled when he felt her giggle into his neck. "Deal", she whispered back. He was in love. He loved how she nuzzled into his neck. Not afraid of what he was. Not afraid that he could snap her in half like a twig. Not that he would in a million years. He would always be gentle with her. Always. She was his little princess. His baby girl.

He would always be gentle.

And loving.

And neutering.

He may be a idiot. But he wasn't heartless. Or loveless.

He may have a dead heart. One that hasn't beaten in years. But if it did. It would be hers.

His little Angel baby.

He would do anything in his power to protect her. He would do anything for her. Anything. He would kill for her. Fight for her. Die for her. Anything. Anything she wanted. She would get. She would get all the affection in the world. His little love bug was once touch starved. But no more. He would give her his affection. And he knew Rosalie would lather with love and affection. The both of them would give her all the love and affection she needed and wanted. She deserved it. Their little princess.

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Forever was long. But it wasn't long enough for him. Eternity was more like it. He wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her.

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