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Third person POV

It didn't take long for Edward to get back to the house. But it felt like forever to him. His shivering mate was in his arms. She was cold to the touch. Almost the same temperature as he was. And he didn't like that one bit. It scared the shit out of him. He had to get her to Carlisle. It wasn't as bad as last time. But she was hurt. Those boys had hurt her. Hurt his princess. He was livid. He was pissed. He was angry. And he knew the minute he walks into that house that he wouldn't be the only one that would be angry. Even though Esme and Carlisle were considered the good vampires around the vampire community, he knew that they would be just as angry as he would when they found out how angel got her injuries.

He didn't stop running, not even when he got into the house. He was pretty sure that Carlisle and Esme could smell her blood. Because the minute he stepped into the living room, the both of them had joined him a second later. The both of them had twin expressions on their faces. They both looked concerned. "Edward, what happened?", Esme asked him, her voice was thick with concern for their mate. Edward grit his teeth in anger. "Humans, human boys hurt her. For the fun of it. They took her out of the school and into the rain. No matter how hard she pleaded, no matter how hard she fought, or tried to get away. They wouldn't leave her alone. They laughed as they kicked her, they laughed as she cried out in pain. And when the bell rang, they spat on her, and took her wheelchair. She had no way of getting to any of us. We found her unconscious, she's shivering and freezing to the touch, we don't know how long she's been out there for", Edward told his parents.

And there it was.

The concern was gone.

And the anger was all over their faces.

He could see the fire in their eyes. He could see that they were just as livid. Just as pissed as he was. Even for them it was shocking. He's never really seen them angry before. And it was scary.

"Give her to me, I need to bring her temperature up", Carlisle said. His voice was lacking any emotion. And it scared Edward. But he wasn't afraid to give Angel to him. Because he knew that Carlisle would never hurt Angel. Never. Carlisle was just angry at those boys. Just as he and the others were. Edward passed angel over to Carlisle. And before he knew it. The both of them were gone. Esme right behind him.

Edward could still smell the blood on his hands. His mates blood. It smelled sweet. But at the same time bittersweet. Because it had been spilled by someone's hands. He may not be like he once was. But in those few moments, he felt like he wanted to be. He wanted to hunt those boys done and punish them for what they did to her. To his princess. To his mate! She did nothing wrong! She should have been safe in school! But no! They endangered his mate and hurt her! When they knew that she couldn't fight back! He was angry. He was pissed. He was livid. He wanted to hunt for blood. But he knew that angel would never forgive him for that.

He clenched his fists tightly. To control himself from doing just that.

Soon enough, he heard footsteps coming into the house. The sound of his siblings entering the house. It wasn't just his siblings, but also Maddie. He turned around, and he could see their expressions. Anger. Lots and lots of anger. They were just as pissed. Especially Rosalie. She looked like she was going to go hunting. Just like she did with those men, with her Ex-Fiancé. She wanted to hunt for blood. Just as he had once done. But she also knew that angel wouldn't want her to. But it was hard to control herself.

Even Emmett looked pissed. Normally he was the teddy bear giant. But not right now. He looked scary, dangerous, and he was pissed. He's never hunted for blood. He never hunted like he and Rosalie had. But just looking at him, he looked scary. He looked two seconds away from speeding out of this house and going after those assholes. But the thought of angel was what kept him here. He had to make sure she was okay.

They could all hear her heartbeat. But they knew she must be in a world of pain. And that angered them. Someone had laid hands on their mate. And that did not slide with them. Not one bit. They may not be able to kill them. But they knew they couldn't let them get away with hurting her. It was a good thing Carlisle was known around these parts. That he had connections with Chief Swan.

Edward made the mistake of looking at Jasper. But it wasn't Jaspers eyes he was looking into. It was Major. And major was fucking pissed to the nine. Major was strong. He would be able to get away from them if he wanted to. But major knew he couldn't. And it took everything in him not to go hunt those boys down. They had hurt his darlin'. And he wanted them to pay. To pay for what they had done to her! They must pay!

Alice was the only one that didn't look pissed off. More concerned then anything. She paced back and forth. She was worried. She wrung her hands together in nervousness. She was scared. The sound of her mates heart beat was a relief. But she didn't like that she was hurting. That someone had hurt her. She should have seen it coming. She should've. Why didn't she get her vision till after? Why wasn't she fast enough? Her mate was upstairs, in pain. It would only delay the healing process she was going through. And she was doing so well! Those boys ruined it! They ruined it for her! She didn't like that. She didn't. Her poor angel.

They could all hear the soft whispers that Carlisle was whispering to angel. Most of them were telling her to wake up. She hasn't woken up yet. That worried them. She's been out for a long time now. She has to wake up. She has to. She had a heart beat. But they didn't know how long she was out there in the rain. She could get sick. What if she had Hypothermia? That scared them. But they knew she was in Carlisle's hands. He would take care of her. He was the best doctor around. He had to take care of her. He had to.

He just had to.

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