New friend?

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Angelica's POV

Awww, alone time. Since Maddie has science class right now. I have free period. I just wanted to be alone right now and not to interact with others. I sighed and made my way around the school. Looking at all the lockers and stuff on the walls. Dad was right. Some schools are just dull and grey. Which makes things fun for me. I feel like I'm normal for once. I feel..........human. More then I already was. Weird, right? Yeah it's a bit weird. But hey, it's not everyday I get to feel this way. Seeing as I have wings sprouting out of my back all the time.

And it's been awhile since I've last been able to bring them out. Just have to find a place where I can let them out. But where?

I looked around, until I found a door that said school catacombs. I arched a eyebrow up. I didn't know schools had catacombs. I shrugged and opened the surprisingly open door, I scuffed. So much for keeping people out. I walked inside and made my way down the pretty much dark hallway. I mean there was light. But hardly. I can barely see. But that was a win-win for me. No one was down here. I would be able to sprout my wings. Nice! I took off my jacket. Which had my undershirt under it. I had a tattoo where my wings would sprout out. Dad thought it would be a good idea to cover the scars, so I wouldn't have much of a reminder of what happened. Which was pretty corny, seeing as my tattoo is a pair of wings, I sighed in content once my wings were able to spread out. That's amazing. It felt amazing too.

I felt them flutter around and stretch. I let my fingers run over the feathers. Unlike my father. My feathers were white. Since I didn't need to transfer my soul into a human being. I was born. I was able to show my wings to anyone I wished, but it was sometimes hard to keep them in. Seeing as I don't get to spread them as much. Pretty much sucks when your me. Trying to be human. I scuffed and made my way down the long hallway.

"So that's what you are, I should have known. You didn't smell human, what are you?", I heard a voice say behind me. I gasped and jumped, I then turned around. To see one of the Cullen boys. It wasn't one of my mates. Thank the heavens above. I think his name was Jared. His golden eyes were looking at me in curiosity. I gulped nervously, what do I say, what do I do? I scratched behind my ear, I do that when I'm nervous. "I, Um, You wouldn't believe me if I told you they were fake", I asked him awkwardly. But he only gave me a unimpressed look. Yeah, I'm not going to get through him. Dang it. I should have made sure no one followed me in. Now what am I supposed to do? But at least it wasn't a human, then I really wouldn't know what to do.

I sighed. "I guess, Seeing as it's only you, I am what you call a hybrid. No, not werewolf or whatever. I'm half human, and half angel from my fathers side", I told him. He just raised an eyebrow at me, I could see it in his eyes that he was curious about what I was. And a lot of people usually were. Not a lot of angel hybrids around these days, anyways. "Does my family know about this?", he asked me. I gave him a confused look. Why would they know? I haven't even spoken to them, well if you don't count meeting Alice and Jasper today. "No, and why would they?", I asked. He rolled his eyes at me, he reminded me of Maddie a lot, I'm pretty sure they would get along just fine. "They're vampires. I guess you can say we are vampires. And we tend to have a side to us that have mates, And you just happen to be mates to my siblings, and my foster mother and father", he said unenthusiastically. He seemed like he didn't care about anything he was talking about.

But me? I was shocked. I wasn't only mated to the Cullen siblings, but also their foster mother and father. It was a lot to take in. Not only was I mates with the Cullen siblings but also their foster mom and dad. Great. Just great! Just what I need! This was going to go swimmingly with my parents. Note the sarcasm. I groaned and sighed. "Great, just great. Can't believe this is happening. Why me? Why did it have to be me? Ugh!", I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. I looked back at him to see him glaring at me. I huffed and sighed. "Don't give me that look. Ever since I was a kid I always wanted to meet my soulmates, yes, even angels get soulmates. The problem isn't that they're vampires. It's the fact that I come from a very complicated family, my fathers and uncle are hunters", I said.

And maybe I shouldn't have said that they were hunters. Or at least explained it better. Because the next thing I knew. I'm being pinned to the wall by my throat. He bared his teeth at me. Which weren't all that scary to me, I've seen worse things. He didn't have pointy sharp teeth like the ones I'm used to. But I'm pretty sure that his teeth are just as sharp, just not pointy. His eyes were now a dark golden. "I won't let you hurt them! I won't let you put your filthy hunter hands on them!", he growled at me. I gasped as I couldn't get air into my now screaming lungs. I tried patting his hands to let me go. But he wouldn't let up. "", I gasped through every word. He growled at me again. But eventually he let me go, he hesitated but he let me go. I fell to the ground gasping for air, oh sweet air! "Explain, now!", he growled at me. I huffed and glared up at him. Who did he think he was? Choking people is not nice! "Why is it that everyone's always so damn trigger happy before they ask questions. Just like my dad. So damn trigger happy. What you didn't let me explain is the fact that my family only hunt the real monsters out there. The vampires that actually have fangs and prey on the innocent, the vampires that burn in the sun, not the ones that sparkle in the sun. We hunt the ones that only want to harm, we leave the innocent ones out of our hunting. We also hunt werewolves, not shifters. There's a difference. But if I tell my parents that I'm mated to a family of vampires, It'll be hard to explain to them that you guys don't die when we stake you or push you into the sun. You see, my family won't kill yours. Since your family doesn't eat people, you guys eat animals. My uncle Sammy would be okay with it. My dad will probably pout at not being able to kill you with a stake. But they won't hurt any of you, even if they wanted to, I wouldn't let them, especially if they are my soulmates", I spat at him. I was angry, I was mad, you don't go around choking people like that! It's very rude!

It took him a few minutes to get my words through his head. Then his face turned into a pitiful one. "I guess I'm sorry about pinning you to the wall. I'm a bit protective over my family is all, you never know when someone wants to kill them", he said, as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. I chuckled and got up. At least he apologized, he has so sort of manners to him. "I'll forgive you, only if you promise you won't take a bite out of me and my friend", I told him. He chuckled and shook his head. "You got a deal, feathers", he teased me. I glared at him playfully. Feathers, really? Out of all the nicknames he had for me, feathers was what he had for me? How original.

We shook hands for our deal. To seal the deal.

I smiled at him. "I can see us becoming good friends in the future", I said with a full grin. He rolled his eyes and groaned. "God help me", he said. I giggled. Grandpa can't get him out of this one.

I think I just made a new friend.

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