In case you didn't know

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Third person POV (A few days later)

It's been a few days since the incident. And Angel felt just awful. She tried not showing it to the others. But seeing as her two of her mates were a mind reader and a emotion reader. It didn't really work out very well in trying to hide her emotions. But they haven't said anything. So she was happy. Well, not happy. But she was glad for not having to listen to another lecture. She didn't need another one. But she did feel terrible. She could have hurt anyone. She could have hurt her best friend. She could have hurt her mates. She never thought in a million years that she would be able to. But she could've. And that's what scared her. That she could hurt them at any time.

She was afraid. But not of them. But of herself. What she could do. To them. They should be afraid of what she could do. And yet, they weren't. Why? They saw what she could do, so why weren't they afraid? She would be.

Angel was so lost in her thoughts, that she hadn't seen Jasper come into the room. "Hey Angel, darlin, you okay?", he asked her after she didn't respond to her name. It took her a few seconds to realize that he was there. She snapped out of it. She tried giving him a sincere smile. But the both of them knew it was fake. "Oh hey Jazz, didn't see you come in", she told him. Jasper raised an eyebrow at her words. Hadn't seen him walk in? She was facing the doorway. She could have seen him clear as day. Was she day dreaming or something? He didn't hesitate to sit on the bed with her. He rested a hand on top of hers. "Are you okay, sugar?", he asked her again. Because she hadn't answered it the first time he asked. But she just blew him off with her hand. "I'm fine Jazzy, I'm cool as rain", she told him. Giving him another one of her 'Fake' smiles. But he didn't believe for a second that it was real.

But then he felt it. Fear. Hatred. Sadness. For a second he was shocked. Flabbergasted. Why would she be feeling those type of feelings? Was it towards him? And why would it be? Had he done something wrong? But then he dug deeper into her feelings. Fear of herself. Self hatred. And just plain ole sadness. It hurt him to know she was feeling these type of feelings towards herself. She shouldn't have to. And he knew exactly why.

He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He walked over to her side of the bed. Gently leaned her forward. Even though he got a confused look from her. He sat behind her. And then he brought her in tightly to his chest. His cool hands rubbing up and down her arms. Soothing her. He gently rocked her. He leaned in softly to whisper to her. "I know it's hard to not have these feelings darlin, but you shouldn't have to be scared of yourself, you shouldn't hate yourself either. But I know it's hard to not feel those feelings. But let me tell you darlin', in case you didn't already know, I'm not scared of you. No one in this family is, we could never be scared of you sugar. Those boys needed to be punished, but if you had done it, you would have exposed yourself and they would have taken you. And we would lose you. And we could never want that. Never. Your our light in the darkness. Your our home. Life with you is never dual", he whispered into her ear.

'I can't count the times
I almost said what's on my mind
But I didn't
And just the other day
I wrote down all the things I'd say
But I couldn't
I just couldn't'

He tightened his grip on her when he smelt her tears. He felt bad for making her cry. But these words had to be said. "You may be strong, but I know you would never be able to hurt us, just like us darlin, we would never ever hurt you. We'll always be by your side, we'll always protect you. Because it's you and us against the world baby doll", he whispered into her ear. He pressed his cool lips against her forehead. He could feel major hum in agreement to his words. He agreed with him. That's a first. But he had a feeling they would always agree with each other when it came to her. But a smile soon grew on his lips. Now instead of fear, hatred and sadness. He felt happiness, and maybe even relief. He almost purred when he felt her nimble fingers run up and down his cool arms. Up and down his bite scars. She didn't find them disgusting. Not at all. She was interested in them. She actually thought they made him look beautiful. More beautiful then he already was.

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