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Third person POV five hours later.

The next time Angelica woke up, she noticed she wasn't alone. But this time it wasn't her handsome hottie doctor. It was Jasper. The one from school. The one with the mood changing power. She blushed when she remembered what she felt when she was around him. "Jasper?", she asked. She was confused, why was he here? Was something wrong? She didn't move away when he approached. She didn't flinch away either. She just watched in curiosity. What was he going to do? She watched as he sat down on the edge of her bed. His hand slowly coming to settle on top of hers. It was cold but comforting. She moved her hand, and grabbed onto his own. She had this feeling that washed over her body again. But this time she embraced it. She knew she was crazy to do so, since she barely knew the guy. But hey, they were mates, they had plenty of time to get to know each other. She felt a wave of happiness hit her. And she knew it was him. Which made her smile. "You know it's not fair with the whole mood controlling thing", she told him with sass in her voice. She watched in awe as he chuckled. She had never seen said man chuckle. Seeing as he always seemed to be in pain whenever she saw him at school.

"Yeah, well darlin', I promise to not use it on you, much", he said with a smirk on his lips. She smiled and rolled her eyes. "You are definitely something else Jasper Hale", she muttered to him. He smirked once again. "Yeah, but so are you. My little Angel", he teased. He watched as her eyes widened. Mostly in shock and maybe even a little fear. But before he could speak again, she groaned. "My parents are here, aren't there?", she said. She looked to be annoyed, but he thought it was the cutest thing he's ever seen. "Yes", he said simply. She groaned again. "And did they try to kill any of you?", she asked him. He titled his head to the side. "Not for the reason your thinking, they tried killing us because we didn't protect you from the car accident", he told her truthfully. He watched in pure awe as he seen the scrunched up look on her face. It was adorable. "But how would that be your fault? You guys were nowhere near the scene", she said in confusion. He sighed and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "Still doesn't say that we aren't to blame. We should have been there to save you, if we were we would have saved you, both of you. Seeing as what we are to each other, we consider that a fail of being a mate. And I am sorry I wasn't there darlin', if I could go back, I would", he said sadly.

She could hear the sadness in his voice. And it hurt her to know he was hurting because of her. She tried to lean forward to cup his face. But the problem was the fact that every inch of her body felt like a body weight and hurt like a bitch. She winced harshly, instantly she felt cold hands on her upper arms. Gently pushing her down to lay back down against the pillow. She sighed and looked back at him. She slowly lifted her hand to reach for his face. Which he obliged. He leaned forward and leaned into the hand that she had laid on top of his cold cheek. She watched as he closed his eyes at the contact, before opening them up again. "It is not your fault. And neither is it Maddie's. It was my choice to do what I did. And I'm glad that I made the right choice, may it end with me in this very uncomfortable bed and hurting like the the fires of hell. But it was my choice. Not Maddie's, not yours, not your siblings, nobody's but mine and I do not regret my choice in the making. Do not blame yourself Jasper, because you will have no reason to. I am a big girl, I can make big girl choices when I want to. Even though most of the time I act like a five year old child", she said shrugging. But realized what she had said at the end. A red blush appeared on her cheeks. And she instantly went to look at Jasper. Who seemed to be enjoying the little show she was putting on. He was smirking at her. "I-I-I, I didn't mean to say that last part", she said stuttering. He chuckled once more and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Before leaning into her ear. "Your secrets safe with me sweetheart", he whispered softly. Which only made her go redder. He chuckled. Thinking it was the most adorable thing he's ever seen. And he thought his wife was the cutest thing he's ever seen. Oh was he wrong.

His little princess was a lot different kind of adorable. That he knew. He felt her hand push his face away, her giggles echoed around the room. He could tell she was embarrassed. He had found out her secret, but the truth was, he already knew, long before. He smirked and grabbed onto her hand that pushed his hand away. He placed little kisses on each finger tip. Which only made her giggle more. He loved the giggles that were coming out of her mouth and loved it even more when he knew it was because of him. His inner vampire was very smug about it. He couldn't wait to tease both his siblings about it.

"It's so weird. We hardly know each other", she said to him. He just gave her a small smile.

"If you would let me, I would and also along with my siblings, we would really like to get to know you before this relationship gets any more deeper", he said softly

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"If you would let me, I would and also along with my siblings, we would really like to get to know you before this relationship gets any more deeper", he said softly. He knew he would have to wait to hear her call him that special name he wanted. But he knew it was going to be worth it. He just had to wait, and he couldn't wait to get to know her more. More that he hadn't figured out on his own. He saw that beautiful smile appear on her lips. He loved it so much, he wanted to make her smile more. "I would love that", she said shyly. Aww, she was getting shy. He chuckled and brought her knuckles to his lips. "Now don't get shy on me sweetheart. Because once you get better, you'll be sitting with my family at school", he said winking at her. Which only made her blush harder. He didn't think it was possible. But it was. "Well, I'll only do it if you let Maddie sit with us", she said. He smiled at her again, which she thought was the most breathtaking smile she had ever seen. "Deal", he said as he kissed her knuckles again. Which only made her giggle again.

Oh yes, he could not wait. His mate was definitely something else. And he couldn't wait to see what made her tick. He knew deep down that he and major both would try their hardest to protect her from everything and everyone that thought it would be a good idea to harm her. Try him, he'll come at you twice as hard. He's not kidding when it comes to his mate.

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