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Angelica's POV

In and out. I saw light and darkness. I couldn't really pay attention to anything. The pain was just to much, all I heard was the sound of something loud. I didn't know what was going on, but everything hurt and I couldn't breathe. Everything was out of focus. I was scared. I was scared I was going to die without ever seeing my family again. Without seeing my parents again or my uncles. Or be able to get to know my soulmates. Damn it! I should have never avoided them. Now look at me. I'm gonna die like this.

"Damn it! She's crashing!", I heard a voice yell. It was so loud and the light was being replaced with darkness. I was blacking out. I wasn't strong enough to stay awake. "Two minutes till we get to the hospital!", I heard another voice yell. But it seemed so far away. I heard the sound of metal being hit. "Step on it! We're losing her!", another one yelled. But now it just seemed like a whisper. I lolled my head to the side. I felt my heavy arm fall over the edge of whatever I was laying on. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do a thing. I was dying.

I was dying.

I'm already dead.

Third person POV

The sound of the heart meter echoed around the metal walls of the ambulance. The two EMT's got into action. They started to do CPR on her. Pushing on her chest as hard as they could. But it didn't seem to be working. Her heart just wasn't gonna start. The younger one of the two grabbed the paddles. He rubbed the two together. "CLEAR!", he yelled as he pressed the two paddles to the girls chest. It made her chest arch up on instinct, but nothing, nothing at all. No heart beat. No nothing. He shook his head. "CLEAR!", he yelled again. He pressed both of the paddles to her chest. Her chest arching up in the air. But again, nothing. Her heart just wouldn't start. But the younger one just shook his head. He wouldn't let this be the end. He wouldn't, he couldn't! Not when she was so young.

He grit his teeth and rubbed the paddles again. "CLEAR!", he yelled as loudly as he could. He pressed the two paddles to her chest as hard as he could. He breathed heavily, but hung his head as there was no heartbeat. He shook his head and set the paddles down. He felt his friends hand on his shoulder. "Call it", his friend whispered to him. The younger one sighed. "Time of death, 15:35", he whispered. He looked at the young girl. She had so much to live for, she still had plenty of life to live. And yet, she's gone. She was pale. Her lips were blue now. Her chest wasn't rising. She was gone. She really did look like an Angel. If only he knew she was one.


It didn't take them much longer to get to the hospital. Grieve plastered onto their faces. The doctors who came out to greet them saw the look on their faces. "What do we got?", one of the doctors asked. His name tag said Conners. The younger one of the EMT's shook his head. "She was crushed into another car. The impact was just too much for her body to keep up with. She saved her friend. She was a hero", he said. Conners sighed in sympathy. He always hated these ones. Death before they could even work on them. Always so sad. Especially talking to the family. "We'll take her in and try to find her family", he said as the other doctors wheeled her into the hospital doors.

But once they wheeled her in, they heard a females voice yelling. "Angel! Angel! No! You have to let me see her! Please! No! NO! PLEASE!", the voice grew louder and louder. They turned their heads to see a teenage girl trying to get to them. But she was being blocked by security. "I'm sorry miss, but I can only allow family through", the security guard said. "FAMILY?! I AM HER FAMILY! SHES THE ONLY FAMILY I GOT LEFT!", she yelled in the security's face. The security looked back at the doctor. Who sighed and nodded his head. Which made him move out of the way.

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