Out Of The Hospital

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Angel's POV a few weeks later.

These past few weeks haven't been that bad. But being stuck in a hospital bed kinda sucks. Especially if I'm sitting on my ass all the time. Most of the time my ass falls asleep and then it gets uncomfortable. But having my special visitors makes up for it. Especially if one of them is a very hot doctor. Mmmm.

But today is the day. I'm getting out the hospital. These past few days have been sucky though. Having physical therapy, due to the rods in my legs. I need to learn how to walk again. Wasn't the best thing to go through. But today I was going back home. And I also heard that the Cullen boys built me a ramp for my wheel chair. Even a really cool looking one for when I want to go up to my room.

I was ready to go home. Even though I would miss my late night visits from my hotty doctor mate. The thing is though, I found out, is that they don't live that far from us. They are literally five minuted away from us. By walk. Not by car. So weird. But kinda cool if you ask me.

"You ready to go home little one?", I was snapped out of my thoughts by Carlisle's honey laced voice. I shook my head of my thoughts. "Whaa? Oh yeah, definitely ready. But I will admit I will miss our late night talks", I said smiling at him. He chuckled and I couldn't help but fall in love with the sound. It sounded amazing and I loved that it was because of me. "I will miss our talks too little one. But it is time to go home and get used to the wheelchair for awhile. Don't worry, I'll be coming by every Tuesday and Wednesday to come and check on you and help with your physical therapy", he said. Oh thank grandpa. I was thinking some random guy or woman was gonna come by the house and help me with it. I am more comfortable with Carlisle being there. I softly nodded my head at his comment. "Sounds like a plan", I said with a small smile on my lips. He smiled at me with that smile I've fallen in love with. And I swear I could have swoon if I wasn't still in this hospital bed.

He was soon by my side in a instant. He gave me a amused smile. "I am going to miss my sweet and beautiful patient, none of my other patients are quite like you little one", he said. And I knew he was flirting with me. And I couldn't help the blush that was appearing on my cheeks. He chuckled. He then bent down and placed a soft kiss to my forehead. Mmmm. These past few weeks we've had time to get to know one another. And I've gotten to know a lot about him. And he's gotten to know a lot about me. I still haven't shown him my wings just yet. I feel that I should do that I'm private. Just in case. But I do like the little kisses on the forehead from the family. They are very affectionate. And I'm starting to really really like it.

But there is one person I haven't met yet. Esme. And I've been waiting to meet her. You could say I've been anxious to meet her. I mean, I've met the whole family, but her. I wonder why?

I looked up at Carlisle. A curious look on my face. "When am I going to meet Esme?", I asked him. He just gave me a small smile. "Ah, you'll be meeting her very soon. She's been very anxious to meet you little one", he said. But when is soon? I pouted. "When is soon?", I asked him. He chuckled. He then bopped me on the nose. My nose twitched from the sudden touch. "Soon will be very soon, now don't fret little one. It's almost time to for you to go home", he said to me with a sweet tone.

I couldn't wait to go home.


"You know, I am capable to do this on my own", I told him. He chuckled as he held me in his very strong looking arms. "Actually your not, but that's okay. You'll get there soon, I promise", he said as he winked at me. Oh wow, now my doctors flirting with me. Eh. He's been doing it the entire three weeks I've been here. I just can't get over the fact that they flirt with me. It's still a little new to me.

Yeah, yeah, laugh at the Angel that's never been flirted with. You can thank my fathers for that. And also my uncles. So..........

I was sat down in a nice looking wheelchair. It looked easy to steer. So I wouldn't have people pushing me around all the time. Nice.

I then smiled as he laid a warm blanket over my legs. And in my lap now laid squishy. My bear. I couldn't help but smile wide when I saw squishy. I hugged him to my chest. "Squishy", I said happily. I blushed when I heard Carlisle chuckle. Yeah, it's gonna take me awhile to get used to that. Especially if we're gonna be neighbors. "Your fathers are waiting for you in the waiting room", he told me. I nodded and looked up as he hovered over me. "Thank you for taking care of me Carlisle", I whispered. But I knew he could hear me loud and clear. He just smiled at me. He bent his head down and placed a kiss on my forehead. I giggled. "Anything for you, my little one", he whispered to me. But I heard him loud and clear.

I then looked forward. I haven't been out of this hospital room in three weeks, unless it was to go to physical therapy. I'm pretty sure all my classmates think I'm dead. Why wouldn't they? I mean, they've seen me get literally crushed by a truck or was it a van? I don't remember and frankly I don't want to remember.

"You got this", Carlisle whispered to me. He's right. I do got this. I got this in the bag. And I can do it. I can do it. Just keep telling yourself that Angel. I then felt as my chair was now moving. Out of the hospital room I called home for the past three weeks. I sighed and laced my fingers over my bear. As long as I had squishy and Carlisle by my side. I was safe and comfortable. No matter if I felt the peering eyes of others.

I was ready to go home and no one was going to keep me from going home. Not even their judgmental looks or stares.


It didn't take us that long to get to the waiting room. But a part of me didn't want to leave here, I didn't want to say goodbye to Carlisle. And maybe he didn't want to say goodbye to me either.

But I couldn't help but smile when I saw my parents. I was always happy to see them. It always meant that they were safe and in one piece.

"There's our girl, ready to go home sweetheart?", my dad asked me. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm more then ready", I told him. I then turned to look at Carlisle. "I'll see you later?", I asked him. He smiled and bent down at my side. "Of course little one. I'll see you real soon, I promise", he said. He then grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it. I couldn't help but blush.

"Bye", I whispered softly.

"Goodbye Angelica", he whispered back to me. And it felt good to hear my whole name be said out loud like that. It sent shivers down my back.

My parents soon approached, talked about what would happen next and how the physical therapy would go. Then they shook hands and said goodbye to one another. I was surprised. Really surprised. Seeing my parents being civil. Okay, maybe just my dad. I was surprised to see him being civil.

Carlisle turned to me and smiled. He winked at me before he turned and walked away. I couldn't help the smile on my lips. I was beaming with happiness. "Oh, you have it bad, really bad", I heard my father said in a amused tone. I turned my head to look at him. "What? Am I that obvious?", I asked him. "Definitely", both my parents said at the same time. I rolled my eyes. I hated when they did that. I then sighed. "Did you guys at least bring baby with you?", I asked. My dad smiled and winked at me. "You know I did", he said.


That car has been in the family longer then I've been alive. So it was part of our family. Even if it was a car. I love baby. I'm pretty sure I was birthed in that car. But my parents keep denying it.

I let my father push my wheelchair out of the hospital. And as soon as we got out of the hospital doors. I was hit with fresh air. I breathed it in and then out. Ah, that's better.

I couldn't wait to go home.

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