No more pouting

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Angelica's POV a few hours later.

I was boredly playing with my wires. I knew I shouldn't. But I was bored. And doctor hottie wasn't in the room so he wouldn't be able to scold me on it. I smiled to myself. I liked the nickname I has given him. Doctor hottie. Which was true. Because well, he was handsome. I giggled to myself. I didn't look up, I could hear him coming by the sound of his shoes hitting the white flooring. "What did I tell you about playing with your wires, little one?", Carlisle scolded me. I blushed when I realized I was caught red handed. I stuttered, not really knowing what to do or say. "I, um, I got a little bored. There wasn't exactly much to do", I told him truthfully. He shook his head at me, but he also chuckled. Showing that he wasn't really disappointed with me. "That is why I brought this for you, maybe you could play with this instead of your wires", he said as he handed me a stuffed bear that looked like it came from the little store that was downstairs. I bit my lip to try and stop myself from squealing. My little side desperately wanted to come out. But it was too soon. Too soon.

I did bring it to my chest and hug it tightly. I smiled at him happily. "Thank you! Already buying things for me, are we?", I said but I felt like teasing him at the end. Which only caused him to chuckle. He tapped my nose, which made my nose scrunch up. "That's only because you've been such a good girl lately", he told me softly. Why was he acting like this with me? Did he know? How would he know? Did Jasper tell him? I really hope not, I wanted to be the one to tell the family what I was. But with time. I didn't immediately want them to know that I was a little. Maybe he's just being really nice. Maybe. And besides, he's my mate. Maybe it's their thing. Buying their soulmate things and acting this way. I shrugged. "So how am I doctor hottie?", I asked him with a small smirk on my lips. He chuckled and shook his head at me. He walked over to me, closer then he already was. He grabbed something from his coat pocket. He pressed the top of it. A tiny little light came on. He lightly shown it in my eyes. Which I moved my eyes away from. Seeing as it was a very bright light.

But then I felt his cold fingers touch my chin. Moving it back to looking at him. He gave me a small smile. "Sorry about that little one, should have warned you", he told me. I gave him a smile back. "It's okay", I said softly. But I'm pretty sure he caught it. He shown the light again in my eyes and this time I didn't pull away. He moved the light back and forth for a little bit. But after a few seconds, he turned the small light off. He cupped my chin with his three fingers. His thumb rubbing my chin. He gave me a smile. "Looking good little one. It seems like no permanent damage. For the rest of your injuries, I will need you to be in a wheelchair for awhile. Seeing as your legs and upper body took most of the brunt of it. And once out of the wheelchair, you will need to use a cane, just so your legs can get used to working once more. You won't be using the cane forever, just for a couple months tops. Don't worry little one, you'll be okay", he said as he gave me a grin. I sighed. I guess my human side took over on this department. Seeing as if I was more angel then human. I wouldn't even be in this bed. But alas, my human side takes over my Angel side.

I nodded softly. "Okay", I told him softly. He smiled and patted my nose again. "Good girl", he praised me. I bit the inside of my cheek again. All this praise was getting me weaker. I really wanted to be little right now. Dang it! I pouted slightly, hoping he wouldn't catch it. But of course he did. He smiled at me, he seemed amused by my pouting. Of course he would. "Why are you pouting little one?", he asked me. I immediately tried to think of an answer. I knew I would have to lie. Or else shit will happen.

I tried to keep myself from blushing. "I just don't like being in this hospital bed", I said pouting playfully. He chuckled again and shook his head. He caressed my cheek. "You'll be out in no time little one. No more pouting, play with your bear, and I'll bring you something to eat in a little while", he said. And on que, my stomach gave out a gurgle. I blushed this time. I was starving. And I knew hospital food was not the greatest food in the world. I should know. I looked back up at him. To see him grinning at me. "I'll be back, no more pouting or playing with your wires, I mean it", he said sternly. I just nodded. The look that he was giving me was one I couldn't look away from. I mean have you seen his face? I swear it was like grandpa made him out of fucking marble.

Before he could leave, I went for his hand. Wanting to touch his hand before he left. If I told you I was touch starved, would you believe me? Cause I was. I just wanted some contact with him. Which he obliged, he grabbed my hand and gave it a good squeeze, I blushed when he placed a soft kiss onto my knuckles. He winked at me. He then walked out of the room, most likely getting me food. Which normally a nurse would be doing. But hey having your mate getting you food for you, was awesome if you ask me.

He does seem a bit possessive. But I just think that comes with being mates with a fucking vampire. They tend to be possessive. I didn't really mind it. He was being sweet. He was being caring. And he was taking care of me, even though that is his literal job to. But he was more gentle with me. Which I liked. The little in me adored him. Even though we've just met not to long ago. I couldn't help it. I was attracted to him, and to the others. This was probably what my father was like with my pops. Even though my pops didn't feel the bond until way later. I of course felt it when I first met them.

And now that I have met them. I don't think I can stay away. It's impossible.

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