Angry Angel

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Third person POV

The minute Angel woke up. It didn't feel all too good. Her bones were stiff, there were parts of her body that didn't feel very good. And she had a splitting headache. So go figure. She groaned softly at suddenly being awake. She just wanted to go back to sleep. But the headache that she had. Was not letting her. She tried leaning up, to try and sit up. "Hey, hey, easy there Angel, don't get up too fast", she heard the sound of Maddie's voice in her ears. She slowly blinked a few times and rubbed her eyes to adjust them.

"Mmmmmm. Maddie?", she said softly. She heard a soft giggle come from her best friend. "Well yeah, who do you think it is?", Maddie told her. Finally Angel was able to get her full vision back. She saw Maddie sitting in a chair not too far from her. Maddie smiled at her. "Hey sleeping beauty. Nice to see you awake, you've been sleeping for awhile now", she told Angel. It only confused Angel. What did she mean by that? What happened? But then she groaned. The headache was definitely a killer.

"What happened?", she asked Maddie. But it only confused her more when she saw that Maddie look nervous. Why would she be nervous? It couldn't be that bad, right? What had happened? Did she do something stupid again? She doesn't remember doing anything stupid. But then it hit her. The memories. Those boys. Those boys beat her up! They called her names! They left her out in the rain! Those boys! Oooo! She wanted them to feel what they put her through. She wanted them to hurt the way they hurt her! She was angry. She was furious.

"Oh shit", she heard Maddie mutter under her breath. But she didn't pay attention to that. She just focused on her anger. She wanted those boys to pay, pay for what they did to her. Why did they do that to her? Why hurt her?! She didn't even do anything to them! And yet they still hurt her! She wanted to hurt them, to have them feel what she felt. She didn't even notice that in her anger. That somehow she got up from the couch and onto her feet. It was a mystery on how she was able to stand and walk the way she was. But she was. But it was the white in Angel's eyes. It took up all of Angel's eyes. The color of her eyes were just white. No color or anything. It didn't scare Maddie. She's seen this before. But before, both her parents were here. But it was just her. How would she be able to calm Angel down!

"Holy shit", she said to herself. What to do, what to do? She had to think of something! She couldn't just let Angel out like this! She knew why she was like this. If she let Angel out, she was gonna go after those boys. She knew she would have to distract Angel, just enough for Alice to see what was happening. And she only hoped that she would be able to distract Angel enough, she hoped the others would be able to get here in time. She knew what Angel was capable of. She's seen what she could do. She seen what Castiel could do.

The others had left. Figures.

Carlisle had to go to the hospital.

Esme had gone shopping for food.

She didn't remember where the others were. But she only hoped that they got here fast.

But she knew, she knew Angel would never be able to hurt her. She knew that. And that's why she wasn't scared of her. She was scared for her. She knew if she let Angel out of the house and hurt those boys, Angel would feel horrible for hurting other people, despite what they had done to her. She tried getting close to Angel, but not close enough where she was right in Angel's face. "Okay, okay, Angel, you really need to calm down. Your not thinking straight", she told her best friend.

Angel looked at Maddie. "Get out of my way Maddie. Those boys must pay for what they did, they will not get away with what they've done", she said as she growled out the words. But Maddie wasn't going to, she stood her ground. "Angelica! Calm the fuck down! I won't tell you twice! Calm down! Your not thinking straight!", Maddie was now yelling at her. Angel always hated when she did. But this time, it didn't even seem like it frazed her. Oh she was pissed.

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