Shopping With Alice

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(A bit making out in a changing room, Angel's shirt is off, and a bit of sucking on boobs, so enjoy 😉 😊 ☺️)

(A bit making out in a changing room, Angel's shirt is off, and a bit of sucking on boobs, so enjoy 😉 😊 ☺️)

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Third person POV (A few days later)

It's been a few days since the 'Incident' in Carlisle's office, and Angel couldn't stop thinking about it, and every time Carlisle looked at her, it was like he knew she was thinking about it, and he would smirk at her, and it would only make her blush redder then red. And the only people who knew about it, was Alice and Edward. Seeing as Alice had already known what was going to happen, and of course Edward had to read both hers and Carlisle's mind, even though she tried to keep the thought of it away from Edward peeping mind. No such luck though. But Angel and Carlisle haven't really talked about the whole 'Situation' that went on in his office, seeing as he was busy at work lately, and she was back at school, thankfully she had all her classes with at least one of her mates, and like they said, those boys got what they deserved and won't be harming another person like they did to her. But she didn't think that Carlisle was suddenly ashamed of her calling him Daddy. He's already told her that he wasn't, that when she was ready, she could call him that when they were at the house, because in public, it would be a little odd to hear someone like her call Carlisle, Daddy. A lot of unwanted questions that neither of them wanted to answer, and answers that they could not give either.

But right now, in the present, she was with Alice, the pixie haired girl wanted to take Angel out shopping, to get her some new clothes. So they went to the mall, and even though Angel tried telling her that it was fine, that they didn't need to go shopping, seeing as Angel didn't have a whole lot of money, but Alice insisted and she knew Alice wouldn't let her spend a single dime. No matter how much she tried and protested. It wasn't like she hated shopping, but ever since she was a kid, she learned to live with her fathers buying her stuff from the regular stores, or sometimes giving her clothes that didn't fit them anymore and would give to her. She didn't mind wearing her dads old clothes, she liked wearing them. But she knew that her parents weren't comfortable with money, they were hunters, they didn't get paid as much as the Cullen's did, and especially weren't alive as long as they've been. Well, her father is a different story all together. But that didn't mean she didn't appreciate her parents, no, no, she loved and respected her parents, she didn't mind the way she was raised and grew up. She loved her parents with all her heart. But this, she wasn't used to being pampered like this. Being spoiled like this. It

She watched as Alice skipped around, looking at every single piece of clothing, which she did not want to know the prices of, or else she was pretty sure she would faint. But to Alice, this was just normal shopping to her, to Alice, she didn't even bother looking at the price tags, just looking and picking out clothes that she wanted. As if it was so easy. But for her, it wasn't so easy. She didn't even know her own style since her style was technically her dads style, she didn't really have someone to help her dress when she was younger, she was too young when Charlie died, so she didn't really remember her all too well. She grew up with guys, that had no idea how to dress a girl, so she grew up wearing boy clothes, and she didn't mind one bit. Seeing as she didn't go to school like regular kids did. So she didn't get bullied like other kids would. But being a little was different, she couldn't exactly go outside and to school looking like a big kid. She would totally get bullied for that, well, not really, but she really didn't want to get into that. But ever since she got here, she's had a little help, from Alice, Rosalie and Esme. They taught her how to dress.............well, like a girl. As much as she liked the clothes that her father used to pick out for her, she liked wearing girl clothes too. But she had no clue how to pick them out.

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