Walking? Eh.

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Angel's POV (A few weeks later)

Okay, so today's the day. I know it is. I can feel it, in my gut! I know I can do it. I know I can. I just have to believe in myself. I knew it was going to be a bit hard. But I knew if I put all my energy and strength into it, I knew I would be able to do it. I know I can. I have to. I have to do this. I have to show them I can do this.

I sighed as I gripped my chair arms. I know I can do this. I know I can. Come on Angel, it shouldn't be hard to walk. You've done it before! Just because of a little accident doesn't mean you can't walk anymore. I need to get out of this freaking chair. I need to stretch my legs. And I will. Right. Now. I sighed again and gripped my chair arms again. But this time tighter. Let's do this. I know I can. I grunted and grit my teeth. Come on. Come on. I watched as it took most of my strength to move one of my legs. And it was wobbly. But I can do it. I've got confidence in myself. I know I can do this. And I knew if I fell, Maddie would pick me up again. They didn't really trust me alone at home anymore. Since the whole flying thing that happened. I'm not safe by myself I guess. Eh.

Now, let's do this. I grunted and mentally celebrated in my head as the first foot stepped onto my carpet floor. It felt weird. There was a numbing but slight pain in my legs. Now, for the next one. And by now, I was sweating bullets. But I knew I could do it. I have to show them I can do it. I know I can. I sniffled. I gulped as I shakily pulled my other leg out. And slowly set it down on the carpet floor. And now, I was holding onto the arms of my chair to hold me up. This is good. This is good. Halfway there. Your doing good Angel. Doing good. Almost there. Half way there. I shakily leaned backwards so I could stand up straight. A smile lit up on my face. Yes! I did it! But I celebrated too early. I nearly fell over. I softly yelped. But I caught myself on my dresser. Ugh! I hate this! I hate this! I breathed in and out. Calm yourself Angel! You got this! It's just gonna be awhile. But you got this. What does Maddie say? You got this in the bag? Yeah, I got this in the bag.

I sighed once more and leaned forward again. While holding onto the dresser again. I need it for balance. Okay, one step at a time. I gulped and shakily stepped forward. One shaky step at a time. I was shaking with each step I took towards the door. I got this. I got this. I stopped once I ran out of dresser to hold onto. My eyes raked over anything I could to keep myself up as I walked. Oooo! A baseball bat. I forgot. They love baseball. Good for me. I grabbed it in my hands. And used it as a small cane. It wasn't really easy. But I got it. I got this. I grunted and grit my teeth as I shakily made my way towards the front of my doorway. And away from my chair. Let's go give Maddie a 'heart attack'. I giggled at the thought. Maddie is so funny with her human jokes. I finally let myself celebrate when I did in fact make it to the doorway on my own. I danced a little bit in celebration. I did it! I knew I could do it! I didn't need that stupid chair anyways. I wanted to clap my hands. But they were a bit occupied at the moment. Now, let's try to make it towards the staircase.

I breathed in and out. I got this. I got this.

I slowly and shakily made my way towards the staircase. I nearly tumbled over and fell on my side. But I caught myself. And I saw that as a success. I may look funny and look like a walking fawn. But I'm still doing it! Damn it! I'm still doing it! I was sweating and breathing heavy as I made my over to the railing of the staircase. AHA! I did it! I DID IT! YES! I leaned onto the baseball bat. I sniffled and wiped my sweat from my forehead. "Hey Maddie! Come here real quick!", I yelled for her. It took her a minute to respond. "Coming!", she yelled back. It took her even longer to come. But that was most likely because she was in the kitchen. I smiled when she came into view. Her eyes hadn't met mine yet. But once they did. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. She dropped whatever was in her hands. "Good God Angel! What the hell do you think your doing?!", she yelled at me. I giggled. "Um, I think, I'm walking? Does this count?", I told her. She put a hand on her heart. "Nearly gave me a heart attack, I swear", she mumbled. I giggled. "Woah!", I said loudly as I nearly tumbled over. But before I could make a step towards the first step. I was stopped. "Don't even think about it", Maddie said sternly. I giggled again. "I wasn't gonna", I lied. But she knew better. She glared at me. And I nearly looked down in shame. Damn.

"Fine. At least let me go get my chair. I made it this far, I can at least make it back to my chair", i mumbled. But I knew she heard me. "I swear, this girl, gonna give me a heart attack one of these days", she mumbled. I giggled. But before I could make it back to my chair. I may or may not have stumbled over my feet. My eyes widened and I tried to catch myself on the railing. But My hand wasn't even close to the railing. I was in the middle. Damn it. Don't fall backwards. Don't fall backwards! Well damn. Today is just not my day, now is it? I yelped as I was falling backwards. I couldn't catch myself on anything. I was in mid scream before I felt cold hands wrap around me. Damn. I'm in trouble again. "Maybe before you start walking without one of us here to watch you, maybe try not to walk over to the staircase where you can fall", Edward said. But his voice was stern. Yep. I was in trouble. "Yes you are darling, you are in trouble. You already know Alice saw this. And now the others know", he said. His eyes were looking at me sternly. I gulped. Damn.

I nervously giggled. "Well damn. Ha. At least I got to walk, right? Shouldn't that be the most important thing at the moment?", I asked nervously. He just shook his head. He picked me up and wrapped his arms around me bridle style. I pouted at him. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad", I told him. He raised an eyebrow at me. "I beg to differ, if I hadn't gotten here, you would have fell down every step and most likely fell on top of Maddie", he told me. I giggled. "At least I would have a soft landing, right?", I told him. Before he could answer. Maddie did. "I heard that!", she yelled. I giggled. Edward shook his head at me. "Your something else darling, your accident prone", he told me. I grinned at him. "Well, at least I know you'll always catch me, right?", I told him. I was trying to butter him up. But it wasn't really working. Seeing as he knew what I was doing.

He kissed the top of my head. "I'll always catch you princess", he told me. He set me down on my bed. "Even though you nearly fell down the stairs and on top of Maddie, I am proud of you", he told me. I couldn't ignore the warm flutter in my heart as he said that. They were so good to me. "But just know you'll be getting a stern talking to by the others. You gave them quite the scare when Alice saw you falling down the stairs. Even Jared was a bit scared for your safety", he told me. I huffed and smiled. "Yeah well, tell the 'worrywort' that I am fine, just sore", I said as I rubbed my aching legs. That was enough walking for me today. He smiled and rubbed my aching legs. Which felt nice.

"I am proud of you though, just maybe, think about it next time", he told me. I smiled and shook my head. "I'll think about it", I said winking at him. He chuckled and shook his head. "You are something else", he mumbled. I smiled as he pressed another kiss to my forehead. They were so good to me.

And I loved it.

Walking? Yeah. You could say I did it. Eh. The end of it. Not so much. But hey, I got my knight and shining armor to catch me.

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