Not So Bad

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Angel's POV

First class I had, was with Maddie. The others left me in her care. But not before they each gave me a kiss on the forehead, the cheek, or on top of my head. And by the time I was inside the classroom I was red as a strawberry. But I was better now, and trying to ignore the looks from my peers. And the weird looks I was getting from my teacher. Yes, I know. I came back from the dead. You don't need to look at me like I'm about to eat your brain. Because, ew.

I then felt a elbow hit my arm. I turned my head and saw Maddie looking at me. I raised an eyebrow. Which silently said 'Yes?'. "How you holding up?", she asked me. She had to whisper. So the teacher wouldn't catch us. But I just shrugged. "I'm okay I guess. A lot of staring. More then when I first came to school here, it's weird. It's like they're afraid I'm gonna eat their brains or something", I told her. She huffed in amusement. "They're just a bunch of idiot assholes that don't know much manners, it'll blow away soon enough, something else will catch their attention in a few days", she told me. I sighed and nodded. Just a few days and they'll stop staring.

I hope.

The whole class was hard to concentrate, seeing as I could feel everyone's eyes burning into my skin. But at least I had Maddie. She made a little bit less annoying. I sighed again. I really have to get used to all this again. I've been so used to doing my homework at home that I totally forgot to blend in with humans again. Damn it. But I was kinda glad when the class ended. Maddie helped me move out of the classroom. And I knew exactly what I had next. Biology, with Edward. Thank grandpa.

I could still hear the whispers. Still feel the staring. But what caused me to freeze. Was what people started calling me. "Zombie girl", it was muttered all across the hall. And I don't know why it affected me so much. But I hated it. I hated it so much. I didn't want to be known as the damn zombie girl. I wanted to be left alone and not be called names. I'm not a freaking zombie, I'm half angel/human. Good grandpa. If I could tell the truth. It would be so different. But alas I cannot. But if only.

But I was snapped out of my thoughts once more when I saw Edward. I could feel a big smile appear on my lips. I watched as he turned his head and looked at me. His golden eyes lit up and a smile lit up on his face. And I couldn't help but love that it was because of me. We walked over to him. "Hey there princess, how was it?", he asked me. I just shrugged. "Not too bad. Just a lot of staring", I told him. He sighed and caressed my hair softly. "It'll be okay, things will get better", he told me. And I believed him. "Yeah, I know", I said. I looked up at Maddie. I smiled at her. "Thanks mads, for taking me to my next class. If you leave now, you can still catch up with Jared", I said with a smirk on my lips. I couldn't help but giggle when her cheeks grew dark with blush. She glared at me. "Shut up, there's nothing going on with me and Jared", she told me. We both know that's a lie. And I can tell. But the bell was about to ring. "Yeah, sure mads, just go to class, I'll see you at lunch", I told her. She just rolled her eyes at me. She patted my head. "Yeah, yeah, I'll see you later, now don't get into any trouble while I'm gone", she said sternly. I playfully saluted her. "Aye, aye, captain", I said sarcastically. I was getting used to have to use sarcasm and I think I was doing pretty good. She rolled her eyes at me again. She waved at the both of us, and then started making her way to her next class. Her classes got changed a few days ago. I have no idea why. We used to have biology together. But now we don't.

I turned to look at Edward. He smiled down at me. "Come on, let's get you settled in", he told me. He started pushing my chair towards the biology room. And of course, the biology teacher gave me a weird look. And some of the kids that were already in the room looked at me weird too. It didn't take long for us to get to the biology table where we were supposed to sit. I was just glad I could sit with Edward. I didn't really feel like sitting with anyone else today.


The bell rang and more kids started entering the room. I looked away, towards the windows. So I wouldn't have to see the weird looks I was getting from my peers. But I did smile a little when I felt Edward's hand on mine. It was comforting for me. It felt nice. "You'll be okay", he whispered to me softly. I turned to him and smiled. I knew that. Because I had him by my side. And I guess he read that. Because his lips raised into a smile. Sometimes I hate when he does that. When he reads my mind. But sometimes I finding it comforting. I don't have to say some things I don't want to say. And he can just see what I'm thinking.

Biology class wasn't as bad. I didn't even really notice the staring I was getting from my peers or from the teacher. Edward was helping me with my biology worksheet and I found it endearing. It was nice. I could only focus on Him. And that's probably what helped distract me from the others.

I smiled up at him as he helped me with my worksheet. It was kinda easy, but it was kinda difficult. But seeing Edward is what he is. He knows exactly what's going on here on this paper. And he can help me. I have two nerds as my mates. I find it cute. One was a history nerd, and the other, was a biology nerd. I couldn't help but giggle when Edward shot me a glare. I shot him a smirk. That's what you get for reading my mind. Eddy.

He rolled his eyes at me playfully. And continued to help me with the worksheet.

Okay, two classes so far. So good.

Maybe I can get through the rest of the day without having a total meltdown.

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