tears and doc's cookies

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A/N: Sorry for being gone so long I thought this story hadn't saved at all and I lost motivation 

Blyke: why do i hear giggling

Blyke: imma go check it out

Remi: do not do that blyke

Remi: if i was there i would've zapped u but im too lazy

Isen: didn't you guys have a double?

Blyke: John and seraphina didn't show so I'm going to go find them

Isen: That is not a good idea

Blyke: I'm doing it

Blyke: image.jpg

Isen: Dare I open this?

Blyke: Open it

Isen: It's...actually so wholesome

Blyke: ikr

John: how dare you

Remi: u ok there?

John: I'm FINE

Sera: why must you do that

Sera: he was finally telling me his problems and then I told him a joke about it to make him feel better

John: it was kinda funny ngl

Sera: i didn't see him laugh in sooo long so i started giggling too

Sera: and then u just had to ruin it

John: like smh what do u think we were doing??

John: ik what u think but still

John: and why did u take a photo


Isen: ok ok

Isen: i kinda private messaged blyke to get blackmail on you

Isen: but it was wholesome

John: smh

John: you do know i am riddled with mental problems?

John: and sera's 17

John: it's not even allowed

Isen: you're not much of a rule follower

John: re adjustment classes

John: also i am riddled with mental problems

Sera: like seriously he cries so much

Sera: and it's heartbreaking cries

Sera: like the first time i heard him cry i cried so bad i ended up blacking out

John: I had to carry her to the infirmary while crying aswell

John: Doc was oddly nice and gave me a cookie

Isen: a cookie?????

John: yes

John: he gives me cookies when i cry too bad

Isen: I want cookies for crying

Blyke: same

Sera: doc knows john might do something destructive to himself

Sera: again

Remi: yall woke me up it's like 12 am

Remi: but anyway i read the chats carry on carry on

Arlo: Again?

Elaine: John, are you okay?

John: no

John: but honestly idec anymore so sera tell them

Sera: he does bad things to himself

Sera: that's why he always wears the black hoodie

John: it reminds me of my mom

Remi: John is your mom...


John: Yes ok yes now just leave me alone

Elaine: My condolences to you

John: ok

Sera: i brought him in the first time and doc only had a cookie so he healed him and then gave him the cookie

Isen: u sure the cookies don't have anything else?

Isen: john is a bit crazy

Sera: No John sometimes gives half to me and doc says i have a wEiRd sYsTeM from the ability dampening drug

Sera: and he said it was ok for me to eat

Sera: so i eat them sometimes

John: yeah

Isen: wow i...

Isen: did not know that

Blyke: sorry dude

Blyke: i hope u get better

Elaine: i wish i could heal mental things bc then i could heal u john

Elaine: im sorry

Arlo: John, you're awful sometimes, but I really am sorry.

Isen: same im sorry too

Remi: john u can always talk to me if u need to



Sera: he has trust issues

Sera: thanks, arlo

John: I just want to be normal

John: Please

Sera: john go take a valium

John: I did

Sera: well then get back in the room and lock the door and we can cry more together

John: ok

Sera: bye yall

Sera: im gonna try to help john 

coming up next:

Isen: fine ykw cecile get over here

Isen: This is now Cecile. It is late; why are you talking here?

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