purebread, ice skating, and nightmares

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John: i just saw sera walk around with high heels

Sera: fsdj

Sera: sorry i tripped

Sera: my mom said not to wear them

John: so passive aggressive

Asslo: yeah

Sera: that's nothing compared to what my six year old self did

John: tell us

Sera: no

Remi: sera yes

Sera: sera no

John: sera yes


Sera: So basically i bought some super expensive purebread puppies for like $2000 and hid them from my mom for like a year and then they had puppies (they weren't siblings btw) and then she found out bc like a six year old can't take care of puppies. Then i sold them and got like $7000 total but i told my mom i had sold them for like $50 each so i ended up with like $6500 in total

Isen: pure bread

John: dogs made of bread

Sera: fuck off

Asslo: i did a worse thing

Sera: do tell

Asslo: So basically my ability had finally manifested itself for the first time and it was kinda strong. I had gotten in trouble for smashing my little sister's head to the ground w like the shields version of it so then my mom came after me but my passive activated so i uh flung myself out the window and used my ability to not take that bad damage from the fall. So I'm just running running running and finally i get to a frozen lake (it was winter) so i use my ability again and slide across it. My mom literally used a variant of my barrier to fling me back like a fucking cannonball

Sera: yeah but you didn't profit off of it

Asslo: i did

Asslo: a small crowd had gathered to see this like 2.1 eight year old ice skate and run w this little yellow barrier

John: i had nothing until middle school and then hoooooo boy

Asslo: did i ask

John: stfu you mf piece of shit loser crap king can't keep his shit together useless piece of shit doesn't know anything you barrier bitch


John: so the worst thing i did as a kid (w my ability) was become a nightmare. Like literally i stole this adult's ability to enter people's dreams, this teenager's ability to become invisible, and this cashier's ability to spurt blood without pain and i combined them into nightmare. So basically when my dad was sleeping i entered his dreams and scared the shit out of him like i literally heard him scream from the next room over. Lol and then he like burst open my door and i tried to deactivate my ability but eeeeh ig i was too hyped up and i instead became invisible on the spot

Sera: then?

John: then he kinda grabbed my arm and told me not to ever do that again lol

Sera: no money was involved

John: he paid me $50 to not terrorize him at night

John: we're not rich like you or asslo ok

Isen: im not rich

John; nobody gaf

Blyke: i do

Remi: shut up you weird ass half couple

John: I hate to agree with pinkie pie but yes

John: off topic but ima give yall nicknames

John has renamed Sera to Crush.

John has renamed Asslo to barrier bitch.

John has renamed Blyke to pew pew lazer kid

John has renamed Remi to lightning mcqueen

John had renamed themself to secret god tier

Secret god tier has renamed Isen to pen weirdo

Crush: so you had a crush on me from the start huhhh

Secret god tier; yep

Barrier bitch: tbh barrier bitch isn't that bad

Secret god tier: i can think of a lot worse

Pew pew lazer kid: why tho why

Pen weirdo: pen weirdo? Really

Secret god tier: would you prefer stalker?

Pen weirdo: no

Lightning mcqueen: vroom vroom baby

Barrier bitch: my barrier is activated

Secret god tier: nobody cares loser

Crush: apparently im hot

Secret god tier: temperature or other

Crush: temperature im like sweating

Lightning mcqueen: it is hot out

Barrier bitch: it's 30 degrees out

Secret god tier: stfu celsius bitch

Secret god tier has renamed Barrier bitch to Celsius bitch

Secret god tier: it's 86 degrees not 30 dumbass

Celsius bitch: fuck you

Secret god tier: i am virgin

Crush: lol

Celsius bitch: that's not what i meant

Secret god tier: i dont give a single fuck

Pew pew lazer kid: neither do i celsius bitch

Pen weirdo: my pens are amazing

Lightning mcqueen: aight bye

Secret god tier: i gtg do secret god tier stuff

Crush: can i help

Secret god tier: sure

coming next:

Asslo: i hate you john go eat a moldy banana

John: don't tell me what to do 

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