what the flippety fuck, blyke

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Blyke: help me pls

Isen: what the flippity fuck did you do this time

Blyke: so uh

Blyke: i got mad bc there were too many ads

Blyke: and blasted the tv by accident

Blyke: rn im hiding in the bathroom while a very pissed off john stands there

Isen: idk man


Remi: calm down

Sera: blyke im not going to calm john down

Sera: this is your fault

Blyke: im sorry john

John: remember when i beat you up as the joker?

John: my royal position is the Joker now

John: ill make what i did to you before seem like a walk in the fucking park

Blyke: what the flippety fuck

Blyke: john pls no

Asslo: Honestly, if somebody broke my tv, I'd be pretty pissed too.

John: fuck off loser king

Asslo: shut up joker

Asslo: joker bc your a joke

John: i can easily take you down with a broken arm

John: a broken right arm

Asslo: Wanna bet?

John: i bet my entire life savings

Asslo: And I bet my precious hierarchy

Remi: Arlo you sure you wanna do that?

Asslo: 100%

Sera: oooo john's gonna throw some hands

Sera: ...again

Isen: you mean one hand

John: take a video

Sera: kk

~2 hours later~

John: resting up in the infirmary

Sera: johnblastingasslo'sass.mpv

Isen: dare i click this with that title?

John: i might throw up on another wall

John: and when i beat you up you can stare at the stain

Isen: ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Sera: john let his arm be broken by asslo and then proceeded to beat the living shit out of him

Blyke: there's a joke there but i just wont touch it

John: i think i might actually throw up

Sera: dont you fucking dare

Sera: i am right next to you

Asslo: i just woke up

Asslo: everything hurtssss

John: you were a mistake

Asslo: idc rn

John: pay up shithead

Asslo: im across from u

Asslo: u can talk to me

John: i dont want to hear your loser ass voice

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