September 7-10

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They had three mornings stargazing in a row. This was because Gargamel wanted to see the star Sirius every morning no matter if it was a school morning or not. Sirius was his obsession now, he didn't even want to record Twilight anymore. He thought everything was revolving around his urge to see Sirius. Everyone kept getting up at 4:30 in the morning for Gargamel to see Sirius. Everyone also got to see Orion at least, as well as a meteor on the tenth, as well as the waning Moon, which would wane to a new moon, then wax to become the first full moon of October, then wane and then wax again to become the Blue Moon on Halloween. Of course then it would wane again and then wax again and so forth as the moon always does through its cycle. Everyone was getting excited for the Blue Moon as it was now less than two months away. However in the meantime they enjoyed Sirius and Orion. Sirius was a bright magnitude -1.46 star, while Orion's brightest star was rigel that magnitude 0.03. One thing that the constellation Orion contain do that interested everybody was the star Betelgeuse. Beetlejuice, as it was pronounced but actually pronounce Betelgeuse, was a star that nobody mentioned the name of especially three times, since nobody pronounced it in its normal way oh, and since everybody pronounces it Beetlejuice oh, nobody dared say it three times because then people think Michael Keaton will show up. However it was a store of the peach everybody's interest because when they were researching Orion's Stars, they found that the star Betelgeuse had a dimming, and people thought it was going to Supernova and excitement but it really brightened back to its original brightness after a while. Everyone then saw it become Dawn, as the sun Rose above the horizon. Every morning they were surprised at how fast time flew. Everyone was getting excited for the grifola frondosa mushrooms to come out, they were more known as maitake mushrooms, but everybody called them Hen of the Woods. They were tasty mushrooms and everyone was excited for them to come up. Wild mushrooms was a thing everybody loved with pleasure oh, Patrick started hunting them with his dad in 2014. They had been collecting for so many years and they had such a wide range of mushrooms they collected. Chanterelles, maitake oh, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, chicken mushrooms, bolete mushrooms, pheasant back mushrooms, and earlier in the year they found their first morel mushrooms of all. They were excited and impatient for the next half year to go by as they waited for the season to come next year in 2021. They cherish morel mushrooms, they love morel mushrooms, they loved and saluted their delicious flavor. And when they come up, the one thing they will make every year from now on, is Morel risotto. Patrick makes very good risotto, even if it doesn't have mushrooms in it. But anyways back to the Stars. Everyone saw Cassiopeia, they also sell Perseus and the star capella, which they originally thought to be the star of algol in Perseus. They also saw aldebaran and the Pleiades star cluster, as well as the Orion Nebula cluster. They also saw a star in Gemini, alongside some other random Stars other than the summer triangle.

All of these days, they could spot the star Sirius in the day. Gargamel tried to use a tonic to make it sunrise forever so that he could just stare at the star for eternity. However Mother Nature made him stop by threatening to punish him and make him unable to see the star Sirius for a whole year.

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