January 2022

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January had loads of stargazing nights. Everyone saw Orion. Gargamel saw it and said his joke. Of course, then there was the night of the full moon later on. Gargamel, mother nature, and Patrick turned into werewolves. They had to have kind beast potions. Of course, Gargamel was ranting about how he wanted to find silver in the coinstar machine. He continued to keep talking about it, and annoying mother nature a lot with it. She then had to take herself to calm down, because she was getting really annoyed with Gargamel and him ranting about silver coins. Gargamel was really mad that there were no silver coins in the coinstar. He really wanted to find some. Then he saw Orion in werewolf form, and he really got started up to annoy mother nature. "Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet! I'm going to keep saying it until I find silver and the coinstar machine! If I don't find any silver anytime soon, I will say it at least a few times a day."Gargamel said. Eventually, a few days later, actually almost a week later, Gargamel found what he wanted. They went shopping. Gargamel check the coinstar, and to his delight, there was a silver quarter in there. "Guys, I found a silver quarter! It's a 1964 denver! It has the d there. So exciting! It's been over a thousand days since we found a silver quarter in the coinstar!" Gargamel exclaimed. "Naturally, good. Now will you stop saying you're joke and also ranting about silver now that you found a silver coin?"Mother Nature asked. "No, because the silver quarter will not end my thirst for silver, I want to find more! AND I WANT TO FIND MORE NOW, OR ELSE! I WILL REALLY START RANTING."Gargamel said. He then kept frantically checking around the coinstar machine, but had to be dragged away from the machine by the ear by mother nature. She did not want him doing this in public. Gargamel is acting like a fool, and being annoying. Mother Nature then punished him when they got home, she said he could not go stargazing for the rest of the month for his behaviors at the store, and she guaranteed she would attempt to make every night cloudy so her punishment could be done. She then promised him that she will make it clear in the middle of the night to take everyone else stargazing. But she promised him that she would not make it clear for him to go stargazing, and make sure that he would not go stargazing for the rest of the month and that her punishment would be complete. she was really mad about what Gargamel did at the store earlier on in the day.

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