July 30

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Gargamel kept everybody up all night. Patrick said it was okay though because he was off work because it was a Friday night and the weekend was here, and because he wanted to see this alpha Capricornids meteor shower again. It was that time again. They saw the meteor showers. The Perseids were also active. But before the middle of the night activities, they went on a tour at an observatory. They got to see in the telescope, and Gargamel got pictures of Vega and Epsilon Lyrae in the telescope. But then they saw two meteors during the night. Mother nature was praying though that her cloud creations would maybe come unexpectedly through the night, or that Gargamel would fall deep asleep before 5:00 in the morning. She knew at 5:00 in the morning that Orion would be coming up. But Gargamel did not fall asleep, because the main event of the night he knew was going to be Orion. Soon it was 4:45 in the morning. 4:45 was when Gargamel had plans to take everyone to this baseball field around the block that had a clear view of the Eastern sky. Everyone went with him, because they knew that if they didn't, he would uncontrollably yell his joke and wake all of the neighbors. Gargamel saw Betelgeuse and Bellatrix. "Oh, there's Bellatrix, and Betelgeuse! Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet, and it's time to sing it!"Gargamel exclaimed. Mother nature then called Gargamel a and f word and a c word. "Oh yeah? Well how would you like to hear me say Mother ******* Nature?"Gargamel said. This made Mother nature really angry, and she got offended by it. Therefore, she tried to punish Gargamel. But Gargamel took her wand and tied her to the fence in vines, because if he got punished, he would not succeed in seeing Orion. He decided to continue torturing her further. He waited until Orion's belt came. That's when he said his joke 100 times without taking a breath in Mother Nature's ear.

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