August 5th

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The sleepover people were staying at a hotel, not in Bedford, however a vacation to Bedford was coming up in a few weeks. The skies here were lit up by the highway, however Gargamel found a secret pathway from the hotel that led back to a slightly darker place, make that a quite dark place. He took astrophotography of Pisces, and also Perseus and Cassiopeia. When Orion rose just a half hour later, Gargamel immediately took astrophotography of it, and started singing his joke. No Perseid meteors have been seen yet, and usually by this late in the shower's annual appearance, everybody will have at least seen one or two by now. But because of them not being able to pull up all nighters let alone even stay up past 10:00 these days, that is a big factor in all of this. In fact, the next night, would be the four year anniversary of their first fireball. Which was spat out by the Perseid meteor shower. Gargamel had plans to make a crap ton of coffee to make everyone stay up all night the next night. Mother nature did agree to this because Patrick said he starts school soon, he's going to culinary school, and stargazing will be near impossible on school nights, until it gets dark early again starting in November when the clocks turn back. When he starts school, there's going to be rules put in place for everyone to go to bed at 10:00 and not get up till 5:45. He however did say that in the week when the star Sirius returns, there will be an exception, and everyone will be allowed to get up at 5:00 to see views of it. He also said that during major events like meteor showers, namely the Geminids, however, although there is a full moon for them this year, Patrick still wants to see them anyway, he could maybe let everyone go to bed early so that everyone can get up early the next day. He did also promise that on non-school nights, all nighters can be possible. He made the so because Gargamel will want to see Orion and Sirius as much as possible. They hope that they see a Perseid meteor soon. But the next night, they were already planning on putting their phones away and quit scrolling on Facebook all evening, and even take less astrophotography, and focus more on meteors. Patrick said that they were taking too much astrophotography and they wouldn't be able to do any astrophotography for certain events like meteor showers if they run out of space too fast, which if they keep taking astrophotography every clear night, will end up happening. Capturing the meteor shower is something Gargamel wants to do. Patrick said maybe we can make exceptions for astrophotography then, because then he realized he wants to capture a meteor so he has the memory forever. Mother nature was concerned about Patrick regarding school, as he has had anxiety attacks a lot lately. She told Patrick that pulling up an all-nighter might affect his mental health, but he told her to just shut up. To that she got extremely angry, but she didn't dare punish him because she knows that Patrick is the head person of the sleepover. "Naturally I wish we would get more sleep that would help with your mental health to start getting back on schedule. But if you want to see meteors and never get your mental health together, oh, naturally be my guest. I'll pray that you have an anxiety attack that debilitates you from being able to work at school. Just for not listening to me." to that, Patrick became angry. He told Mother Nature to quit bothering him like she's his mother. Gargamel is a little ticked off by Mother nature's attitude as well, but he also didn't like Patrick's attitude either. He also was drunk, so he started yelling at them both. But Mother Nature then tied Gargamel to the hotel bedroom in vines. "Naturally Patrick's not going to listen to me, so I just give up. Let's go meteor watching. He seems to be in better mental health when we stargaze anyway. Because he likes to stargaze."

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