August 2

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The sleepover people got their beauty sleep for the night, however still decided to get up at 3 in the morning to see the perseid meteor shower on the morning of August 2nd. They got to see it, but only saw one meteor. However for Gargamel everything is worthwhile, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness let him to become amazed about how many stars they were. He even forgot about his a Ryan is a man sitting on the toilet joke. However that didn't last long, went to Ryan begin to rise, Gargamel's start it up. He said "Orion I missed you so much I love you and you are sitting on a toilet!" He then started kissing at the sky as though Ryan was a real person that he wanted to marry. Mother Nature been said that was naturally enough of this shenanigans. Gargamel then said something unexpected. He said that a Ryan might be smoking while he's sitting on the toilet. Mother nature then got severely angry and pissed off. This didn't end well. Mother Nature blindfolded Gargamel for the rest of the night so that he wouldn't even see a single star as punishment. Gargamel then became mad about this and still continue to yell his Orien is a man sitting on the toilet joke. But everyone ignored him and pretended he didn't exist so that they could act like they're first view of Orion since April was not ruined. Sirius also had its heliacal rising on this day. This means it would soon become visible in the weeks to come. And despite this was the case, Gargamel still out of anger in his blindfold, yelled out Are you Siriusly Sirius. He blurted out so many times about his Orion is a man sitting on the toilet joke and his Sirius joke. Mother Nature then used her magic to teleport him back home so that problem was solved. Soon it was becoming morning. Well it was already Twilight. Everyone heard an owl hooting and it was so cool. Meanwhile, Mother Nature imagined what it would be like to have taking a video of Orion and the Stars under calmness with the crickets and the owl hooting to of maybe nice mindfulness meditation video. The Pleiades were visible. So were the hyades. Everyone got to enjoy aldebaran for the first time in a good while. And everyone plans to go out the next day. And then the next and then the next and then the next if they could call me because nobody could get enough of Orion.

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