March 7

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It was Patrick's 16th birthday! Plans for stargazing were in the making for that night. Everyone was excited to see Orion on Patrick's birthday. However they will be in for a surprise that night, but first they went to Red Lobster. Patrick shared an ultimate feast with his mother. It was delicious with all the seafood. Mother Nature enjoyed an ultimate feast herself, and it was unbelievable that she could eat it all in one go. Then when they got home, Patrick immediately wanted to go stargazing. His parents gave him his telescope to take to his aunts house. They went to see the Pleiades. The Pleiades turned out a pretty as usual. They could not find the Orion Nebula this time. Then, while trying to see Sirius in the telescope and looking in that direction to get the telescope to see Sirius the star, a meteor shot past everyone shoulders, and Patrick and his uncle and all the sleepover people saw it. It was an amazing meteor, but it was not like the fireball that the sleepover people saw by themselves in August. However it still was a nice sight to behold, and it was a birthday shooting star for Patrick's birthday, just as he hoped would have happened that night, so he could make a astronomical birthday wish. He made a wish on the meteor / shooting star. Mother Nature asked him what he wished for. Patrick said he wished that he'd go home soon and that his family would stay well this year and that covid would be gone this year. Mother Nature assured him that covid would probably be gone by the end of the year, and that he will be home back at his parents house soon, and that his family will under her natural power stay well through the year.

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