January 23

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The imaginary sleepover people got to see Mercury for the very first time. Gargamel said Mercury is made of quicksilver in as a quicksilver Planet. Mother Nature corrected him and said that mercury is not made of quicksilver, because Quicksilver would be a gas at the temperature of the surface of the planet Mercury. Gargamel then said Mercury is the hottest planet because it's closest to the Sun. Mother Nature corrected him on that and said that Venus is hotter because of its atmosphere. Gargamel got mad at her for correcting him so much and said that she's just like brainy Smurf. Papa Smurf then said he should not mention brainy Smurf like that. Gargamel them got into a fight with the both of them, and then Patrick ended the fight, took Mother Nature spring one, and tied the three of them to their beds with vines. Mother Nature said she'd get revenge on him for using her Creations on herself as punishment. Patrick said we'll see about that, and that mother nature should be ashamed of getting into a fight with Gargamel, he said as for Gargamel oh, he better not do any weird stuff where else he would be kicked out of the sleepover. Gargamel then was like what, I didn't do anything weird. However Patrick then got mad and grounded the three of them for two days. However this was for no reason, really it was his anger and blood beginning to boil because of the approach of his very first full moon. The moon was already a first quarter, and he had forgotten to start taking his wolfsbane potion. When mother nature recognize that she reached for her spring wand and freed herself. The first quarter moon was last night. Patrick didn't take his potion. He's going to become a werewolf regardless if he takes his potion now. Patrick then started ranting at his parents, and that's what Mother Nature came downstairs to. She then tied him to his bed in Vines. One of Patrick's cats came in bed. Patrick took his hand free from The Vines and smack the cat for no reason. Mother Nature then tied him up later and Vines for beating one of her own creatures. Patrick became Furious and then started renting all night. Then everyone went stargazing without them in the morning and saw the Big Dipper, Gargamel Zodiac constellation of Scorpius, which made him rant about scorpions in his arachnophobia. They also saw Arcturus, as well as the summer triangle returning again. However Patrick was upset he could not go stargaze in the morning due to his punishment. The moon continued to wax. Patrick Was preparing for his first full moon, and mother nature was not ready for it, her kind Beast potion got spilled by one of Patrick's cats oh, and she had to make a new one but was missing an ingredient. The missing ingredient was werewolf fur, but she found someone Gargamel's clothes and completed the potion.

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