July 25-26

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The sleepover people decided to stay up all night to see a meteor shower. This was the one they saw last year, the Alpha Capricornids and the Delta Aquarids. Because both radiant constellations are on the ecliptic, the moon could be a problem, and this year was really showing at the case. Once the moon Rose, nobody saw a really any more meteors, and also stopped paying attention, and instead focused on the moon, because the moon was still so full and beautiful that it was a site that was hard to not stare at. However before moonrise, the sleepover people saw three meteors. The percys were becoming active, one meteor kind of shot from that Radiance Direction, while the other two came kind of from the direction of the alpha Capricornids /Delta Aquarids. However, nobody let their guard down, because both meteor showers can produce a higher number of fireballs than average meteor showers, even know the rates are at Peak intensity 5 and 20 for each put it respectively. The delta aquarids we're the ones that had 24-hour Peak intensity, but the alpha capricornids were the ones that had five. However the alpha capricornids have more of an attentive advantage: the fact that quite a few of these meteors, no matter how many occur in an hour, or Fireballs, especially from the alpha Capricorn in its, but the Delta Aquarids has its fair share of potential Fireballs as well. But the moon was kind of making it hard to focus on for fireballs. There was already enough light pollution, so the fainter to somewhat modestly bright meteors were already blocked out. However oh, everyone is hoping for at least a few Fireballs tonight. Gargamel predict still see three Fireballs tonight. Everyone else thinks they'll be lucky to see one. Meanwhile, there wasn't just meteor showers and 2 days after full moon lit Moon, which is still a pretty good 92 to 94% full oh, but there was also Jupiter and Saturn in the moon's proximity. In fact the radiance of the meteor showers, Jupiter and Saturn, as well as the moon were all within just two constellations of the zodiac. The moon, Jupiter, and the Delta Aquarids were all in Aquarius, however then there was Saturn as well as the Capricornids radiant in capricornus. And to stop the night all off with all this special stuff, Gargamel's hoping they'd stay up late enough to see the Pleiades. Gargamel have been trying to see them for all of July since they really became readily placed for the first time since March and early April, however he has failed to be up at the proper hours to see The Plight he's above the Horizon High Enough. Gargamel was also hoping they'd be up until sunrise, so he could catch a glimpse of those of Orion's stars that returned. He knew that some of them would get high enough to be above the trees if they went to the bottom of the driveway. Mother Nature was praying that he would just collapse all of a sudden into a deep sleep out of nowhere, before Orion would rise, so that she wouldn't have him making any jokes, like his a Ryan is a man sitting on the toilet joke. She also knew that some of the stars that made a Ryan look like a man sitting on the toilet and Gargamel's eyes hadn't returned a naked-eye visibility in the dawn Sky yet. Therefore she knew that Gargamel may have a small, but regardless since he'll know the stars are there, even though they're not visible, but rather slim chance of not even saying a Ryan is a man sitting on the toilet once. Our mother nature hope that all the other stuff for the night would keep his attention off in that even if he would see run he would have so much attention on other things that he wouldn't even remember his joke for the day. However, this thought and hopefulness was short-lived, because despite Orion was under the Horizon, five minutes after Mother Nature's thought, Gargamel decided out of nowhere to yell that Orion is a man sitting on the toilet and Mother Nature's ear. Mother Nature then thought to herself " well naturally, it was nice while it lasted." Gargamel also work the neighbor, and they got into a small heap of trouble. Well at least Gargamel did. Soon, the Pleiades star cluster was Rising. Gargamel knew it was coming. He could not wait another minute.He used a tonic to make these Earth invisible said he could see all of Orion's Stars and not be missing Saiph. When he did this, everyone got to see Sirius briefly out of season, well below the Horizon with Gargamel's invisibility tonic. When he saw Sirius he also muttered Are you Siriusly Sirius. That was the first time mother nature heard him say that since June. She was glad that it lasted at least that long. But then, Gargamel saw Cassiopeia in a position not seen since last year. It looks like an m. When cassioppi is near Meridian it will look like an M. He said that she is a woman sitting on the toilet because she's a queen sitting on her throne. That made sense a little bit, but it was still nasty and crude for Gargamel to say it that way. Then, despite Orion would not be above the Horizon for a few more hours, he continued to say his Orion is a man sitting on the toilet joke. Mother Nature than wish that her star Creations never existed to form the shape that was known as the constellation of Orion. Gargamel then said that Orion better keep his belt up in space or else his pants will fall off and then a whole bunch of new stars will form to represent his naked parts. He then said that his pants already have a hole in them because his sword instead is his *censored disgusting word* and that he's going to have a problem unless Papa Smurf can send Taylor Smurf into space to sew Orion's pans back together. Papa Smurf then called Tailor Smurf at a Godly hour, which he normally would not want to do, but while everyone was stargazing he snuck off to a bar and got drunk oh, so he decided to call Tailor Smurf while drunk, to inform Tailor Smurf that Gargamel had just roasted Orion with a hole in the pants joke. Since Tailor Smurf didn't know anything about constellations, therefore he didn't even know what name Papa Smurf was talking about, and thought he has to come sew a living person's pants, and was very confused and did not understand what Papa Smurf was saying. Tailor Smurf then yelled at Papa Smurf saying that she drank too much alcohol because otherwise a normal behaving Papa Smurf wouldn't have called him at this hour of the morning. Mother Nature then while all this was happening became very disgusted by this and threw up and then became angry at Gargamel. Any who's, off of being drunk and puking in that stuff, eventually they saw the constellation Aries for the first time in three months. Then Gargamel knew what constellation would be next. He knew the Pleiades would be on the way. And he knew that if he wouldn't be able to stay awake to see Orion's stars, that he would at least finally get to see the Pleiades as he hoped to see for the first time since early April. Since he hasn't seen them since early April oh, he hadn't seen them for just a week shy of 4 months. But it got cloudy. Mother Nature tried to do this to stop Gargamel from seeing Orion until August like she planned. She knew that as soon as he'd see Orion that there'd be a whole day of him saying Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet coming up since he missed Orion so much and missed saying the joke. Have a Gargamel noticed her doing this. He used a spell to break her tonic to make it as cloudy as possible, because whether he'd see a Ryan or not, he still wanted to see the Pleiades, and mother nature forgot about that part, so therefore she let him break her tonic but she said if he would say a single word of his Orion is a man sitting on the toilet joke when and if he sees Orion later, she will make it cloudy for a year well not exactly a year, but for whenever Gargamel's outside. It was half an hour till Bellatrix would rise. Gargamel was excited, however he made a Harry Potter joke on it despite it was below the Horizon still. Mother Nature was bothered by it much, it was really the Rhine is a man sitting on the toilet joke that was part of their deal. Therefore she let him get away with murder with his Bellatrix joke roasting Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter. He said the Bellatrix is going to come down from the sky and cruciatus curse everyone. Mother Nature however did say that hopefully that would not happen and that everyone would not be tempered with a illegal curse that would severely hurt them. Menu for Ryan's social starting to rise, Tabit and the Pi Orionis stars. Patrick didn't want to miss his first glimpse of Ryan, because that's what got him into stargazing. However it was still trying to be cloudy through Mother Nature's evil triplet sister Globie even though Gargamel was trying to fight it. Globie wanted to make it a thunderstorm because she too was annoyed by Gargamel's Orien is a man sitting on the toilet joke, but she also wanted to get revenge on Mother Nature nature for some reason like always. Mother Nature saw some heat lightning, and became concerned. However thanks to her magic the storm was going to pass to their South I knew it was going to be as clear as she could try and get it back to me again. However it appeared that she was feeling a little bit. It was still trying to stay cloudy. Mother Nature was upset, and everyone was getting angry that Orion might not be seen nor May the Pleiades tonight. It was now 20 minutes on the nose till Bellatrix would rise, and it still hadn't really even cleared up much. Mother Nature. Could see some of the brightest stars, of the summer triangle for example, through these thin clouds, and since Bellatrix in the other stars are of similar brightness, she was relieved of the fact that they might be visible through the clouds regardless. Therefore this might mean that's a sleepover people will instead be trading the Pleiades for Orion. Regardless, Gargamel's happy regardless which one will be seen or even if both managed to be seen. However it kept staying cloudy. Gargamel began to cry as nautical twilight was Nearing. Was he going to get to see the Pleiades or Orion? All of Gargamel's Hope was generally down the drain now. But then, another new break in the sky came. Gargamel was hoping it would get to the Pleiades at least. It was moving in the Pleiades Direction. Gargamel crossed his fingers, so did everyone else. Will this finally go over the Pleiades area of the sky? Gargamel saw some more high-elevation clouds behind the break oh, so therefore this probably would be their last chance and Only Hope left. Bellatrix had risen 40 minutes prior now. Gargamel was hoping to find it. Gargamel however did not see any signs of clearing after that little break that is headed for the Pleiades area, instead of other than that, there is generally Cloudy Skies. And Gargamel knew that if they wouldn't see a Ryan or the Pleiades tonight that Thursday night looks like another chance, and a Ryan would be a little bit higher in the sky in the morning that morning so it will be even better. Gargamel saw the breaks in the sky trying to fill in. Mother Nature began to hope for her goodness sake that these clouds would not fill the clearing in the sky in. But things were just not coming in their favor. The break in the clouds filled in. Gargamel however still wanted to give Orion a chance. The sky had only about 25 minutes to clear before Orion's Stars would start fading into the Morning Light. Nautical twilight was going to be starting very soon here. The Pleiades would have about as much time left on them. Mother Nature use her magic to clear the sky as much as she could. Gargamel got a little chilly. He went under his blankets he had on the porch. But then Gargamel dozed off under his warm comfy blankets on the porch. Mother Nature than was like let me make it cloudy because now it's going to be a waste cuz Gargamel's going to miss everything. But then she knew that everyone else wanted to see it so she tried to keep the skies as clear as possible, but however it still was very cloudy. The glimpse of aldebaran for the first time since May hadn't even happened that it was so cloudy. But at least they got to enjoy Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon, and some meteors. Patrick had a plan the next night for them to get up early. They were going to get up at 4.

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