September 3

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Although they did not record Twilight this night, Mother Nature turned into a werewolf for the first time. She used a kind Beast potion on her and Gargamel. The two had talking about all these for that full moon again. The two then got into a fight about how Mother Nature being a werewolf got all started and then it became a scratching fight. Gargamel was scratching, punching, and biting mother nature in werewolf form. Mother Nature was doing the same. Eventually the fight was halted. Patrick was angry and already stressed enough after having his maternal uncle passed away. He also was stressed enough after how active the hurricane season had already been and how dangerous it has already been as well, with a hurricane making a catastrophic landfall in Louisiana by the name of Laura and him losing his maternal uncle in just 6 hours time. To calm down, he went to get his cat Frankie to pet her. Gargamel was punished for starting the fight, but Mother Nature due to her power over nature, was not punished by Patrick, because he knew she would have done something bad in the biological world of Nature to him if he punished her because knowing her she get mad for no reason, when she should know the punishment is for discipline. It was now just a few nights from that very night that they would get into astronomy. Things and turns of events would be about to happen. Patrick already heard that a Moon and Mars conjunction that was going to be very close in the coming days that he really wanted to see. He decided on that night since it was in the school night that they would stay up all night and see the conjunction, as well as record Twilight.

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