June 5-6

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The first anniversary of the first Twilight recording was the next day. The imaginary sleepover people decided to record Twilight on the morning of the 6th. It turned out well, but after sunrise, some clouds came again. However during twilight, it was not ruined and it was clear. Meanwhile, the sleepover people stargaze before they started the Twilight recording. They could see hercules. They could also see what they saw last night as well. They got to see Jupiter and saturn. They also went to bed as the moon rose, and they caught it in their time lapse. But everyone went to bed at 4:00 in the morning. They had plans Monday night to go stargazing again. They would hope to go camping. They also wanted to record twilight. However mother nature was getting angry that this was starting up again. She therefore had plans to make it storm all week. She had plans to do it on the positive side, because of the chanterelles, which gargamel wants to have a better year this year. But on the negative side, so she could stop them from recording Twilight and make sure everyone sleeps in. Gargamel was upset that Sirius was gone. However he knew it was coming back. It was already the 6th of june. Gargamel thought in his head, Orion's first Stars will have their helical rising in a few weeks. He knew that once Orion would start to come back, that Sirius would soon follow. In the meantime, he decided to make a joke saying that instead of Orion is a man sitting on the toilet that Hercules is a man sitting on the toilet. He also said that Sagittarius is pouring them cups of tea. He said this because Sagittarius's brightest stars formed of asterism that is called the teapot. He therefore said that Sagittarius is pouring them horse blood flavored tea. Everyone thought that was disgusting. They did not want to see Sagittarius like that, of course they did see the teapot asterism, but they didn't want to think of tea. Meanwhile, mother nature couldn't stop staring at Sagittarius's teapot asterism. She thought in her head "naturally seeing the teapot asterism of Sagittarius is making me die for a cup or two of tea. But naturally it has caffeine in it and it's too late at night for me to naturally have caffeine because then I'll be up all day."gargamel then said that Scorpius looks like a fork that is going to be used to eat coffee cake with the tea. Everyone thought that combination was a little weird, and they knew Gargamel very well, he does eat coffee cake with tea. That's where those thoughts came from in his head. Meanwhile, then he made a joke saying that Sagittarius is a half man half horse sitting on the toilet. Everyone was having enough of that, and mother nature tied him to the ground in vines. Buckminster however adopted his joke, and said that Sagittarius is a centaur sitting on the toilet. Gargamel then made a joke about Pisces saying that Pisces is tied up so that the fish can't go to the bathroom. Since Patrick is a pisces, he got infuriated by Gargamel's attack on his zodiac. He therefore got severely angered by this, and then on impulse, beat up gargamel. Mother nature tied him to the ground and Vines so the two wouldn't start fighting. However gargamel broke Free of his Vines and then beat up Patrick in return. Patrick then said that Scorpio is going to come down from the heavens and sting Gargamel. Gargamel then said that his zodiac better not come down from the heavens just to sting him, as he hates scorpions. Mother nature then got the idea for Gargamel's nasty crude jokes, to make a scorpion and put it on him. She used her natural creations to make a normal size scorpion, and put it on him. The scorpion then stung gargamel. Gargamel felt the sharp pain in his shoulder. He then saw the scorpion and leaped in fear and then picked it up and threw it somewhere. It turns out, that the scorpion landed on Savion, and now was stinging him. Mother nature than knew that that went too far, and got rid of the scorpion. Savion and Gargamel had to get treatments for the scorpion poison. Then, Scorpius started to set. Mother nature however did not dare look at scorpius, because it made her think of the scorpion she just made, and then regret herself. She hated herself for what she did. She did not want to have gone that far and have a scorpion sting two people. She then went to bed early, cried in bed, but fell asleep while she was crying, but continued to cry in her sleep. She also murmured bad insults to herself in her sleep. Gargamel came in to check on her. He almost fell asleep with her, but forced himself to stay awake so that he wouldn't miss the start of the Twilight recording. Meanwhile at 3:00 in the morning, everyone caught sight of a meteor. Gargamel was excited that there was a meteor. Then everyone started recording Twilight at 3:15. Then they went to bed at 3:30. However Gargamel must stay up all night to watch the Twilight time lapse. He also wanted to watch twilight. Not the movie, obviously, but the sunrise. But he too, eventually, drifted off just before sunrise. Then everyone woke up at 10:00 in the morning. After having 7 hours of sleep, better than the previous nights 5 hours, everyone felt a little bit more energetic. However everyone was upset that they didn't stay up the rest of the night, so that they could do their Twilight recording routines that they did last summer, which would include at 6:30, when Patrick's dad got home from work, to go get their morning slushies, before the heat would get to them and heat up the air and make them burn to a crisp.

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