August 10-12

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Gargamel was so obsessed with the dark skies in Bedford, and with astrophotography there, that he was keeping everyone up as close to an all-nighter as he could all three nights of the vacation. They were going to stay four nights, but mother nature would eventually decide to cut it a night short as punishment to Gargamel for keeping everyone up at night and making everyone tired to ruin their vacation plans in the daytime. Two of the nights in this chapter therefore are in bedford, and the third one is back at pittsburgh.

August 9 (day)
Gargamel took everyone mushroom hunting. They found cinnabar chanterelle's, which was one of the types of mushrooms that was on Gargamel's bucket list. "Oh, now the only chanterelle species I have yet to find is the elusive black trumpet!"Gargamel said.

August 9-10
Gargamel kept everyone up late to see the moon, and some meteors. The perseids were active. But Gargamel was mad that unlike last night, this night did not bring any perseids, and it was too cloudy. But Gargamel wasn't focusing on it, because he was anxious about the moon. He was concerned about what was supposed to be their last night in Bedford coinciding with the full moon (this is another reason why Mother Nature cut the vacation a night shorter, it wasn't just for punishment reasons, but for the safety of the citizens of the town of bedford, because of Gargamel turning into a werewolf.). Gargamel knew that it was supposed to be cloudy and dawn, so he pretended that he could see Orion in the sky so that he could sing his joke in the middle of the night. Mother Nature then forced him to go to bed at one in the morning as punishment. Everyone else went to bed too.

The next day (August 10) everyone went mushroom hunting. They found a new chanterelle spot. Gargamel cried because they would only be able to come out here once a year. However, Mother Nature told him to deal with it or else she'd make all the chanterelles back at home in Pittsburgh disappear until next chanterelle season, in addition to threats to make it cloudy for a week, and for no mushrooms to be found at all anywhere Gargamel is for a whole year. To that Gargamel stopped. Everyone then found some wild fruit called Autumn olives. Nobody had ever seen them before, but it was a new wild edible to add to their books. Gargamel did not like them, they were very astringent. And then, everyone went back to the hotel. But then, Gargamel took them out again. This is because he then was reading up on the autumn olives, and found out that they were extremely medicinal. That is when he didn't care whether he liked their taste or not, he was going to eat them anyway for the health benefits. Along the way there, they ran into some hop plants. Gargamel then took some. He had intentions to use magic to turn them into beer to drink to celebrate the night. Mother nature was upset by this. Eventually, they were finding a bunch of four-leaf clovers in a really dense patch of clover they found in a meadow.

August 10-11
The last night of being at Bedford was a rough one. As Gargamel intended to, he used his magic during the evening to turn the hops into beer. He then started chugging the beer. He got severely drunk, and the beer really began to make him sick, because it wasn't agreeing with something he ate earlier. This then caused Gargamel to start throwing up at about midnight. This gave Mother Nature another reason to cut the vacation a night early. Because Gargamel was then sick through the whole night, everyone was up late again. "Naturally I've had it, other than stargazing, there's hardly anything to do here, Gargamel is sick, and naturally the full moon is going to mess with our stargazing anyway, because it's going to make Gargamel change into a werewolf, and make a bright sky because it is a super moon. I don't have to deal with him, because he would be a dangerous beast, considering that I forgot the kind beast potion for this month's full moon. It's back at home naturally, so we have no choice but to go home early, otherwise Bedford could be in some serious trouble, and a massacre could start. Naturally I promise once it gets dark and we get home, that naturally we will see the perseids peak at the cemetery at home. I know naturally you guys wanted to see it here, but naturally we can't. Because Gargamel is going to be a werewolf without a kind of beast potion, and that causes problems."

August 11 (day)
Because of being sick, Gargamel had not slept since he woke up at dawn on August 10th, he had not slept in 30 hours. Of course, with the full moon keeping him up later, and busy packing and stuff during the day, he would end up being up for a total of 60 hours, a thing he had never done in a long long time, since long before he joined the sleepover. He was continually throwing up, and not to mention he also developed diarrhea as morning came. That is when Patrick finally agreed with Mother Nature that it was time to go back home. "If Gargamel's this sick, he needs medicine. And unfortunately, since I was not prepared for anyone to get sick on this trip, all of the medicine is at home. We have to go home, Mother Nature is right, we have no choice, and Gargamel being very sick and needing medicine gives us just another reason."Patrick said. So everyone packed up their things, Gargamel cried, as he did not want to leave Bedford again, but Mother Nature said if he would not get home, he would be very sick for a long time, and that she would also punish him by making it cloudy for a year. When they got home, Gargamel got his medicine and was feeling better. However he still was a little sick with a headache from the influence of the full moon.
August 11-12
It was good to be back in pittsburgh, but nobody could enjoy the dark night sky like they did in Bedford here, because of the light pollution and the full moon. Speaking of the full moon, it made Gargamel change, but Mother Nature gave him a kind beast potion before he saw the moon. He kept everyone up for a fourth night straight, but everyone was so tired that they just collapsed like they were falling into a coma by midnight. Gargamel knew he could not wake them up because they were so deep asleep at 3:00 in the morning. So he decided to find a way to do so. He built a large microphone that could make his voice really loud. He then yelled his Orion joke into it and woke everyone up, unfortunately the neighbor as well, so everyone had to sneak out without being caught by the neighbor to get to the cemetery. But everyone wound up dozing off there as well. But then they woke up to Orion rising, and mother nature woke up to it as well, and she was really mad. Gargamel yelled his joke the whole way back home, and especially more so once he caught sight of Saiph when they were walking down the street to get home. "Oh, finally, I've seen every single star in Orion for the first time since April! Yes yes yes! And he looks like a man sitting on the toilet!"Gargamel exclaimed. And since he noticed that nautical twilight hadn't even started yet, and that Saiph was visible and pretty high in the sky, he was planning to get everyone up early on August 13th to take astrophotography of Orion. Mother Nature knew this wasn't going to end well, because everyone is still tired, and because Gargamel would finally have a picture of Orion to say his joke. Gargamel then looked at the star maps for that night, and found out that Sirius was briefly visible. He then found a reason to keep everyone up even more. However, he knew Sirius wouldn't be better visible until next week, and he saw that Wednesday next week was going to have a clear night, so he planned to get everyone up early. Unfortunately, that would be getting very close to the start of the school year, which means he would affect their preparations for the school year. But Mother Nature knew he would do this as he would every year, because Sirius' return always coincides so close to the start of the school year, that Gargamel would always mess with everyone getting back on the regular sleeping schedules for the school year, and that during the school year he would continue affecting their sleeping schedules. She knew that and in the next several weeks, in fact, next few months, with the sun rises getting later and later, and Sirius and Orion rising earlier and earlier, that Gargamel would easily for the weeks in September and October want to get everyone up at least at 4 in the morning to see Orion and Sirius every morning it's clear.

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