June 4-5

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The first anniversary of the first Twilight time lapse was this coming Monday. Gargamel wanted to record Twilight as close to the anniversary as possible. He wanted to record it the weekend they were staying at Patrick's parents house so that they could celebrate the anniversary by getting a new video recording of the Twilight time lapse from there. They went stargazing in the evening, and they saw Scorpius through Gemini in the zodiac. Eventually, they went out for a couple of minutes after midnight, to see Sagittarius and maybe a star in Capricorn, as well as the whole summer triangle now fully risen. Everyone was excited to record Twilight, as last year on the they they first record Twilight, they could see Jupiter and Saturn. This year, they had got one brief glimpse of Saturn only, and no glimpses of Jupiter yet. Jupiter and Saturn were in the Sun for the most part of the year, until the calendar flipped to May. They could also see Mars, but that was now an evening Sky object, and they did get sight of that. Also in the evening viewings, they saw Venus as well. The evening star! It was the first perfect view of the evening star sent it was the Morning Star months ago. In fact, nobody had seen Venus in 7 months. However everyone got a low-lying glimpse of Venus in May, so they hadn't seen Venus for 6 months. But they hadn't had a few this good for seven months. Gargamel got the idea to stay up all night, and have butter noodles for a nice early breakfast. Gargamel was obsessed with this nice early breakfast thing, and under Patrick's Aunt Peggy's rules, nobody can cook in her house except her, and nobody can be out of bed that early in the morning, so Gargamel could not have a nice early breakfast, and he could not keep it in, and wanted to have a nice early breakfast at 2:30 in the morning. He kept taking people on to make better noodles or something. Then when they let him make it, he decided to slip some margarine instead of butter in the noodles, since Patrick's mother was on a special diet, not knowing that the margarine would make the butter noodles taste disgusting and make everybody sick. Everyone got sick from eating his dish, and therefore he would be recording Twilight and stargazing on his own. He promised everyone he did a photograph of Saturn in the telescope so that they could see its beautiful rings. He also promised to get a picture of Jupiter's red spot in the telescope if possible. Gargamel then went outside, so he could go stargazing. Earlier in June 4th, Gargamel is all so happy that mulberries were right. He could not wait to make a yummy Mulberry pie the next day, after of course, since he was going to be up all night to record Twilight, he would take a hour or two long nap. Though he promised while he was recording Twilight, early in the morning like the mulberry bush nursery rhyme states to go around the mulberry tree instead of the mulberry bush to get mulberries early in the morning. However the nursery rhyme does not mention picking the mulberries. However Gargamel knew, from the first verse of the nursery rhyme, that picking mulberries early in the morning would be wise. Therefore like they did last year with Mulberry season, since it coincided with their Twilight time lapse obsession, they would pick mulberries at 5:30 to 6 in the morning. Eventually, it was time to start the twilight time lapse and it was already 3:30. Everyone was up till 5:30, and everyone saw the teapot asterism of the zodiac of sagittarius. They also saw the other zodiacs of Gemini through Scorpio earlier. They also saw some stars in Capricorn and Aquarius as well. Pisces and Aries were returning to the morning sky as well. Patrick however, was disappointed that he couldn't see the very few naked eye stars in his own zodiac constellation very well, because they weren't very reliable, as they only Rose a couple hours before astronomical Twilight started. They Rose only about like 2:00 in the morning. However, this didn't deter Patrick from seeing the crescent moon, but he didn't notice any of his zodiac stars. However gargamel kept ranting about his zodiac while Scorpius was up, he was born on halloween, and was a scorpius, and he didn't agree with that, because he had arachnophobia. And arachnids include scorpions. They also included ticks and spiders and that stuff. Mother nature made everyone go to bed at 5:30. Then she took care of the rest of the time lapse, and she wanted to finish it when they sleep over people woke up. The sleepover people woke up at 10:30, mother nature thought they woke with the morning light, but while they were sleeping for that 5 hours, she went to pick mulberries early in the morning for gargamel since he was asleep, watch the Sun as it got higher in the sky, and imagined what it would be like to see the solar eclipse in a couple days, and tried to search for a spot to see it. She knew, that despite Patrick's mom doesn't like them going out before Patrick's dad gets home from work when he's not off, and not to be alone, she knows that Patrick will want to see this partial solar eclipse that was coming up. However it will be low on the horizon before it ended, so therefore it would be tricky to find a perfect place to see it. Should they manage to see it, it will be there third solar eclipse, at least for patrick, but in the time of the sleepover, there has been one other solar eclipse in the united states, one in 2017 that was even better in Pittsburgh than this one will be. However this one will still be a half covered son. Meanwhile up in Greenland in the north pole, there will be an annular solar eclipse. Mother nature wished she could use her magic to teleport them there for just an hour or so they could see the annulus in the Ring of fire eclipse. However she did not want to teleport them to the north pole, as she then thought that her cousin, Santa Claus would think they'd be coming to steal the being made presents. Especially if he'd have drank too much alcohol infused eggnog. When he drinks alcohol infused eggnog, he gets drunk. Mother nature doesn't like to be near him when that happens. Nor does Father Time, her older brother. While not older brother, she calls him brother, but really their friends. Father time was unable to believe how fast his Time creations went, and he hated how in his timely creations, that in summer the nights were only 9 hours long. He loved seeing stars, just like the other sleepover people, not only was it sucky to have 9 hour long nights, but Orion was gone. However mother nature on the other hand was happy Orion was gone for now, as gargamel would not say his Orion is a man sitting on the toilet joke. Everyone enjoyed looking at the stars, but clouds ruined the toilet time lapse, and they plan to pull up another all nighter, but sleep during the day, because they knew what happened the last time they recorded Twilight once early in the morning one day and then that next night's pulled up an all-nighter, and then was up the next day all day. Therefore they decided to sleep during the day, and be up by night. The last day of school for patrick, was on monday, unfortunately they couldn't record Twilight on that day. However, plans for next year are in the making, since that was the first anniversary, and the in the case of next year, second anniversary of the first Twilight recording that occurred more than 30 chapters ago in the story, and in time, two years ago by then. They wanted to do it on the morning as close to June 7th as possible. It appeared that June 6th in the morning was as close as they would get, the very final sunrise they would see before the sunrise that would be the first anniversary of that twilight recording.

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