August 23

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Everyone got up to see the star Sirius early, including Gargamel. Gargamel got to see it. He said " what's that star? It's Sirius!" Mother Nature said " naturally calm down before I make the star engulfed in the fog." To that Gargamel stopped, but then started his jokes. Now that both his favorite things were back, his jokes started. " Are you Siriusly Sirius, Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet, and Sirius is sniffing him because Sirius is a dog in the K9 and Orion did something illegal." To that Mother Nature Made it foggy at Sunrise so that Gargamel could not see the way home. She punished him by making him stranded out there for the morning. Mother Nature was Furious that Gargamel said Are you Siriusly Sirius at the very first minute he saw the star. She was also mad that he said that Orion looks like a man sitting on the toilet. However unfortunately, everyone managed to stay up till 6:30 for once, the sleepover people went to get their morning slushies. Just like they did when they recorded Twilight. However her fog creation got them stuck in a thick fog, a real pea-souper. Therefore instead of half an hour to get home and took them nearly an hour and a half. Mother Nature felt sorry for making this happen. Gargamel was so happy to have seen the star Sirius so much, that he was saying his joke the whole way there, from when they left when they got back. Mother Nature became Furious, then Gargamel to say his Orion is a man sitting on the toilet joke. Now Mother Nature was more than Furious, she was super Mega Ultra duper super duper mega Ultra super duper angry, or to put it in shorter words, angrier than she's ever been in her life. Mother nature yelled in Gargamel's face so loud that everyone could hear her even if they were a mile away. Or maybe they could even hear it from 5 miles away. Gargamel immediately stopped, and then Mother Nature said he wouldn't be allowed to see stars for the whole night. She then said that Gargamel also isn't allowed to see Orion and Sirius if they're in the sky for a whole month. To that, Gargamel pulled up pictures of Orion and Sirius and continued. Mother Nature became so angry that she just went for a walk to calm down.

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